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Overwatch Retail Patch Notes – November 5, 2019

A new patch is now live on Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Read below to learn more about the latest changes.

To share your feedback, please post in the General Discussion forum
For a list of known issues, visit our Bug Report forum.
For troubleshooting assistance, visit our Technical Support forum.


New Gameplay Option: High Precision Mouse Input

Enabling this option will allow Overwatch to use your mouse's native polling rate when determining exactly where to shoot. Note: There may be a slight performance cost to enabling this option. More details can be found here.


General Updates

  • Starting with Season 19, we are moving the beginning (and end) of competitive play seasons from the 1st of every other month, to the first Thursday of every other month. We will also be starting the season later in the day to better correspond with developer availability during the day. Season 19 now starts on November 7, at 18:00 UTC (10:00 PST, 13:00 EST).
  • We will also be introducing a rotating, seasonal Map Pool to competitive play starting with Season 19. The initial map pool for Season 19 has 12 maps, with 3 of each game mode. Future competitive seasons will see maps rotating in and out of the pool, providing each season with a different experience and identity. Information about the current maps available in the map pool is available by opening the information panel of the Competitive Play card.

Season 19 Map Pool:

  • Assault: Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries
  • Hybrid: Hollywood, King's Row, Eichenwald
  • Control: Nepal, Lijiang Tower, Busan
  • Escort: Dorado, Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Havana


New Workshop Features:

  • Variable Renaming
  • Increased number of allowed variables up to 128
  • Autosave Preset

New Workshop Values:

  • Custom String
  • All Tank Heroes
  • All Support Heroes
  • All Damage Heroes
  • Map
  • Current Map



  • Mei's Icewall, Baptiste's Immortality Field, and Sigma's Gravitic Flux will now more heavily prefer edges over placing as far away as possible


Biotic Launcher

  • Recovery decreased from 0.45 to 0.36 seconds
  • Random spread removed
  • Damage falloff range now begins at 25 meters, up from 20


Molten Core

  • Cost reduced 10%



  • Fixed a bug that made it not possible to bind Left-Click to forward movement
  • An appropriate error now appears when trying to accept a friend request after you have reached your limit
  • Fixed a bug with spectating that caused "Next Player" and "Previous Player" controls to be reversed when using a controller
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes explosion effects would not play for projectiles (like Pharah Rockets or Junkrat Grenades)


  • Fixed an issue preventing the Balanced Mystery Heroes preset from including Sigma
  • Fixed issues preventing Dummy Bots from being used in Elimination
  • Fixed an issue preventing the Communicate action from working on Dummy Bots
  • “Is Dummy Bot” now returns the correct value when given an argument other than “Event Player”
  • Fixed an issue preventing ray casts from colliding with certain objects
  • Fixed issues with certain colors not working properly with HUD Text, In-World Text, and Create Icon
  • Fixed an issue preventing Set Objective Description from working
  • Fixed some discrepancies with Point Capture Percentage between certain modes
  • Fixed an issue preventing rules from being properly disabled if the player target was a hero
  • Fixed an issue preventing Soldier: 76 dummy bots from being able to Sprint
  • Fixed an issue preventing null entities returned from Ray Cast Hit Player from being equivalent to null
  • Fixed an issue preventing Disallow Button from disabling the Interact Button
  • Fixed a bug where accessing other menus while in the Workshop caused any recent unsaved changes to be lost


  • Volskaya - Removed a gap in the walls near point B that allowed D.Va bombs to kill players behind walls
  • Nepal: Sanctum - Removed a tiny gap in the windows near the capture point on Nepal: Sanctum that allowed D.Va bombs to kill players behind walls



  • Fixed a bug that caused Ana's legs to twitch when her Pharaoh skin is equipped
  • Fixed a bug where the syringe would be visually missing in her Sleep Dart pistol after the first use


  • Fixed a bug where Seismic Slam's damage indicator was overlapping the reticle if a custom reticle was being used


  • Fixed a bug that could cause the wrong icon to display in the kill feed when D.Va denies an enemy's ultimate with her Defense Matrix


  • Fixed a bug that could cause Moira's Right-Click sound to be behind you rather than in front


  • Fixed a bug where Chain Hook could sometimes incorrectly connect with Symmetra's Teleporter, Ashe's Dynamite, and Junkrat's Steel Trap and Concussion Mine


  • Fixed a bug where Sombra rarely would not properly translocate to a payload

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Overwatch Retail Patch Notes – October 24, 2019

A new patch is now live on Windows PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 4. Read below to learn more about the latest changes.

To share your feedback, please post in the General Discussion forum
For a list of known issues, visit our Bug Report forum.
For troubleshooting assistance, visit our Technical Support forum.


Warcraft III: Reforged Spoils of War Edition – Battle-Wrought Rewards

If you’ve purchased the Warcraft III: Reforged Spoils of War Edition, a flurry of new rewards will be available to you!

  • Player Icons - 5 Unique player icons, each one inspired by the classic box covers of Warcraft III
  • Sprays - 4 Unique, animated sprays, each one inspired by the base unit for each race



  • Made stability improvements
  • Fixed some bugs that could cause sounds to play incorrectly on dual-core PCs



  • Warlock Skin - Adjusted Ashe's weapon sight visual to make it less obtrusive


  • Fixed a bug that where hacking Orisa's Supercharger twice in a row caused it to become unhacked

Continue reading...


Overwatch Retail Patch Notes – October 15, 2019

A new patch is now live on Windows PC. Read below to learn more about the latest changes.

To share your feedback, please post in the General Discussion forum
For a list of known issues, visit our Bug Report forum.
For troubleshooting assistance, visit our Technical Support forum.


The fright for the future returns!

We’re celebrating the scariest time of the year with a seasonal event: Overwatch Halloween Terror! Expand your collection of spooky gear and relive the chilling tale of Junkenstein's Revenge in our limited-time PvE brawl. Overcome weekly challenges with wins in Quick Play, Competitive Play, or Arcade to earn a series of uniquely chilling rewards!

