- Offer valid from: 2025-03-27 18:00
- Offer valid to: 2025-04-30 00:00
About the game (Let's Build a Zoo*):
- Ratings: Metacritic 78% / Steam 89% (9/10, 3314 recommendations) / IGDB Meta 80% (1 sources) / IGDB User 60% (5 sources)
- Release date: 2021-11-05
- Recommended price (Steam): 16.79 EUR
- Description: It's time to Build a Zoo! Construct and decorate enclosures, buy and breed animals, hire zookeepers and vets... then try your hand at DNA splicing, and stitch together over 300,000 different types of animal. This can only go smoothly...
- Genres: Simulation, Strategy
* Any information about the offer is automatically grabbed and may in rare cases not match the correct game.
Claim it now for free on Amazon Prime.
Source: Amazon Prime, Seen first: 2025-03-27 18:00:35, Generated by LootScraper
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