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DayZ Frostline Expansion Progress Report (Week 36)

Please be aware: Information shared in our development blog represents a work in progress, not the final product. Contents and features discussed are subject to change before release. We aim to provide insight and foster community engagement, but details may evolve as development continues. Thank you for joining us on this journey, with the understanding that what you see here is a glimpse into the process.


Hey Survivors!

Welcome to our Dev Blog, where we take you behind the scenes of the DayZ Frostline Expansion development. Here, we share the ups and downs of our creative process with you, the community. Your continuous support has always been a lifeline for the game, and we're excited to give you a sneak peek of what DayZ Frostline has in store!
Let's talk about Clothing Insulation Variants, New Map Size* and Terrain Builder QoL enhancements!
We’ll aim to discuss further and provide clarity on a particularly hot community topic—inventory size changes—in the next dev blog.

Insulation Variants

As many of you know, DayZ's diverse maps each come with their unique climates and weather conditions. Our goal with DayZ Frostline is to make your survival experience even more immersive and challenging by reflecting these environmental differences through our clothing system.

Seasonal Clothing Changes

One of the key changes we've implemented is the introduction of seasonal variants for certain types of clothing. For instance:

Summer Hunter Gear : In the heat of Livonia, you'll find a Summer Hunter Gear set designed with low insulation to accommodate the summer heat. Perfect for when you’re navigating through its dense forests and open fields in warmer temperatures.

Winter Hunter Gear : Conversely, on our new winter map, Sakhal, survival against the biting cold is paramount. Thus, you can expect to discover Winter Hunter Gear with high insulation to help you stave off the chill. Sakhal’s unforgiving climate necessitates outfits that provide maximum warmth and protection.


Item Spawning Rates

Each map will feature a unique system for spawning these seasonal gears, adhering to a logical rule of thumb:

Cold Maps : Higher spawn rates for warm clothing. Expect to find Winter Gear with greater frequency.
Warm Maps : Higher spawn rates for lighter, low-insulation clothing, making your scavenging efforts more fruitful in suitable climates.
It's important to remember that while these changes enhance realism and tactical play, all items remain transferable between maps . So, even if you choose not to purchase the DayZ Frostline Expansion, you can still acquire these seasonal gears through player trades or cross-map transfers.


Map Size

We initially shared that Sakhal would feature an 83km² traversable terrain, excluding the expansive ice sheets. However, we're pushing the boundaries—quite literally—and it's time to reveal some major enhancements!

From 83km² to a Massive 105km²

In our early communications, Sakhal was set to be our most compact map yet, focusing on an area of approximately 83km². This decision was inspired by observing player interactions on community-favored modded maps, which showcased a preference for more intimate settings that foster player encounters and engagements.

Since then, we've introduced ice sheets to Sakhal's geography. This update significantly expands the landmass, increasing it from the initial 83km² to an impressive 105km². As a result, Sakhal now further surpasses the landmass of the community modded map Namalsk, which measures 27km² without ice sheets and 63km² with them.


Community Modded map - Creator: Adam Francu - DayZ Creative Lead

A Colossal Playable Area

With the recent introduction of boats in DayZ, your navigation and exploration capabilities now extend far beyond the confines of land. When factoring in the navigable waters, Sakhal's overall playable area surges to an impressive 236km² . This significant expansion offers you a plethora of new routes to conduct your loot runs, scavenge for essentials, and fight for survival. Despite the increase in size, we've thoughtfully designed key points of interest to maintain high player traffic, ensuring that encounters and engagements remain central to the experience.

Fine-Tuned, Immersive Terrain

Base building and placements on ice sheets will not be available at the release of DayZ Frostline but will be iterated on in updates following its launch.

The newly introduced ice sheets will appear barren and empty, providing an alternative travel route for those wishing to avoid main thoroughfares. Although these vast expanses of ice will support base building and placements in future updates, they will remain devoid of loot to keep players focused on scavenging more high-risk areas and encouraging engagements. We're particularly excited to see how the modding community will expand on this feature, adding further layers of complexity and innovation to the gameplay. (Hint hint: Build Anywhere mod)

Even as Sakhal's landmass expands, our commitment to creating an immersive environment remains unwavering. The increased size does not detract from our focus on rich storytelling and intricate details. Our primary goal continues to be delivering the deeply immersive survival experience that DayZ is renowned for.


Terrain Builder - Improvement for Modding community

With the release of DayZ 1.26 alongside the Frostline Expansion, we are excited to introduce a range of quality-of-life improvements tailored specifically for the modding community. This update brings enhanced tools and more streamlined workflows, allowing modders to create custom terrains more efficiently and effectively.

What is DayZ Terrain Builder?

DayZ Terrain Builder is a powerful tool designed for the creation of DayZ's virtual worlds. It empowers users to build extensive and immersive landscapes from scratch, offering endless possibilities for creative modders.


Key Improvements:

PNG Generator Speed Boost
  • The PNG generation process for satellite images, satellite normal maps, and surface masks has been significantly optimized. Now, these tasks run approximately three times faster than before. This improvement will greatly enhance your workflow efficiency, allowing you to spend more time on creative aspects rather than waiting for processing.