You'll also be able to unlock new seasonal items—including new legendary skins like Pharaoh Ana, Warlock Ashe, and Will-o’-Wisp Tracer—to add to our growing collection from previous years.

Learn more about Halloween Terror here.


The Arcade has been expanded to 7 cards, to better handle its increasing variety of game modes.


Season 2 of Competitive 3v3 Lockout Elimination has begun.


We’re celebrating 25 years of Azeroth’s past at this year’s BlizzCon—and to mark this legendary occasion, we’ve created a pair legendary Overwatch skins representing two iconic Warcraft heroes. Prepare to seek vengeance against your opponents with Illidan Genji, and call upon the power of the (hard-)light of Elune as Tyrande Symmetra! These new Legendary Overwatch skins are available to BlizzCon attendees and BlizzCon Virtual Ticket holders.



Defense Matrix

  • Regeneration rate increased from 12.5% to 16% per second
  • Delay before regeneration begins lowered from 1 second to 0.75 seconds

Developer Comment: This change will allow D.Va to absorb more damage over time, while still keeping the maximum duration she can absorb at one time the same.


Protective Barrier

  • Cooldown increased from 9 to 10 seconds

Developer Comment: Orisa’s barrier is often too difficult to deal with. This increased cooldown will make it more reasonable to destroy it before she can place another one.


Scrap Gun

  • Ammunition increased from 5 to 6.

Developer Comment: Roadhog is one of the best heroes at breaking down barriers quickly, but often he would be out of ammo and unable to capitalize on a barrier being destroyed. This change gives him more opportunities to poke at these high health targets and still having extra shots to threaten the enemy.


Kinetic Grasp

  • No longer blocks Chain Hook and Whip Shot

Gravitic Flux

  • High gravity effect duration reduced from 1.2 to 0.9 seconds

Experimental Barrier

  • Regeneration rate reduced from 175 to 150 per second
  • Now has a 1 second cooldown after recalling the barrier
  • Initial 0.2 second cast time removed

Developer Comment: Sigma can often feel difficult to counter since he can so quickly reposition his shield and use Kinetic Grasp to block from other directions. We’re opening up some weaknesses in these abilities to allow for more counter play from his enemies.


Barrier Projector

  • Duration increased from 6 to 9 seconds
  • Health increased from 600 to 700

Developer Comment: Winston’s barrier often feels unreliable as a protection tool since it can be destroyed so quickly. Raising the health and duration should allow for him to apply pressure and protect his team more consistently.


Immortality Field

  • Health decreased from 250 to 200

Developer Comment: Immortality Field is a very strong ability with its weakness being that it is destroyable. We’re lowered the health of the device so that its can be countered more easily.



  • Speed boost's effect increased from 20% to 25%

Amp It Up

  • Speed boost's amplification increased from 50% to 60%

Wall Ride

  • Speed buff reduced from 40% to 30%

Developer Comment: Lucio has had previous reductions to his speed that were put in place to reduce his effectiveness when boosting more than 2 tanks. Now that this is no longer possible, he is gaining some of his speed back. The Wall Ride change is there to counteract the increase in speed, so it should feel the same as it did before the change.



  • The extra beams created by Valkyrie now ignore enemy barriers

Developer Comment: This change will make Valkyrie makes Mercy’s beams consistent with how they work outside of the ultimate.


Biotic Grasp

  • Self-healing reduced from 30 to 20 health per second

Developer Comment: Moira’s dueling capability is a bit too strong, so we’re reducing the self-healing gain from her Biotic Grasp to make it more reasonable to fight against her alone.


Rocket Punch

  • Time to reach max charge increased from 1 to 1.4 seconds

The Best Defense…

  • Shield health gained per hit reduced from 35 to 30

Developer Comment: We’re increasing Doomfist’s charge time for Rocket Punch to give players more warning when he is charging this powerful ability. We’re also reducing the shield health gain from his passive ability to weaken how much damage he can soak while dishing out his own.



  • Cooldown increased from 4 to 6 seconds
  • Cooldown now begins immediately upon deploying the beacon or if it is killed by an enemy

Developer Comment: Having the Translocator cooldown begin right when it is thrown allows Sombra more flexibility in how she can use it. For example, she can now often redeploy it instantly after teleporting to it, or quickly destroy and reposition it while sneaking around. The cooldown has been increased to compensate for this change.


Photon Barrier

  • Duration reduced from 15 to 12 seconds
  • Health reduced from 5000 to 4000

Sentry Turret

  • Damage per second reduced from 50 to 40

Photon Projector

  • Players impacted by the primary fire beam should now hear a louder impact sound

Developer Comment: The duration of Photon Barrier was too high considering its impact on a battle. Recent changes have seen large increases in Symmetra’s overall damage output, so we’re reducing her turret damage in lieu of making further damage adjustments to her Photon Projector.


Pulse Pistols

  • Damage falloff now starts at 13 meters, up from 10 meters

Developer Comment: This change will allow Tracer to play from slightly further away from her targets, allowing her to stay safer while still keeping pressure on her enemies.



  • Fixed a player profile issue preventing hero win percentages from being displayed for competitive arcade mode seasons



  • Fixed a bug with Brigitte's Rally checking line of sight from her feet instead of from her head
  • Fixed a bug with Inspire's position being affected by the player’s aim pitch


  • Fixed a bug that could cause Doomfist's Rocket Punch to not travel forward if he was sliding along a wall while airborne
  • Fixed a bug that caused Rocket Punch to briefly stop all movement on a Fortified Orisa
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Doomfist to use Meteor Strike before taking impact damage from Sigma’s Gravitic Flux


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Sigma's Gravitic Flux to ignore line of sight through some ceilings


  • Fixed a bug with EMP's position being affected by player’s aim pitch


  • Fixed a bug that caused Winston’s Barrier Projector to not consistently play its destroyed visual effects

Continue reading...


Overwatch Retail Patch Notes – September 24, 2019

A new patch is now live on Windows PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 4. Read below to learn more about the latest changes.

To share your feedback, please post in the General Discussion forum
For a list of known issues, visit our Bug Report forum.
For troubleshooting assistance, visit our Technical Support forum.



