Patch Now Live - Changelog #2

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Hey, GZW Community,

Patch is now live on the public branch. Download the update and dive in.

Thanks to your feedback, we quickly identified and fixed the issue with looting AI bodies in PvE mode. If you encounter any further problems, let us know!

This patch brings several key changes, including the first iteration of the highly requested repair system and fixes for numerous community-reported issues, such as AI improvements.

New Features & Balance Improvements

  • Repair, Don't Replace
    Say goodbye to constantly swapping out damaged gear. Our new Repair Feature lets you restore your worn-out equipment at the FOB. Remember that every repair slightly reduces the item's maximum durability. Choose wisely and keep your best gear in fighting shape.

  • Leveling Up with Vendors Made Easier
    We have made it smoother to build that crucial vendor progression. Now, selling items to vendors also earns you reputation points, not just buying. We have lowered the grind for Level 3 rep with Lab Rat, Artisan, Turncoat, and Banshee. Get those upgrades faster and stay mission-ready.

  • Disconnection Protection
    Losing connection shouldn't mean losing your life. Now, if you disconnect, your character disappears to avoid unfair deaths. Reconnect within 5 minutes, and you will pick up exactly where you left off. Survival should depend on skill, not internet hiccups.

  • Looting Made Smoother
    We have fine-tuned loot interactions, making grabbing those smaller, hard-to-click items easier. No more frustration when the prompt shows up, but the loot stays out of reach. If you see it, you can grab it.

  • Dead Bodies, New Rules
    All dead bodies now stay on the map for 1 hour. If you die more than once, your older bodies will remain lootable for others—but you can only loot your latest body. The interaction widget will clearly show which body you should recover. Play smart, and don't leave valuable loot behind.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
  • Fixed an issue causing the server hitboxes not to update properly during sprinting, crouching, and crawling
  • Fixed an issue causing the server to move the character’s upper body hitboxes when looking around using the freelook function as if the player was actually aiming
  • Fixed a crash when unplugging an audio device while running the game
  • Fixed an issue that caused increased RAM usage when using FSR and alt-tabbing from the game
  • Fixed an issue causing an Easy Anti-Cheat error after connecting to the server on computers with lower-end CPUs
  • Fixed an issue causing the quick map keybinding to stop working
  • Fixed an issue making players visible through certain short covers (bushes, etc.) under certain circumstances
  • Fixed an issue causing AI NPCs to sometimes float or fly in the air
  • Fixed an issue causing AI NPCs to fail to see players through glass. AI will now react properly to players behind windows or glass doors
  • Fixed an issue causing AI NPCs to aim too high in close-quarter engagements with players
  • Fixed an issue that reset the zeroing on sniper scopes after canting
  • Fixed an issue that caused the mortars not to trigger when approaching the enemy FOB
  • Fixed an issue that caused the mortars to activate when fighting near the motel on the road to the enemy FOB
  • Fixed an issue causing bullets not to penetrate some windows in UNLRA Headquarters in Tiger Bay
  • Fixed several locations in Fort Narith where windows were set up improperly, and AI NPCs were unable to see players through them
  • Fixed several locations in the starter towns where windows were set up improperly, and AI NPCs were unable to see players through them
  • Fixed an issue in the No Questions Asked task where, on a rare occasion, one of the sub-objectives failed to register after interaction
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in inconsistent durability loss on items after death
  • Fixed several flight paths where the helicopter clipped through trees during the flight
  • Increased the quality of ammunition found in the green wooden military ammo boxes
  • Fixed an issue causing the AK-19 magazine purchased from Turncoat to be incompatible with AK-19 rifles
If you encounter any further issues, please report them to our Customer Care. Your bug reports and feedback are invaluable in helping us improve Gray Zone Warfare:

We’re committed to continually enhancing the Gray Zone Warfare experience and will keep working to improve the game. Development updates will be shared along the way, so stay tuned. Thank you for being part of this Early Access journey with us!

Every Move Matters,

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