Improved Road Object Handling
  • Moving road objects in Bulldozer used to drastically decrease performance. This issue has been addressed, and the operation now only triggers when you stop moving the road object. This tweak ensures better performance while editing roads.

Additional Enhancements:

Library Manager Window Search Bar
  • A new search bar has been added to the Library Manager window. This feature enables users to filter template libraries by typing search terms, making it easier to find specific items.

Usable Console for Useful Logs
  • The console window, accessible via Window → Console, now functions properly without freezing Terrain Builder (TB). It provides valuable log information for different actions, helping users troubleshoot and optimize their workflows more effectively.

Bug Fixes:

Selective PAA Generation
  • The PAA generation tool has been fixed to generate .paa files only for the tiles specified by the user, rather than recreating files for every tile in the layers folder. This targeted approach saves time and resources during the export process.

Layer Operations Refined
  • Renaming object or shape layers now correctly renames the existing files instead of creating new ones. Additionally, deleting layers from the Layers Manager now properly removes the corresponding .tv4l files, cleaning up unnecessary files and reducing clutter.

Fixed Clear & Fill Operation
  • The "Refill (clear & fill)" operation now works as expected, removing existing objects within a shape and generating new ones according to preset names. This functionality ensures that your terrain modifications are accurately reflected.

Thank you for joinng us for this weeks Dev Blog. To stay up to date with everything DayZ Frostline related. Please Also show your support and Wishlist DayZ Frostline here:


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DayZ Frostline Expansion Progress Report (Week 34)


DayZ Frostline Expansion: Boats and Audio changes
Wishlist DayZ Frostline

Survivors! Welcome aboard our latest dev blog week 34! Here’s what’s new and noteworthy:


We started prototyping boats late last year, and by the start of this year, the boat was selected for full development. mostly to complement the islandic nature of Sakhal, The initial implementation used in the prototype was stable enough for us to move forward, though we did take some shortcuts, such as leveraging existing simulations such as the car engine and gearbox. Early on, we realized that the complex nature of vehicles, combined with the instability of the pre-existing reconciliation system, could lead to boats bouncing and spinning uncontrollably in the ocean. To address this, we agreed that changes in networking were essential.


Buoyancy is a complex simulation designed for the possible inclusion of more realistic ocean waves in the future. It uses a shape - which the modders will know as the "Simple Geometry LOD" - to find the total displaced volume and find the buoyant force and does some additional simulation of drag.


Controlling boats in DayZ is intentionally simpler than handling cars. Boats feature three gears: Forward, Neutral, and Reverse. While there are no brakes, you can manage your speed by adjusting the throttle or shifting into reverse to slow down. Boats are primarily designed for one simple b
ut vital purpose: transporting players across large bodies of water. They don’t have any inventory space, so you won’t be able to hoard items on them. To get a boat running, you’ll only need a spark plug and some gasoline. If you find a boat on a beach or in shallow water, you can push it into deeper water to start your journey.

As demonstrated by

@iRoadie_ & @AmishZed

Each boat can carry three passengers and one operator, with unique animations for sitting, dying, switching seats, rolling out of the boat even being dragged out.


There's also the consideration of maintenance. While damage doesn’t immediately affect driving performance, it poses a risk as it accelerates the vehicle's progression toward a ruined state. You can repair the boat body by using the tire repair kit. The engine can't be repaired. Once the boat is ruined, it will start to sink slowly, giving you time to get out of the seat.

Last but not least, you have the ability to stand on the boat while it moves at a leisurely pace. However, caution is advised, as increasing the boat's speed will result in you falling off. And yes, you will be able to fish from the boat while it’s stationary, so get ready to cast your line and haul in some catches!P.S. We've rolled out an experimental update for 1.26, which includes boats! You can test it out right now on the experimental branches for PC and Xbox. We've already seen some fantastic community reactions to the boats. Check them out below:
ROBL (Rolling off the Boat, Laughing) by Happybombs
Slexify's Intense Boat Fight

Sound Design on Sakhal

In our work on environmental sounds for Sakhal, we've added 346 new short ambient sounds that play around the player as 3D audio. These include the sounds of vegetation, metal sounds for new harbor objects, and, of course, birds. We aimed to incorporate bird species specific to the Kamchatka region, but due to limited availability of recordings, we included some birds from other northern areas, like Alaska. These sounds complement the base 2D layers, such as wind, snowfall, and area-specific ambients. We've also introduced 19 new ambient loops that dynamically mix based on factors like area, time, wind, and snowfall.


Our goal was to create an environment that feels somewhat alive, even in low temperatures, while also emphasizing the harshness of strong winds. When the wind blows heavily, the contrast becomes apparent as all animal sounds fall silent, heightening the feeling of being overwhelmed by the elements. We control both 2D ambient loops and 3D ambient sounds with the wind factor to achieve this effect. In moments when the player is far from trees or objects where animals might be, and the wind is still, the world can feel almost eerily silent. We're proud to say we've achieved this goal, though we already have a list of improvements we plan to make in the future.