  • Reverted edge-placement change for ground targeted abilities (Reaper's Shadowstep, Mei's Icewall, Symmetra's Teleporter, etc)



  • Made changes to improve game stability


  • Paris - Fixed a bug that allowed players to shoot through one of the spawn doors



  • Brick Bastion Skin – Updated muzzle flash VFX

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Overwatch Retail Patch Notes – September 17, 2019

A new patch is now live on Windows PC. Read below to learn more about the latest changes.

To share your feedback, please post in the General Discussion forum
For a list of known issues, visit our Bug Report forum.
For troubleshooting assistance, visit our Technical Support forum.


Bastion’s Brick Challenge

Get ready to play with Bastion’s Brick Challenge and some special, unlockable in-game content! Wins in Quick Play, Competitive Play, or Arcade will earn you themed sprays, player icons, and a new legendary skin: Brick Bastion!

Tune in to participating Twitch broadcasters while they’re playing Overwatch any time through 9/30 to earn a total of seven Bastion’s Brick Challenge sprays and icons!

To learn more about Bastion’s Brick Challenge, click here.



  • Ground targeted abilities (Reaper’s Shadowstep, Mei’s Icewall, Symmetra’s Teleporter, etc) will now more heavily prefer edges over placing as far away as possible.



  • Self-repair no longer consumes resource while Bastion is at full health
  • Bastion now correctly initiates 0.25 sec of recovery time when canceling Self-Repair by firing


Primary Fire

  • Beam width lowered from 0.3 meters to 0.2
  • Beam DPS per level lowered from 65/130/195 to 60/120/180


Primary Fire

  • Beam width is now 0.15 meters and no longer scales with energy
  • Max Beam DPS lowered from 190 to 170


Hyper Spheres

  • Explosion damaged reduced from 35 to 30

Experimental Barrier

  • Added a toggle option for deploying Sigma’s Experimental Barrier
  • Being hacked by Sombra will now recall his barrier if it is deployed. (EMP will still destroy the barrier first if both are in range)


  • Explosion damage increased from 50 to 60

Gravitic Flux

  • Intro cast time increased from 0.4 seconds to 0.6

New Workshop actions:

  • Create Dummy Bot
    • Creates a dummy bot, which is a full player that has no human or AI controlling it. Using other Workshop actions, dummy bots can move, aim, press buttons, and do most things that human players can do.
  • Destroy Dummy Bot
    • Destroys a dummy bot.
  • Start Throttle In Direction
    • Either sets or modifies the throttle (directional movement input) for a given player (human, AI bot, or dummy bot).
  • Stop Throttle In Direction
    • Stops the change to throttle being caused by Start Throttle In Direction.
  • Create Beam Effect
    • Creates a beam effect between two positions (either or both of which may be a player).

New parameters to existing Workshop actions:

  • Create HUD Text
    • New SpectatorVisibility option for defining when spectators can see the text.
    • New colors have been added to Text Color.
  • Create In-World Text
    • New SpectatorVisibility option for defining when spectators can see the text.
    • New colors have been added to Text Color.
  • Create Effect and Play Effect
    • New colors have been added.

New Workshop value:

  • Is Dummy Bot
    • Whether a given player is a dummy bot.

New Workshop Inspector features:

  • Copy current variables to CSV [PC-Only] :
    • Copies the currently visible variables to the system clipboard in CSV format. These can be pasted into text and spreadsheet applications.
  • Copy all variables to CSV [PC-Only] :
    • Copies all variables throughout the Inspector history for the currently selected entity to the system clipboard in CSV format. These can be pasted into text and spreadsheet applications.
  • Copy current variables as actions:
    • Copies the currently visible variables to the clipboard in Workshop text format. These can be pasted back into a Workshop action list.


  • Workshop - Fixed a bug that caused the "Enable Workshop Inspector" option not to reset when using Restore Defaults
  • Workshop - The "Is Firing Primary" Workshop value now correctly reports whether Sigma is using his Hyperspheres
  • Fixed an issue where killing D.Va's mech via Environment kill would not always grant the full amount of ult charge
  • Fixed an issue where knockbacks would sometimes be shorter than intended if the target was moving down an incline
  • Players should no longer get stuck inviting players when using 'Stay As Team' feature
  • Attempting to save a highlight without sufficient disk space now displays an appropriate error message
  • Fixed an issue where the first person camera would be incorrectly offset when switching heroes in some workshop scenarios
  • Competitive arcade season ratings now display a skill rating in the career profile
  • Season 1 competitive end ratings now show correctly in leaderboards



  • Fixed a bug that allowed Moira's Biotic Orb to pass through the attacker's spawn door



  • Improved the ability for B.O.B. to get through doorways and more consistently make it to where he was launched towards


  • Fixed a bug where Bastion was not entering a recovery state when immediately firing weapons after Self-Repair is used


  • Fixed a bug with Brigitte’s Repair Pack cooldown scalar not working in custom games


  • Fixed a bug that allowed D.Va's mech to block Earthshatter briefly during the destruction animation


  • Fixed a bug that caused Hanzo's bow to flicker when switching to Sonic Arrow, when certain skins were equipped


  • Fixed an issue where knockbacks applied to enemies moving down ramps would not knock back as far as intended.


  • Fixed a bug where Mercy could sometimes mispredict being able to Guardian Angel to a teammate who had died behind a wall.


  • Fixed a bug that caused players to be thrown further than intended when escaping the pulling effect of Orisa's Halt


  • Fixed a bug that caused the first-person animations for Kinetic Grasp, Accretion, Experimental Barrier return/retract, and primary fire not to play correctly when used immediately after being frozen
  • Fixed a bug that caused Hyperspheres to appear without any VFX or animation after letting the cast timer on Gravitic Flux expire
  • Fixed a bug that incorrectly allowed Sigma to gain shields after absorbing a healing orb from Moira with his Kinetic Grasp
  • Corrected various Sigma team color visual effects
  • Fixed a bug with Sigma’s Damage Blocked average per 10 min not appearing in career profile


  • Fixed a bug with Sombra detection radius being affected by player aim pitch

Wrecking Ball

  • Fixed an issue preventing Wrecking Ball specific stats from showing up in the Career Profile
  • Fixed a bug with adaptive shields area being affected by aim pitch


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Zenyatta from using a Teleporter while Transcendence is active

Continue reading...


