Amazon Prime (Game) - Weird West

  • Thread starter Eiko Wagenknecht
  • Start date
  • You are not yet a member of GhostingSquad. Applying is fast and simple.

  • Offer valid from: 2024-06-06 - 17:55
  • Offer valid to: 2024-09-04 - 00:00

Claim it now for free on Amazon Prime.

About the game (Weird West*):

  • Ratings: IGDB Meta 67 % (7 sources) / IGDB User 79 % (20 sources)
  • Release date: 2022-03-31
  • Description: Discover a dark fantasy reimagining of the Wild West where lawmen and gunslingers share the frontier with fantastical creatures. Journey through the origin stories of a group of atypical heroes, written into legend by the decisions you make in an unforgiving land. Each journey is unique and tailored to the actions taken - a series of high stakes stories where everything counts and the world reacts to the choices you make. Form a posse or venture forth alone into an otherworldly confines of the Weird West and make each legend your own.

* Any information about the offer is automatically grabbed and may in rare cases not match the correct game.

Source: Amazon Prime, Seen first: 2024-06-06 17:55:11, Generated by LootScraper

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