Wishlist DayZ Frostine

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DayZ Frostline Expansion Progress Report (Week 28 - 32)


DayZ Frostline Expansion: A Glimpse into DayZ’s Latest Thrills
Wishlist DayZ Frostline

Survivors! Welcome aboard our latest dev blog series, where we delve into the Frostline Expansion, thanking you for your unwavering support and inviting you to explore the creative journey that shapes DayZ. Here’s what’s new and noteworthy:


Navigating Sakhal’s Waters:
Sakhal evolves with natural water springs and impending introductions of boats. These changes promise a new layer of exploration and survival strategy, encouraging players to interact with the environment in innovative ways.

New Wildlife Emerges:
Thrill at the sight and sound of the brown hare and the cunning fox. With enhanced animations and sound designs, spotting and hearing these creatures in their natural habitat adds depth and realism to the survival experience.

Beware of Heavy Metal Poisoning:
A new survival challenge arises with Heavy Metal Poisoning, contracted from consuming contaminated snow or water. Navigating this hazard requires strategic thinking, careful consumption, and the use of specific treatments to avoid its lethal embrace.

Embrace the Cold with Heat Comfort Adjustments:

The Frostline expansion redefines survival in the cold. Mastering the upgraded heat comfort system is crucial as players contend with the ruthless eternal winter of Sakhal, balancing gear, environment, and actions to stay alive.

Ice Shelves and Springs:

Witness the breathtaking beauty of meticulously placed ice shelves and the contrast of dangerously tempting hot springs. These features not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of Sakhal but introduce unique survival elements in this chilling adventure.

This sneak peek into the development of DayZ’s Frostline Expansion offers just a taste of what’s to come. Stay tuned for more updates and
Wishlist DayZ Frostine

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1.26 Experimental Release


Greetings, Survivors!
As we enter the experimental period of massive game update 1.26, we also find ourselves on the doorstep of the busiest period we’ve experienced in years. That’s because this game update is coupled with the release of the DayZ Frostline expansion. We highly recommend adding DayZ Frostline to your wishlist if you haven't already. Make sure to check it out on Steam.

You can find the patch notes for 1.26 EXP on our forum here.

This is a long read, so please bear with me as I outline all the important things to look for during your experimental playthroughs.

Game update 1.26 offers changes and gameplay additions that not only support the DayZ Frostline expansion, but also impact the overall experience of our existing maps Chernarus and Livonia. As the title "Frostline" aptly suggests, we have concentrated a lot of work around the temperature systems. That was a challenge in and of itself: ensuring the game systems adapted to a simple change in global temperature.

We’ve also rebalanced the way various elements of the environment have an effect on the player character, be it from their position or the current weather. The progression of the player character’s heat comfort is now always delayed, as opposed to instant. This progression may be noticed by one or more arrows at the HUD as the character adapts to the changes in temperature.

The heat buffer, also known as the + symbol in UI when you spend enough time around a heat source, is also getting an update to help you visualize its state. This is primarily so it no longer looks like an on and off bonus, which was actually never a thing.

Edible items now have their temperatures simulated. They can freeze if the environment temperature is low enough, and will need to be thawed in order to be edible. They can be put on a fireplace grill (or a stove), warmed up, and eaten for warmth benefits. Just make sure to keep an eye on the temperature as the player character can take damage from consuming items that are too hot. In addition to that, we have changed the temperature badge in the tooltip and replaced it with a simple temperature description.


If you want to learn more about these systems, have a look at our recent dev blog post about environmental dangers.

Speaking of dangers, we have also looked at the common cold/influenza. We wanted to make sure that players who took care of their characters would not run into too many issues with it, while the ones who continue to ignore it would eventually face the consequences through the newly added stage of pneumonia. Temporal immunity has also been added to the medical system, which makes an instant re-infection impossible for diseases like the common cold. Pain suppression meds (i.e. codeine pills and morphine) have also been expanded and now have the ability to suppress symptoms of both influenza and the common cold.

A significant change has also come to large predators like bears and wolves, whose meat will be infected. Most importantly, it won’t be possible to eliminate the infection even after cooking the meat. There is still an option to eat and/or cure the disease, of course, but we wanted to make sure that predators who come to the player naturally are not an easy source of food.

Going from Livonia’s fairly warm climate to the unforgiving cold of Sakhal means that you will have to adapt the type of gear you wear (or take frequent baths in local ponds). Luckily, changes to the loot distribution will help you, as items are now distributed with the climate in mind. We’ve also taken a deeper look at the item distribution in Sakhal and applied a kind of regional theme to each map, which will mostly be noticeable through the firearms you’ll find lying around. Livonia will primarily host western-made firearms, Sakhal will mostly host eastern ones, and Chernarus will continue to offer a mixture of both.

In terms of spawning, be on the lookout for two new small animals roaming around the wilderness! If you want to spoil the surprise, you can learn more about them at our dev blog here.