JUNE 18, 2019

Baptiste's Reunion Challenge

We’re bringing Baptiste's journey in the short story “What You Left Behind” to Overwatch with some special, unlockable in-game content. Wins in Quick Play, Competitive Play, or Arcade will all earn you themed sprays, a player icon, and a new epic skin – MEDIC BAPTISTE! Tune in to participating Twitch broadcasters while they’re playing Overwatch anytime through July 2 to earn six Baptiste's Reunion Challenge sprays! To learn more about Baptiste's Reunion Challenge, click here.

New Feature: Replays

Experience your past Overwatch games from a whole new perspective with Replays. Replays allows you to watch your ten most recent matches from any vantage point. Whether you want a first-person, third-person, or bird's-eye view, you can see it all with this tool. Hone your strategies by slowing down or speeding up the game to see exactly how a critical moment played out, get a better view of the action from above, or even turn off the UI completely. Learn more about Replays: Blizz.ly/OverwatchReplays



Developer Comments Given the dual nature of Baptiste’s weapon, he ends up having to reload often. We’re increasing the amount of ammo he has to work with so he can get more firing time while healing. Similarly, increasing the duration of Amplification Matrix will allow allies more time to get into position to make use of it.

Biotic Launcher

  • Increased heal ammo from 10 to 12.
Amplification Matrix

  • Ultimate duration increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds.


Developer Comments Defense Matrix is a very powerful defensive ability and can often feel oppressive from far away. Reducing the range on it will require D.Va to position herself more carefully to take advantage of its effects.

Defense Matrix

  • Reduced length of Defense Matrix from 15 meters to 10 meters.


Developer Comments On average, McCree’s damage output wasn’t quite making up for the relatively low mobility or utility in his kit. Reducing his weapon’s recovery time improves the potential damage output without affecting the number of successful shots to kill an enemy.


  • Primary fire recovery reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.42 seconds.


Developer Comments Orisa has one of the longest weapon reloads and interrupting it to deploy a new barrier felt too disruptive to her gameplay. This change allows her to reload as needed while still being able to protect herself and her team.

Protective Barrier

  • Barrier can be deployed without interrupting reload.


Developer Comments This is primarily a quality of life improvement as it was possible to create a teleporter that Symmetra was unable to interact with unless she moved toward it.


  • Teleporter interact range increased from 1 meter to 1.5 meters.


Developer Comments The combined damage output of Torbjörn’s secondary fire with his Overload ability was too high given his recently increased survivability.

Rivet Gun

  • Secondary Fire damage per pellet reduced from 12.5 to 10.5 (105 dmg total per shot).

Developer Comments: Assault match lengths are averaging higher than we're happy with, particularly in Competitive where there are multiple rounds. We're also concerned with how often Offense fully captures Point A and Point B. Reducing the round time from 8 to 7 minutes should address both these concerns, as less overall time rewards better Defense.

Additionally, sometimes Defenders fight late with good intentions at Point A and end up staggered from their team when A falls, leaving their team with uneven footing to defend a rush to B. In these situations, temporarily lowering the respawn time to get those Defenders back with their team should be a better match experience and doesn't punish players so harshly for wanting to defend Point A.


  • Time awarded for capturing Point A on all Assault maps has been reduced from 4 minutes to 3 minutes.
  • Upon losing Point A, any defenders that are dead, or that die shortly thereafter, will have a maximum respawn of 3.5 seconds.


  • Visual update applied
  • Check boxes added to support operations on multiple conditions/actions/rules.
  • You can now disable conditions/actions/rules without deleting them.
  • (PC) When copying conditions/actions/rules, the contents will also be copied to your clipboard in a text format.
  • (PC) When pasting conditions/actions/rules, the editor will use the text from your clipboard.
  • Increased maximum number of effects from 64 -> 128.
  • Added ‘Modify Global Variable At Index’.
  • Added ‘Modify Player Variable At Index’.

  • Communication Wheel: “Acknowledge” pings triggered through the Communication Wheel can now target objectives.
  • Fixed a bug where explosions could play in the wrong position if a mispredicted impact happened on the client.
  • Fixed an issue where some UI effects weren't being properly colored when color blind settings are set on console.
  • Tutorial: Weapon UI is now hidden until your weapon is available.
  • Havana PvP – Fixed a bug that could cause the payload to get stuck leaving the Distillery checkpoint.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Play of the Game animation to be cut off before it ends.
  • Fixed a bug that could limit the number of effects displayed on screen at the same time.
  • Custom Game: Fixed a bug where AI Soldier: 76 wouldn’t fire his Helix Rocket at the same target twice.
  • Custom Game: Fixed an issue where ‘Nearest Walkable Position’ would use a location in a spawn room instead of the specified location when the spawn room doors were closed.
  • Custom Game: Fixed a bug that could cause AI Soldier: 76 to be unable to use Biotic Field.
  • Custom Game: Fixed a bug where disabling primary fire doesn't disable it for transform effects like Hanzo's Storm Arrows, Genji's Dragonblade, Soldier: 76's Tactical Visor, Torbjörn's Molten Core, Bastion's Configuration: Tank, and Winston's Primal Rage.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra and D.Va from using their Ultimate abilities when using the ‘Set Ultimate Charge’ action to grant 100% Ultimate charge.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from focusing on the Rule checkbox when using a controller.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the "Stop holding button" from clearing the action when using a wait before the action.
  • Fixed a bug that caused players to always be returned to the Custom Game Browser when backing out of any game, if the player had been to the Custom Game Browser previously.
  • Fixed a bug that forced Console Players to press the button twice when attempting to enter a numerical value when using a controller. Console Players are now able to bring up the virtual keyboard for manual numerical entry via one button press when using controller.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause variable values displayed in the Inspector to fail to update after making changes and restarting the match.


