Amazon Prime (Game) - Deus Ex: Invisible War

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  • Offer valid from: 2025-03-27 18:00
  • Offer valid to: 2025-04-30 00:00

    About the game (Deus Ex: Invisible War*):
    • Ratings: Metacritic 80% / Steam 57% (6/10, 1966 recommendations) / IGDB Meta 80% (3 sources) / IGDB User 63% (99 sources)
    • Release date: 2003-12-02
    • Recommended price (Steam): 6.99 EUR
    • Description: Several religious and political factions see an opportunity to re-shape a worldwide government to their agendas. In this techno-nightmare, take part in the dark struggle to raise the world from its own ashes. This dynamic and innovative 1st person-action/adventure brings a level of reality unprecedented in a videogame. Biotech modifications allow players to see through walls, leap 40 feet into the air, regenerate critical body damage or render yourself radar invisible. Globe-hop to real world locations such as Seattle, Antarctica, and Cairo.
    • Genres: Action

    * Any information about the offer is automatically grabbed and may in rare cases not match the correct game.

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Source: Amazon Prime, Seen first: 2025-03-27 18:00:38, Generated by LootScraper

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