A lot of work has also been done around various actions and associated features. One of the highlights is the fishing feature, which has received a long overdue update. We have changed the simple "hold until you catch a fish" system into an event-based one, where you have to keep an eye on the water and release the action button when a water splash appears. If you miss this window of opportunity, you’ll have to attach new bait and start fishing again.

We’ve also added a new entry-level wooden hook and a fishing jig, which allows you to fish without any bait. Regarding the bait, we’ve removed the crafting recipe and replaced it with a simple inventory attachment process (i.e. dragging a worm on top of the hook).


We felt they were quite underused, so a number of changes were made to the hunting traps. We’ve increased the chances of catching an animal, decreased the time it takes to catch one, and made the hunting traps more durable. There is also audio-visual feedback when the trap is triggered.

We’ve tweaked force feeding actions because we felt it was way too easy to forcibly feed somebody. Now you actually have to face the player character. Additionally, the camera movement during continuous actions has been restricted, as we didn’t want players to have an easy 360-degree look around.

You will also notice that the inventory is now missing a rough and precise indicator. That is not a bug. We have decided to remove the precise and rough skill as we weren't happy with the design, or its implementation (it caused a lot of actions to be desynced). We may revisit the topic of character skills in the future, but no hard promises on that one at this point.

A fairly substantial change to the gameplay in 1.26 comes from a large pass over the inventory cargo sizes of most clothing items. We’ve been waiting a long time to revisit this topic because we felt the inventory space of the player character was just too big. This has often resulted in players collecting whatever they find lying around without thinking too much about what they actually need at the given time. This change has impacted most jackets, pants, and vests, as well as several item sizes. Have a look at the following example of a fresh spawn and a geared survivor:


You’re probably wondering, “Where am I supposed to store all the repair kits?!” Well, we’ve also reduced the damage that clothes take from infected hits.

Apart from the gameplay additions and changes, we have also taken a deeper look at our server browser. Namely, we re-designed the server details section and added it to the console version. This also includes the addition of a server description field, where server owners can describe what their server is about. A new map column and filters were also added ahead of the introduction of a third official map.


Another thing we were finally able to implement is the official server verification system, which ensures that only official servers will be displayed in the official tab on our Steam build. This will put an end to all kinds of shady servers, which tend to confuse players who want to play on official servers.

Understanding the server names plays a big part in finding a place where you want to spend your time. That’s why we revisited the official server naming convention. We wanted to make sure the servers are easier to read and still offer the most relevant information. You can see a preview in the picture above.

When it comes to UI, PC players will be able to spot two new graphical settings - terrain and object visibility. We realized how much scenery would open up (especially with Sakhal coming), if we made these options available. These settings are client-side and independent from network bubble settings. Increasing them won’t give players any serious tactical advantage over others (i.e. you can’t see players/vehicles further away). Maximum values can also be limited by server owners, should they desire to do so.


If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, check out our earlier dev blog.

The blog also details the new ways that fog can be controlled dynamically. This feature can be utilized in Sakhal, as well as in Chernarus and Livonia, where we used it to implement occasional morning fog that settles in the valleys. We hope it’ll increase your sense of immersion, as well as make the environment more visually varied and interesting as you play.


We’re sure our creative modding community will appreciate the expanded weather script API, as well as the increased vertex limit on a single model (previously 32 thousand, now 65 thousand vertices).

This has already been a massive post, and I haven’t even mentioned all the new content that’s available in update 1.26. I hope you’ll enjoy discovering the rest on your own. I also hope you’ll join this experimental update. Have fun and share your feedback. Help us test the stability of one of the most important updates DayZ has had in years.

On behalf of the DayZ team,

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Frostline Expansion Progress Report (Week 20-26)


Information shared in our development blog represents a work in progress, not the final product. The contents and features discussed are subject to change before release. We aim to provide insight and foster community engagement, but details may evolve as development continues. Thank you for joining us on this journey, and for understanding that what you see here is a glimpse into the process.

Dear Survivors, With the Frostline Expansion release on the horizon, we want to give the community a behind-the-scenes look at our development process. We've been regularly publishing Dev Blogs on our forums, and you can check them out here. This progress report serves as a summary of those Dev Blogs, and offers an extra layer of insight into our creative works, processes, and achievements.

1.26 Changes you can look forward to Before we get into the Frostline Expansion, we'd like to start with a few changes that will also impact the base game with update 1.26. Even though we're concentrating on releasing a paid DLC, that doesn't mean we aren’t implementing any changes or improvements to the base game with 1.26. Our efforts on Frostline are for the betterment of DayZ as a whole. Notably, the view distance in the game has been substantially increased, and you'll have full control over it via the settings on the client side.


We’ve also made significant efforts for us and community server owners to have more control over weather elements like wind and fog. The current fog system is tied to distance fog value and overcast, and is defined by the config, which evidently is limiting. With update 1.26, the dev team, modders, and server owners will have full dynamic control over the fog through a new script API. The fog will also affect the visibility of the sky, which is perfect for those who wish to create areas that have less visibility and a gloomier atmosphere.


