World War Z: Aftermath -and- Garden Story free from Epic Games Store

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It's up to you what kind of day you're going to have. A pleasant afternoon tending the garden or a night of zombie terror. Or both. The two Epic freebies this week are Garden Story and World War Z: Aftermath.

World War Z: Aftermath Link[]
Garden Story Link[]


- Account/DRM required: Epic Games (NOT Steam)
- Offer good through February 27, 1500 GMT
- World War Z: Aftermath Upgrade Steam store page for evaluation.
- Garden Story Steam store page for evaluation.

Aftermath is the "current" version of World War Z. In the Steam store, you have to buy it as an upgrade but in the Epic store it is a unique listing. You may already own World War Z on Epic from the March 2020 giveaway but Aftermath is a new, separate item to claim.

Next week, a repeat of Mages of Mystralia (Epicmas 2021)

Re: WWZ - Read the book. It has nothing at all to do with the movie or game.

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