  • Anti-Heal will be cleared when Sombra uses her translocator to teleport.


  • Fixed a bug that caused Ana's shot sound effects to be played on Baptiste when his Immortality Field is hit by her Primary Fire.


  • Enemy barriers now block line-of-sight for Brigitte's Rally.
  • Fixed a bug where armor damage mitigation was too effective when multiple instances of armor were stacked on top of each other.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Doomfist to access out-of-bounds areas of the the Havana map during his ultimate.
  • Fixed an issue where Doomfist's Rocket Punch would sometimes impact stairs.
  • Fixed issue where Doomfist's Seismic Slam was not showing its electricity effect on affected entities.
  • Fixed a bug that could result in Seismic Slam not hitting targets when it should.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Genji’s damage boost from being applied to deflected projectiles.


  • Fixed a bug that caused Hanzo's targeting reticle to appear on kill cam for players killed by his Dragonstrike Ultimate.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Hanzo's hands to clip into his legs during the Meditate emote on several skins (Cyberninja, Lone Wolf, Scion, Young Master).


  • Fixed a bug that prevented portions of Lucio's 2019 Pacific All-Stars skin from being visible in highlight and in-game portraits.


  • Fixed a bug that caused Supercharger to self-destruct when placed in certain locations.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Roadhog's hook to function when he was hacked by Sombra.


  • Translocator will now escape slippery surfaces more easily and not be able to be stuck to them.
  • Fixed an issue where a material effect on Sombra’s hair would cause it to cast a shadow while invisible.


  • Resolved an issue where Enemy and Friendly UI color options were incorrectly being applied to Symmetra’s Photon Barrier.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented some of Torbjörn's visual effects from being applied when he used Overload with certain skins equipped.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Torbjörn's turret to sometimes destroy itself.

Continue reading...


MAY 21, 2019

New Seasonal Event: Overwatch Anniversary 2019

Celebrate Overwatch’s third anniversary with brand new items, including Legendary and Epic skins like Riot Police Brigitte, Academy D.Va, Carbon Fiber Doomfist, Honeydew Mei, Orbital Pharah, Gargoyle Winston, and many more! Did you miss any Overwatch festivities over the previous years? Don’t worry—you’ll be able to unlock items from past events using credits (or by opening Loot Boxes!) Relive the thrill of previous seasonal brawls in the Arcade, with a brawl of the day rotating throughout the Anniversary celebration. Thank you so much for playing Overwatch with us over the past three years! Your continued support and enthusiasm help drive us to keep creating. We look forward to celebrating with you in-game!


We’re excited to share a new in-game feature called the Workshop! The Workshop greatly expands the game customization features available in the Game Browser by providing a simplified game scripting system. Enhance the Overwatch game modes you know and love with new game rules, new victory conditions, adjustments to the hero movement and abilities, and much more. Once you’ve designed an awesome new game mode, create a code to share it with your friends or the whole community*! To get started using the Workshop, see our Workshop blog post. We’re excited to see what you come up with! (* Codes created in China cannot be shared with the rest of the world. Codes created outside of China can’t be used by players in China.) Note that Workshop is a complex feature that we’re still iterating on, so we may need to adjust or turn it off as we work to improve it. Please post any questions or issues in the Workshop forum.



Immortality Field

  • If it lands on a moving platform, it will move along with the platform
Wrecking Ball


  • If a mine lands on a moving platform, it will move along with the platform

Plays of the Game

  • Improved the kill cameras during the Play of the Game replay to better match what happened in-game

  • Fixed a bug that could cause Play of the Game replays to be jittery when played at framerates higher than 60
  • Made stability improvements


  • Fixed a bug where Immortality Field would become stuck under some objects
  • Fixed a bug where Immortality Field would behave oddly when placed on a moving platform
  • Fixed a bug where a healing grenade would appear in his Biotic Launcher when it is out of ammo
  • Fixed a bug where the healing grenades from the Biotic Launcher wouldn’t hit teammates when deflected by Genji’s Deflect


  • Fixed a bug where D.Va’s speed when using Boosters decreased dramatically when flying over some platforms


  • Fixed an issue where Seismic Slam would sometimes not damage people when it should have


  • Fixed a bug where Genji couldn’t climb up certain pillars on the Havana map


  • Fixed a bug where Hanzo couldn’t climb up certain pillars on the Havana map


  • Fixed a bug where Junkrat would slide off a moving platform when using his ultimate


  • Fixed a bug with Moira’s Scientist skin where her lab coat would clip into itself while using the Erlenmeyer victory pose


  • Fixed a bug where damage boosting from a teammate’s ability (such as Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix) would count towards Orisa’s damage amplified statistic when using Supercharger

Wrecking Ball

  • Fixed a bug where Wrecking Ball could use Piledriver without regard to its ability cooldown in some circumstances


Overwatch Anniversary


  • Fixed a bug that could cause Play of the Game replays to be jittery when played at framerates higher than 60
  • Made stability improvements
    • Some event rewards (Skins, Icons, etc.) aren’t translated into Japanese. We’re working on finishing up these translations. We’ll add these translations in an upcoming release.
    • The in-game link to the Workshop Forum will currently send you to the English, Chinese, or Korean forum, depending on your region. This will be fixed in an upcoming release.
    • Workshop isn’t completely translated into Japanese. We’re working on finishing up the translations. We’ll add these translations in an upcoming release.

Continue reading...


MAY 7, 2019

New Map: Havana

Havana, a vibrant, historic port city where the winds of change blow strong, is home to Overwatch’s newest Escort map!

Begin your trip at the Taller de Sebastián, where the classic cars that line Havana’s bustling streets stop for refueling and repair. Escort a truck of rum barrels on the sun-drenched cobblestone roads, fighting off those who try to stop you. As you make your way, duck into a colorful building to escape enemy fire and savor the impressive flavors of Havana at La Cocina de Miranda or Café del Sol. Battle your opponents through the alleys until you reach the Don Rumbotico rum distillery, a once little-known local treasure that has recently earned international acclaim. Finally, guide the jalopy through the distillery to its destination at the Havana Sea Fort, a historical landmark recently purchased by an anonymous financial group and closed to the public.