More control over weather means more capabilities for us to create dynamic weather patterns and changes. Wind is one element we will have more control over. It will be a definitive factor in providing visual hints via the direction of snowfall, rain, or the direction and intensity of trees being affected by the wind. While the change in weather won’t be predetermined or occur in patterns players can predict, those who observe their surroundings and anticipate environmental challenges will have a strategic advantage. Think of the blizzards of Sakhal and the thunderstorms of Livonia.


Snow in Frostline One of the map’s main features is the snow and its integration into the environment. The snowfall particles are newly created / added to the terrain, and have been significantly improved since the last time you saw them in the official teaser. As you can see in the example below, these particles are not just white dots, but nuanced, weighted elements that enhance immersion and are even affected by light.


Moreover, the snow on the ground will gradually thaw when a fireplace is placed upon it. Cars driving over the snow, meanwhile, will leave behind distinctive tire tracks.


Thanks to the Enfusion team, we have updated super, multi, and plant shaders to allow texture projection in any defined direction. This is particularly beneficial for rocks and trees, as they no longer need to be placed or textured in a specific way. Snow will always be projected from top to bottom, ensuring a more realistic appearance. This is especially beneficial for the modding community.


Visuals of Frostline Following our successful upgrade of skyboxes for existing terrains in update 1.23, we're now focusing on creating a unique skybox tailored to Sakhal, which will enhance the map's snowy environment. This new skybox goes beyond mere compatibility; we're confident it will enrich Sakhal's atmosphere with a blend of Cirrus and Alto/Cirrocumulus clouds. Inspired by the Kamchatkan region, we conducted extensive research and utilized Google Street View for visual documentation. Additionally, we captured our own collection of winter sky photographs just outside our office, ensuring an authentic backdrop that fully immerses you in the cold, snowy world of Frostline.


Despite Sakhal being our smallest map at 83 square kilometers, we're enhancing its visual distinctiveness by introducing new objects such as roads, fences, power lines, and a variety of points of interest. Our primary goal is to ensure that every location you visit during your travels feels unique compared to other maps.


Working with essentially a blank canvas has allowed us to push the boundaries of environmental design in ways that depart from the constraints of existing maps (which had to be more consistent in general). This will ensure creative freedom and a more immersive experience. To achieve this diversity and uniqueness for Sakhal's points of interest, we've incorporated over 400 Sakhal-specific objects. These include reworked existing assets with new variants, assets ported from Arma titles (such as Arma 3 and Arma Reforger), and entirely new and unique assets created specifically for Sakhal. Here are a few examples of new residential buildings.

You may have already known that we are retexturing most of the houses to fit the region. We are also reworking a substantial number of house interiors, along with adding several intriguing hiding spots. Our goal is to imbue the houses with a sense of dilapidation and occupancy, and present interiors and decorations that have more character and history compared to previous iterations found in Livonia and Chernarus. You can see some of the house tour below.


Stay up to date with us!
We aim to provide more platform-specific rundowns every few months or so. We also publish Dev Blogs on our forum every couple of weeks. Additionally, you can follow us Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

These blog posts are meant to share our passion and document our creative journey, including the challenges and triumphs we experience along the way. As always, we owe everything to the DayZ community, whose steadfast support and creativity have been essential not just for the game's survival, but for our shared journey toward thriving.

If you liked what you’ve seen so far, make sure you hit the wishlist button, because Frostline is set to drop by the end of the fall.


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PAYDAYZ Event| The Return of the Payday Masks & Chain's Debut in DayZ


Dear Survivors,

We’re excited to announce the return of DayZ’s iconic Payday masks during our special PayDayZ event! While our team is working diligently on the Frostline expansion (which will deliver a winter experience to DayZ later this autumn), we wanted to give you something to celebrate at the beginning of summer.

Character cosmetics and seasonal events have been major focuses in our recent updates, and this summer event is no exception. A massive shoutout to our friends at Starbreeze Studio and the Payday team for allowing us to feature legendary masks from Payday (Dallas, Houston, and Wolf), as well as Chains, which is making its DayZ debut.


Veteran DayZ players will fondly remember when these masks were synonymous with banditry. Due to the visual progress DayZ has made over the years, and the masks provided by the Payday team, we’ve fully reworked them with brand new textures to fit our current aesthetic. The masks will be distributed across both maps, with two types on each map. You'll need to travel between the maps or obtain them from an unlucky server hopper.

The iconic star-spangled mask of Dallas, along with the masks of the original Payday crew, are returning to DayZ for a limited time on the 4th of July. The event will run until July 23rd across all platforms, and community server owners will have access to the event files even after the event is over.


So rally your squad, then suit up, mask up, and score some sweet loot!

On behalf of the DayZ team,

Check out Payday 3 and the new Boys in Blue DLC here:



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DayZ Summer Sale


Summer has arrived, and so have the savings! Now is the perfect time to dive into the world of DayZ with our Steam Summer Sale offering a massive up to 50% off! The Livonia DLC is now included in the base game, giving you even more content to explore. Don’t miss out on the chance to experience the thrill of survival.

Grab your copy now and join the DayZ community!

