World Tour | ISEUL-T Cup | Strike A Pose!

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Get ready to show off!

As ISEUL-T’s generous sponsorship comes to an end they want to see your flashiest moves! This week, your team will be rewarded with some extra cash for showing off by emoting near a cashout that your team starts, steals, or completes!

A dance floor appears whenever a player opens a vault, starts a cashout, steals a cashout or completes a cashout. When the dance floor appears you have 5 seconds to strike a pose, and hold that pose for at least 2 seconds - doing so awards your team with $1000. Everyone in your team can do it - so make sure to coordinate your best moves and maximize that cash!

Let’s get ready to strike our boldest poses, and rack up that bonus cash!


  • Kyoto (Winter EC)
  • Bernal
  • Skyway Stadium
  • Fortune Stadium

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