Rust GhostingSquad - US 3x | PVP | Loot+ | Shop | Heli | No BPs

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Community Manager
Feb 24, 2020

GhostingSquad - US 3x | PVP | Loot+ | Shop | Heli | No BPs

  1. Discord Verify
    1. use
      in game and message our Rust Bot at the top of the discord to receive the JetPack in game. It will show up in your vehicle spawn menu to your right, or use
    2. Middle mouse click equips/dequips the JetPack.
  2. VIP
    1. Through the forums you can make a donation and receive our VIP Perks.
    2. Our perks are listed in game but some highlights are an exclusive full metal kit on spawn, extra backpack rows, sign artist, and more!
    3. You must have your discord account associated with your forum account in order for this to work. Please reach out to us if you have questions on setting this up.
  3. All Plugins Fully Updated!
  4. Redesigned GUIShop with quick search capability (see image below)
  5. Vehicle Menu has been recolored to look more natural to the Rust UI.
  6. No Blueprints or Workbenches required, once connected to the server you can craft anything you'd like anywhere.
  7. More to come!
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