Plus, stay tuned for our upcoming expansion, DayZ Frostline, which promises to bring new challenges and adventures to the game. Wishlist it now!


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DayZ | 1.25 Stable Redux Update - Out Now

Greetings, Survivors!

Time is flying for us this year and there’s tons that’s going on. Earlier this month, we announced our next big milestone: an expansion called DayZ Frostline. Today, we’re happy to announce that game update 1.25 has arrived on Steam! Today also marks the start of a new era for Livonia.


All current owners of the base game will get the DLC for free. Meanwhile, the Livonia DLC will be included with the base game from this point forward and available to all at a slightly increased price. If you’re itching to explore new places while you’re waiting for Sakhal, there’s never been a better time!

OK, back to update 1.25. What can you expect when you jump into the game?


The highlight of the update is definitely the long awaited addition of ambient music. We worked with Czech composer Dikolson to create a subtle and ambient background that increases your immersion as you walk through different areas of the game at various times of the day. There’s approximately 70 minutes of music available at the moment, with more to come in the future. We love the music so much, that we published a selection of it on Steam. If you’re interested in listening to this wonderful music outside of DayZ, you can find it on the Steam store page or within your Steam library under Soundtracks.


Note: Can take 24 hours for soundtrack to show in Library

Ambient tracks aren’t the only addition to the game’s audio. Update 1.25 also delivers the first rework of firearm sounds, including updated sounds of shotguns, the crossbow, and the grenade launcher. Our audio team has also been busy rebalancing the distance where you can still hear a player’s actions (previously, the audibility of all actions was set at 50 meters).

To prevent items disappearing from the inventory after using quick slots / certain actions, we decided to limit the use of contents in nested containers like cooking pots and protector cases through quick slots. We also reworked the way a player character’s position is synchronized with the server in order to tackle issues such as getting stuck in a doorway. Another addition in update 1.25 is a new long-range bolt-action firearm, the VS-89 with a 10-round magazine.


We’d like to highlight the fact that we’ve integrated the Enfusion crash reporter. We’d appreciate it if you’d take the time to fill in the details before sending us the full report.

That’s it for update 1.25. Our next step is update 1.26, which will be released together with DayZ Frostline later this year. Make sure to keep your eyes on our forums and socials, where more information regarding DayZ Frostline will be revealed. Exciting times are ahead, Survivors!


On behalf of the DayZ team,

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DayZ Livonia DLC for FREE? DayZ new Soundtrack FREE?


Greetings, Survivors!

Get ready for May 27th, when Redux Update 1.25 brings an ambitious transformation merging DayZ with the Livonia DLC into one unified, enriched gameplay adventure.

What's Happening?

Update 1.25: This update is a pivotal moment for DayZ, combining the base game and Livonia DLC.

Effective immediately, Livonia will no longer be offered as a separate purchase. Instead, all current owners of the DayZ base game will seamlessly receive the Livonia DLC without additional costs.


Last Chance Sale: In anticipation of DayZ Redux update 1.25, we're giving newcomers a special opportunity to join our growing community.
From May 22nd to May 26th, take advantage of DayZ at its discounted original price. This is your last chance to seize DayZ and On May 27th Livonia DLC for Free!


Price Adjustment Notified: Note that with the introduction of Redux Update 1.25 on May 27th, the price will be adjusted.
This increase, however, brings value by combining the base game and DLC into one survival experience.


Update Reminder: Don't forget to update your game on May 27th to unlock Livonia.
From the densest woods to the most serene landscapes, Livonia is a testament to the unknown adventures that await.


Soundtrack Gift: Appreciation for our players knows no bounds.
As a special bonus, all who already own DayZ and Livonia before the update will receive the official soundtrack. Let the immersive tunes of survival escort your journey.

Your Action Plan:

  1. Mark the dates: May 22nd to May 26th for the Last Chance Sale, then gear up for the Redux Update 1.25 on May 27th.
  2. Stay Updated: Ensure your game is refreshed on May 27th to welcome Livonia into the fold of your survival escapades.
  3. Wishlist DayZ Frostline


– The DayZ Team


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DayZ Frostline Expansion


Dear Survivors,
Exciting news—DayZ is set to embrace fire and ice with the upcoming DayZ Frostline Expansion! Get ready to embark on an adventure in a brand new location: the Sakhal archipelago. This expansion introduces a whole new survival challenges, spread over 83km² of volcanic land, icy seas, and treacherous terrains. We hope that your anticipation is high for this fall's release, and you can now wishlist Frostline on Steam.


The centerpiece of the expansion is the Sakhal terrain, inviting you to explore its rugged and desolate reaches. Unlike previous locations, you'll play as a survivor seeking refuge in the rumored safe haven of Sakhal, only to face an unforgiving environment frozen both in time and climate. Despite its brutality, Sakhal promises beauty at every perilous turn, with frozen lakes, snow-draped forests, and frosty peaks.


The proximity to volcanic regions amplifies the hazards, doubling the threats you'll face. Although the terrain may be more compact compared to previous ones, each new challenge in the expansion will deliberately decelerate your progress, compelling you to recalibrate your playstyles.