All-Star Skins

To celebrate the Overwatch League 2019 All-Stars, we’re adding two new Legendary skins— 2019 Atlantic All-Star Mercy and 2019 Pacific All-Star Lúcio! These skins will be available from May 7th to May 22nd.




  • Fixed text errors on Taller de Sebastián and several posters
  • Fixed a bug where players would slide along the bottom of the pillars and the wall corners on the second floor of La Euforia
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck on the Yucca plants

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APRIL 16, 2019

New Seasonal Event: Overwatch Archives 2019 — Storm Rising

Experience a decisive moment in Overwatch’s history during the Overwatch Archives event! Get ready to travel back in time and visit beautiful Havana, Cuba where Overwatch agents are hot on the trail of the notorious businessman and Talon associate Maximilien. Team up with your friends to capture and interrogate Maximilien—whose knowledge could shape the future of Overwatch. Relive the action of previous Archives events, where you’ll fight off hordes of Talon agents while escaping Rialto and stop an Omnic insurrection in King’s Row. You’ll earn Archives Loot Boxes as you play, unlocking cosmetics from Overwatch’s past, including Legendary skins like Deadlock McCree, Scientist Moira, Talon Baptiste, Socialite Ashe, and many more!



Developer Comments: With this change, we’re looking to slightly increase the range at which Junkrat can land direct hits. The speed of his bombs has increased, but we tuned it so this wouldn’t affect the arc of his projectile. This means that aiming with it will feel the same. The grenades bounce less and explode sooner, which will allow Junkrat to aim them more deliberately. This will reduce the amount of rolling grenade spam when playing against him.

Frag Launcher

  • Projectile speed increased from 20 to 25
  • Grenades now bounce less but explode sooner

Developer Comments: Shadow Step was originally intended to be purely an out-of-combat mobility tool to traverse the map, since Wraith Form was already a great tool for disengaging. However, this made Shadow Step very situational, so we’re increasing its flexibility to make it a better, less niche ability. This will enable Reaper to use Shadow Step in more offensive situations.

Shadow Step

  • Can now be used in air
  • Time to exit Shadow Step reduced from 1.0 second to 0.5 of a second
  • Reaper is now invisible for the entire time it takes to exit shadow step
  • Railings and other breakable objects no longer block teleporting
  • Disabled by Zarya’s Graviton Surge and Junkrat’s Steel Trap


  • Railings and other breakable objects no longer block teleporter placement and teleporting

Hero Gallery

  • You can now set your Victory Pose choice to random


  • There is now an option to set your profile so only your current group can view it

  • Fixed a bug that caused the player’s view to become jittery while standing on certain objects
  • Fixed an issue where the camera would be offset slightly when changing rapidly into third person view
  • Fixed an issue where players were able to shoot through unintended small gaps on the Ilios, Nepal, and Temple of Anubis maps
  • Fixed a bug where your view would become level with the horizon after using Symmetra’s Teleporter


  • Fixed an issue with the steam not rising correctly from Ana’s cup in the Tea Time emote
  • Fixed a bug where Ana didn’t receive audio or visual cues when a hero she boosted landed a shot


  • Fixed a bug where the Orb of Discord sound effect would play when Bob was affected by Zenyatta’s Orb of Discord
  • Fixed an issue where Bob wouldn’t consistently stop and damage large objects deployed by heroes, like Junkrat’s RIP-Tire or Orisa’s Supercharger, if he encountered them while running


  • Fixed a bug where Immortality Field wasn’t immediately destroyed when it is hit by the payload


  • Fixed a bug where Bastion would take damage while in Sentry Mode if it was hit into a wall by Doomfist’s Rocket Punch


  • Fixed a bug where enemies would not collide with walls while being knocked back by Rocket Punch
  • Fixed a bug where Seismic Slam wouldn’t break objects that should break
  • Fixed an issue where Rocket Punch would knock back Orisa even if she was using Fortify


  • Fixed a bug where Mei could not be healed by other heroes while using Cryo-Freeze


  • Fixed a bug where Mercy didn’t receive audio or visual cues when a hero she boosted landed a shot
  • Fixed a bug where Mercy didn’t receive defensive assist credit from healing beams when using Valkyrie


  • Fixed a bug where Orisa would take damage while using Fortify if she was hit into a wall by Doomfist’s Rocket Punch


  • Fixed a bug where Reinhardt was unable to raise his shield properly while looking upwards if he had opened his shield while looking downwards

Soldier: 76

  • Fixed a bug where his Heroic victory pose didn’t loop properly


  • Fixed a bug where Symmetra would gain ultimate charge when her Sentry Turrets were attacking objects deployed by other heroes (Wrecking Ball’s Minefield, Torbjörn’s Deploy Turret, etc.)


  • Fixed a bug where Torbjörn would gain ultimate charge when his Deploy Turret was attacking objects deployed by other heroes (Wrecking Ball’s Minefield, Symmetra’s Sentry Turrets, etc.)


  • Fixed a bug where Widowmaker’s rifle goes into her head and shoulders while walking and aiming her scope, when wearing the Biathalon skin
  • Fixed a bug where dying did not cancel Infra-Sight

Black Forest

  • Fixed a bug where flying heroes could get stuck on trees and wall climbing heroes could get stuck on birds’ nests


  • Fixed a bug where flying heroes could get stuck on trees
  • Fixed a bug on the Sanctuary map where heroes would bounce when standing on the edge of the first capture point


  • Fixed a bug where Reaper could Shadow Step to unintended places


  • Fixed a bug where the spectator camera started at the incorrect position

Horizon Lunar Colony

  • Fixed a bug where players could get stuck on top of a worktable

King’s Row

  • Fixed a bug where Junkrat’s RIP-Tire could get stuck in the grates on the ground in King’s Row


  • Fixed a bug on the University map where a hero that touches the enemy team’s spawn room doors will take significant damage


