Patch Experimental #2 Live for Testing

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Hey, GZW Community,

Patch Experimental #2 is now live on the public-experimental branch for testing. It contains an additional crash fix and Repair System tweaks.

Jump in and test it out to help us ensure a smooth launch!

Please read the instructions carefully and fill it out once you are done with the playtest.

Available servers
  • EU West
  • US East
  • US West
  • Warfare (PvEvP)
In this Experimental, you will have your live server progression, however, your live progression WILL NOT BE AFFECTED by playing in the experimental.

If you encounter a crash, please turn on GPU Debugging in the game settings.

How to join?
  1. Go offline and online in Steam (via the Steam tab in the upper left corner).
  2. Right-click on Gray Zone Warfare and select "Properties."
  3. In the "Betas" tab, click on "none" ("Beta Participation" section) and select the "public-experimental" branch.
  4. Update the game.
Feel free to discuss in the experimental-chat channel on our Discord. Playtest will last for a few days.

Patch Important Changes
  • Repair feature introduction
    You can now repair your damaged equipment instead of replacing damaged or worn-out parts. You can repair your items in the FOB, but each repair negatively affects the maximum durability.

  • Progressing to max vendor level is now easier
    We made it easier to reach the max level with vendors. In addition to receiving reputation points for buying items from vendors, players now receive vendor reputation points for selling items to them as well. Furthermore, we decreased the requirements for reaching level 3 reputation with LabRat, Artisan, Turncoat, and Banshee.

  • Adjustment to character behavior when a player loses connection
    We changed how the character behaves when a player loses connection. Now, the character disappears to prevent getting killed when offline. If the player returns within the reconnection time (5 minutes), they reappear in the game and can continue from the point when they disconnected.

  • Rework of loot interactions with smaller or less prominent items
    We reworked loot interactions to make interacting with smaller or less prominent items easier. This should prevent situations where players cannot pick up loot, even though the interaction prompt is present.

  • Change to how dead bodies behave
    We made changes to how players' dead bodies behave. All dead bodies now stay on the map for 1 hour. This means that if you die more than once, your older bodies will stay in the game world, and other players can loot them. However, you can only loot your latest body. This is denoted in the interaction widget when you try to loot your older body.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
  • Fixed an issue causing the server hitboxes not to update properly during sprinting, crouching, and crawling
  • Fixed an issue causing the server to move the character’s upper body hitboxes when looking around using the freelook function as if the player was actually aiming
  • Fixed a crash when unplugging an audio device while running the game
  • Fixed an issue that caused increased RAM usage when using FSR and alt-tabbing from the game
  • Fixed an issue causing the quick map keybinding to stop working
  • Fixed an issue making players visible through certain short covers (bushes, etc.) under certain circumstances
  • Fixed an issue causing AI NPCs to sometimes float or fly in the air
  • Fixed an issue causing AI NPCs to fail to see players through glass. AI will now react properly to players behind windows or glass doors
  • Fixed an issue causing AI NPCs to aim too high in close-quarter engagements with players
  • Fixed an issue that reset the zeroing on sniper scopes after canting
  • Fixed an issue that caused the mortars not to trigger when approaching the enemy FOB
  • Fixed an issue that caused the mortars to activate when fighting near the motel on the road to the enemy FOB
  • Fixed an issue causing bullets not to penetrate some windows in UNLRA Headquarters in Tiger Bay
  • Fixed an issue causing all messages in the messenger to be sorted from the oldest and not from the newest
  • Fixed several locations in Fort Narith where windows were set up improperly, and AI NPCs were unable to see players through them
  • Fixed several locations in the starter towns where windows were set up improperly, and AI NPCs were unable to see players through them
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in inconsistent durability loss on items after death.
  • Fixed several flight paths where the helicopter clipped through trees during the flight
  • Randomized the amount of money AI NPCs are carrying
  • Increased the quality of ammunition found in the green wooden military ammo boxes

We appreciate your help and are grateful for your support!

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