To survive, you'll need to adapt like the new region-specific wildlife species acclimated to the cold, equipping winter-themed cosmetics to brave the elements and uncover Sakhal's intriguing structures and points of interest.

Preparation is key to survival, and as the frost sets in, only those with ice in their veins and fire in their hearts will endure.
DayZ Frostline is coming, heralding a chilling new chapter in the ultimate fight for survival.

We hope to see you on the island,

Adam, Lynn, and the DayZ Team

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Experimental update 1.25 - New Rifle - New Sounds and more


Greetings, Survivors!
Experimental branches of update 1.25 are now live on Steam!

Before we get to that, however, we’d like to announce a significant change. DayZ's base game, along with the Livonia DLC, will merge into a single product once update 1.25 is released on stable branches. The goal is to streamline our portfolio and simplify our offerings in anticipation of future developments. Simultaneously, we aim to elevate the player experience by enhancing accessibility to Livonia, thereby integrating the communities of both the base game and the DLC across every platform. While there will be a modest increase in price due to the new product’s expanded value, the pricing will be more economical than the current DayZ Livonia Bundle.


To clarify: the Livonia DLC will no longer be sold separately once update 1.25 is released on stable branches. Existing DayZ base game owners without Livonia will receive the DLC free of charge as a token of our appreciation. A comprehensive press release and FAQ detailing these changes will be issued on May 20th. Stay tuned for more details!
Now, let’s dive into what you should be keeping your eyes and ears on while trying out the experimental version of update 1.25.

The highlight of this update is definitely the introduction of ambient music. We’re thrilled that we were able to make this long-requested feature a reality, thanks to our cooperation with Czech composer Filip Míšek. The update features around 100 minutes of music, which plays during different times of day, as well as when you travel through various locations. We hope you’ll enjoy the music and become more immersed in your adventures. Keep in mind that the ambient music won’t be available until the second experimental build due to scheduling reasons.


Our audio team has also reworked the firearm sounds for all shotguns, as well as the sounds for the grenade launcher and crossbow. Additionally, the team has been very busy rebalancing the distance where you can still hear a player’s actions (previously, the audibility of all actions was set at 50 meters). This change doesn’t cover weapons or footsteps yet, but that is also on the team’s radar for the future.

Another thing we’ve improved is the way a player’s position is corrected between the client and the server. This only affects the character you’re playing and should prevent issues like getting stuck in a doorway.

We’ve also addressed an inventory inconsistency that was causing items in nested cargo containers to be moved around or even dropped without any notice. This has been happening since update 1.23, and forced us to limit the manipulation in such a way that you will no longer be able to assign items that are stored inside a nested cargo container to quick slots. Some of the things affected by this change include cooking pots and protector cases, as well as special actions like firearm reloads. Ammo and magazines that are stored in nested cargo containers will be ignored by the reload action.

Last but not least, we are introducing an automated game client and server crash collection system in DayZ. This will help us finally get a better idea about the overall stability of our game (particularly on PC). If you receive a prompt after your game has crashed, please provide details explaining what happened, then click “Send”.


As usual, you can check the full list of changes and additions over at our forum.

Some of you may be wondering whether there’s anything more to this update. Well, there isn't. This is mostly due to the fact that update 1.25 was built on top of 1.24. That’s because we are currently extremely busy with a very important milestone which is slated for delivery later this year. We are super excited to tell you more about it soon!

On behalf of the DayZ team,


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Welcoming Vigor to Steam and the PC Community!


Hello Survivors,

We are excited to share some fantastic news from our fellow survivors and outlanders at Bohemia Interactive. After much anticipation and numerous requests from its dedicated fanbase, Vigor is making its leap to PC! This marks a significant moment as the game opens up the gritty and engrossing world of the Outlands to a broader audience, now with the precision of mouse and keyboard gameplay.


Set to launch in May as an Early Access title on Steam, Vigor's move to PC is a strategic step similar to its successful releases on the Nintendo Switch and Xbox Game Preview. This early access formula has proven effective, allowing the developers to incorporate community feedback and refine the game experience continually.

Head over Vigor for more insight:

Happy surviving!

The DayZ Team

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Walpurgis Night 2024


Dear Survivors,
As the warmth of spring envelops us, let us kindle the spirit of the season with the bonfires of Walpurgis. Staying true to our commitment in supporting in-game events this year, we're happy to announce the return of the annual Walpurgis event.
While seasoned veterans are likely well acquainted with this event, newcomers to the game may benefit from a quick overview.

The Night of the Witches (known as Čarodejnice in Czech) is a celebration spanning April 30th and May 1st. Originating from ancient pagan rites, Walpurgis Night originally symbolized the renewal of nature with the onset of spring. Over time, it evolved into a Christianized festival honoring Saint Walpurga, renowned for her protection against supernatural forces, including witchcraft. In modern times, bonfires illuminate the night skies in some parts of Germany as people joyously dance around Maypoles, while Finland and Sweden embrace the outdoors with picnics and lively gatherings.