  • Fixed a bug where D.Va would get stuck behind a desk when using Call Mech
  • Fixed a bug where ivy on walls was preventing certain abilities from impacting enemies, like Winston’s Tesla Cannon and Doomfist’s Meteor Strike


  • Fixed a bug where players killed on a specific bridge would fall through the bridge
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck between a dolly, the wall, and a counter

Watchpoint: Gibraltar

  • Fixed a bug where Wrecking Ball would get stuck on ventilation ducts

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MARCH 19, 2019

New Hero: Baptiste (Support)

Baptiste is battle-hardened combat medic who wields an assortment of experimental devices and weaponry to keep allies alive and eliminate his enemies. Baptiste’s Biotic Launcher fires a three-round-burst that rewards accuracy and recoil control with significant damage output. His alternate fire lobs grenades that heal allies near the point of impact. With Regenerative Burst, Baptiste activates an intense surge that heals himself and nearby allies over time. When danger is near, Baptiste can toss out his Immortality Field to prevent allies from dying. Baptiste moves around the battlefield with Exo Boots, jumping over obstacles and clearing distances that would stop other heroes. Baptiste deploys his Amplification Matrix as his ultimate, which doubles the damage and healing effects of friendly projectiles.



Developer Comments: The damage taken by armor from damage over time effects, such as Widowmaker’s Venom Mine, and beam weapons, like Symmetra’s Photon Projector, varied greatly. Now it will be more consistent and predictable.

  • Beam-type damage is now reduced by 20% when hitting armor
    • Mei: Primary Fire
    • Moira: Alternate Fire, Coalescence
    • Symmetra: Primary Fire, Sentry Turret
    • Winston: Primary Fire
    • Zarya: Primary Fire
  • Damage over time effects are no longer mitigated by armor
    • Ana: Primary Fire
    • Ashe: Dynamite
    • Hanzo: Dragonstrike
    • Mei: Blizzard
    • Moira: Biotic Orb
    • Widowmaker: Venom Mine
    • Zarya: Graviton Surge

Damage Boost

Developer Comments: Previously, the effects of damage boosting were only accounted for if the damage-dealing hero was being boosted as they landed a hit. Now, damage is applied to the projectile as it is fired. This means the damage-dealing hero doesn’t need to be boosted when the projectile hits an enemy for the damage boost to be accounted for.

  • Damage boost is now applied when a projectile is fired rather than when it hits a target


Developer Comments: Knockbacks are now less affected by how the enemy was moving when they were hit. Instead of having small or large knockbacks that depend on chance, knockbacks will feel similar regardless of the enemy’s movement leading up to the knockback. Allowing flying heroes, like Mercy when using her Valkyrie ability or D.Va using her Booster ability, to be properly knocked back makes for more fluid, realistic gameplay.

  • Knockback distance is now more consistent
  • Heroes that are flying can now be knocked back and slowed


Developer Comments: With the addition of Baptiste, we wanted to be sure that you can tell when your hits were being buffed or nullified, regardless of what hero you’re playing.

  • A new sound plays when you land a hit while damage boosted
  • A new sound plays when you land a hit, but it doesn’t do any damage



Developer Comments: Giving Nano Boost an instant heal effect enabled players to survive longer and made Ana’s ultimate valuable. However, it was a bit too strong when healing heroes with large health pools.

Nano Boost

  • Heal reduced from 300 to 250

Developer Comments: Reducing the downtime of Doomfist’s abilities will give him some power back and make his gameplay feel more fluid.

Rising Uppercut

  • Cooldown reduced from 7 to 6 seconds
Seismic Slam

  • Cooldown reduced from 7 to 6 seconds

Developer Comments: Because of how dense the environment is on some maps, the Sonic Arrow can feel ineffective in some areas. Increasing Sonic Arrow’s detection radius should make it more effective.

Sonic Arrow

  • Detection radius increased from 7 to 9 meters

Developer Comments: Junkrat is one of the best barrier and tank busters in the game, and this change will help solidify this role. This doesn’t change the Frag Launcher’s explosive damage, which remains at 80. The total damage for direct impact is now 130, up from 120. Since we increased Frag Launcher’s damage output, Junkrat builds his ultimate too quickly. We’re increasing the cost of his ultimate to balance this change with his increased damage-dealing capabilities.

Frag Launcher

  • Impact damage increased from 40 to 50

  • Cost increased by 10%

Developer Comments: The knockback on Lúcio's Soundwave is a great tool for pushing enemies into situations that get them killed, so they should be rewarded an offensive assist for doing so. Lúcio’s ability to increase his teammate’s speed was too strong, especially when used on high health/low range heroes. We’re decreasing the overall power of Lúcio's Speed Boost but increasing the speed bonus he gets from using Wall Ride so his mobility isn’t impacted too much.

Amp It Up

  • Speed Boost’s amplification reduced from 70% to 50%
Cross Fade

  • Speed Boost’s effect reduced from 30% to 20%
Sonic Amplifier

  • Soundwave now counts towards Offensive Assists
Wall Rider

  • Speed buff increased from 20% to 40%

Developer Comments: After reducing armor’s effectiveness for all heroes, Fan the Hammer doesn’t need to deal quite as much damage. Increasing Deadeye’s damage after being locked on for a bit makes it more effective when attacking high health, static targets (like barriers) and heroes with over 250 health. It will not impact how dangerous this is for heroes under 250 health.

Fan the Hammer

  • Damage reduced from 55 to 50

  • Damage per second increased from 275 to 550 after locking onto targets for 1.5 seconds

Developer Comments: Increasing the damage of Mei’s primary fire should make her Freeze and Icicle move combination more potent. Making the pillars on Mei’s Ice Wall easier to destroy means less waiting for the wall to disappear on its own and more opportunities to counter it.

Endothermic Blaster

  • Primary fire damage increased from 2.25 to 2.75 (45 to 55 damage per second)
Ice Wall

  • Health reduced from 500 to 400

Developer Comments: These minor changes make Moira’s passive healing effect on Biotic Grasp slightly more effective when topping off an ally’s health.

Biotic Grasp

  • Heal over time duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds
  • Total healing increased from 50 to 65

Developer Comments: As a defensive tank, Orisa can have trouble pushing forward with the team. Allowing Orisa to move faster while firing should make it easier to apply pressure on the enemy team and use her barrier in proactive ways.

Fusion Driver

  • Movement speed penalty while firing reduced from 50% to 30%

Developer Comments: This change sets the Rocket Launcher’s minimum damage to where it was before we rebalanced its direct impact and explosive damage in a recent patch.

Rocket Launcher

  • Minimum explosion damage increased from 16.25 to 20

Developer Comments: A recent change that increased Reaper’s healing while he dealt damage was a bit too strong, sometimes making opponents feel like Reaper was unstoppable.

The Reaping

  • Healing received from dealing damage reduced from 50% to 40%
Soldier: 76

Developer Comments: This change should potentially allow Soldier: 76 to kill an enemy hero one shot sooner. Reducing the time between when you use Sprint and when you can fire should make the ability more fluid and responsive. Giving Tactical Visor the ability to target Junkrat’s RIP-Tire and Baptiste’s Immortality Field drone is a quality of life improvement, since these are both critical targets.

Pulse Rile

  • Damage increased from 19 to 20

  • Delay before you can fire the weapon after using Sprint reduced from .5 to .3 seconds
Tactical Visor

  • Can target RIP-Tire and Immortality Field

Developer Comments: The cooldown on Hack often made it feel less effective to target health packs instead of players. This will make both health packs and players viable targets for hacking.


  • Cooldown is reduced by half when hacking a health pack
  • Changed the visual appearance to more clearly indicate when something has been hacked

Developer Comments: This will allow Symmetra to more consistently reach peak damage output from her Photon Projector.

Photon Projector

  • Primary Fire’s damage ramps up 20% faster

Developer Comments: Torbjörn’s survivability was a bit low, so we’ve shifted some power from his Overload ability to his base health.


  • Base health increased by 50 armor (250 maximum health)

  • Armor gain reduced from 150 to 100

Developer Comments: Infra-Sight had no counter to its effect, so it now ends when Widowmaker dies. To balance out its higher risk of use, Infra-Sight now reveals enemy health bars to Widowmaker’s team.


  • Reveals enemy health bars
  • Now canceled on death
Wrecking Ball

Developer Comments: This will make Adaptive Shield a more powerful survival tool, since being forced out of Roll mode left Wrecking Ball more susceptible to fire.

Adaptive Shield

  • No longer cancels Roll mode

Developer Comments: Zarya’s damage greatly increases when at high energy, while also gaining increased beam size and a larger explosion radius. This often allowed Zarya to deal too much damage and made the explosions from the Alternate Fire on her Particle Cannon nearly impossible to avoid. This change will still allow Zarya to deal a lot of damage, but makes it more difficult to actually apply the damage.

Particle Cannon

  • Alternative Fire’s explosion radius changed to 2 meters, regardless of energy level

Developer Comments: Zenyatta’s Orb of Discord makes him a nearly irreplaceable support hero on your team. We’re reducing its impact for Zenyatta’s team, but increasing the potency of the Orb of Destruction to compensate for its lesser effect.

Orb of Destruction

  • Damage increased from 46 to 48
Orb of Discord

  • Effect reduced from 30% to 25%

  • Fixed a bug where the “Need Healing” callout wouldn’t display in chat if the hero you targeted didn’t have healing abilities
  • Fixed a bug where, when playing certain heroes, the camera would clip into the hero when looking straight upwards
Career Stats Menu
  • Fixed a bug where the season labels for Competitive CTF and Competitive 6v6 Elimination didn’t display
  • Fixed a bug where damage boost stat tracking was incorrect in some circumstances
Hero Gallery
  • Fixed a bug where, if switching between Junkrat Skins, one of the bombs on his vest would spin


  • Fixed a bug where Ana’s clothes would clip into her hip pouch while doing the Yut Nori emote


  • Fixed a bug that prevented audio feedback from playing to indicate ammo was low on Ashe’s rifle if it had three or fewer bullets


  • Fixed a bug where Seismic Slam didn’t pull in enemies as intended


  • Fixed a bug that made D.Va very difficult to knock back while she was firing her Fusion Cannons


  • Fixed a bug that caused Genji’s Dragonblade to end before the deflect duration was complete
  • Fixed a bug where Genji would be knocked back unusually far when using Swift Strike to hit Doomfist’s Rocket Punch


  • Fixed a bug where Hanzo’s leg would visibly move while he was in his Meditate pose


  • Fixed a bug where Mercy’s left knee would bend unnaturally when stunned by McCree’s Flashbang


  • Fixed a bug that made Orisa very difficult to knock back while she was firing her Fusion Driver


  • Fixed a bug where a button on the shoulder of Reaper’s Lu Bu skin appeared to be floating


  • Fixed a bug where a piece on Reinhardt’s back displayed incorrectly while using the Guan Yu skin in the Hammer Down highlight intro
  • Fixed an issue that allowed Reinhardt’s Earthshatter to hit people further off the ground than intended in specific circumstances


  • Fixed a bug where Sombra’s stealth exiting sound effect wouldn’t play if an emote was used to exit stealth mode
  • Fixed a bug where Sombra couldn’t quick melee while using her Hack ability


  • Fixed a bug where Symmetra would gain ultimate charge while casting Photon Barrier


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Torbjörn from using Molten Core in custom games if Ability 2 was disabled


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Widowmaker’s Venom Mine from damaging a hero if they triggered it at the edge of its trigger radius
  • Hollywood
    • Fixed a bug where the winning team’s hero lineup wouldn’t display correctly
  • Horizon Lunar Colony
    • Fixed a bug that caused the hanging tires near the first point to rotate a Self Destructing D.Va mech
  • Paris
    • Fixed a bug where the sounds coming from the Nous vous surveillons apartment weren’t playing
Overwatch League Skins
  • Fixed issues with the colors of skins for new Overwatch League teams

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