Echoing its real-world counterpart, the DayZ Walpurgis Night event promises an atmospheric experience, with bonfires being lit up across the maps. These fiery beacons may serve as both sanctuaries, offering warmth and respite, or potential traps, leaving you exposed to the watchful eyes of other unfriendly survivors.
Following the elaborate mechanics of previous events like the healing bolts during Valentine's, we've opted to keep this simple. Here's the list of items you can find at the bonfires:

  • Cauldron
  • Witch Hat
  • Witch Hood
  • Birch Broom
  • Crooked Nose
  • The infected witch and the infected firefighters
So, arm yourself once more with pitchforks, fire-spewing brooms, and the iconic witch hoods as you venture into both Chernarus and Livonia. The event will start on the 16th of April and end on the 5th of May across all platforms and official servers.
Stay warm, survivors.
Best regards,

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FPS Fest

Greetings, Survivors,

The season of tactical engagements and heart-pounding action is upon us with the Steam FPS Sale! Embrace the adrenaline rush with electrifying discounts on DayZ and its enthralling DLC, Livonia. Dive headfirst into this dynamic deal to experience the thrilling world of DayZ like never before!

Gear up for an expedition where danger and opportunity collide! DayZ, the ultimate open-world survival game, is igniting a frenzy of excitement with a deal designed to fuel your adventurous fire. Now's your chance to navigate the harrowing expanses of DayZ, where survival hangs by a thread, and every decision can mean the difference between life and doom.

Challenge the wilderness, tighten your grip, and prevail against all odds! Seize this perfect moment to secure DayZ at a compelling up to 40% off.

FPS Sale opportunity is bursting through the door—don't miss your shot. Leap into DayZ and embark on your surviving today!

DayZ base game - 40% off
The post-soviet country of Chernarus is struck by an unknown virus, turning the majority population into frenzied infected. Fighting over resources has bred a hostile mentality among survivors, driving what’s left of humanity to collapse. You are one of the few immune to the virus - how far will you go to survive?

Latest update information:

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DayZ Spring Sale

Hello Survivors,

Spring has sprung, and so have the savings! Welcome the warmth with the Steam Spring Sale, where DayZ is blossoming with vibrant discounts on the base game and its lush DLC Livonia. Leap into this vibrant deal to immerse yourself in the action-packed world of DayZ!

Embark on an adventure bursting with new life! DayZ, the premier open-world survival game, is bringing a wave of excitement this season with an offer that will spark your adventurous spirit. It's time to venture into the post-apocalyptic landscapes of DayZ, where survival is key, and every breath could be a step towards your salvation or your downfall!

Outsmart the elements, lace up your boots, and survive at all costs! Now is the ideal time to grab DayZ at an invigorating 40% off and Livonia at 30% off!

Don't let this springtime offer wilt away. Jump into DayZ and start your journey to survival today!

DayZ base game - 40% off
The post-soviet country of Chernarus is struck by an unknown virus, turning the majority population into frenzied infected. Fighting over resources has bred a hostile mentality among survivors, driving what’s left of humanity to collapse. You are one of the few immune to the virus - how far will you go to survive?

DayZ Livonia DLC - 30% off
Livonia is a DLC map for DayZ, allowing players to experience the hardcore survival hit in a whole new environment ranging from dangerous plains to bear infested forests. Up to 60 players on a server will be tasked with a single goal: survive this new unfamiliar land for as long as possible, by any means necessary.

Latest update information:

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The Pioneer Survival Pack - DayZ & Rust

The Pioneer Survival Pack - DayZ and Rust Bundle at 40% Off!

We're excited to announce an incredible opportunity for survival game enthusiasts on Steam!
The Pioneer Survival Pack, featuring two iconic titles, DayZ and Rust, is now available at an amazing 40% discount.

Both games have recently celebrated their 10th anniversaries in December, marking a decade of thrilling survival experiences, countless updates, and a vibrant community of players. To commemorate this milestone, players were treated to in-game events, limited-time items, and more.


Don't miss out on this chance to dive into two of the most compelling survival games at a fantastic discount. Whether you're a long-time fan or new to these adventures, The Pioneer Survival Pack offers an extraordinary journey into the heart of survival gaming.

Join the adventure and thrive in the worlds of DayZ and Rust today!

Check out our latest update here:

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DayZ Community Items on Steam


Hey Survivors,

DayZ community items have officially landed on Steam! As part of our Marketing team's endeavors this year, we're not only expanding the DayZ brand as we have mentioned in our previous articles but also fulfilling our existing commitments to ensure comprehensive coverage and a strong presence across all social platforms.

This includes our newly introduced community items on Steam, featuring trading cards, badges, backgrounds, and emoticons. You will now have the opportunity to craft and personalize your Steam profile with our DayZ official badges and background.

Staying true to our legacy of empowering player-made narratives and our motto, "This is your story," the primary theme of the cards revolves around the organic player experience and natural gameplay loop progression, complemented by lore-inspired elements.

Regardless of whether you're a bright-eyed freshie or a seasoned veteran, we truly believe you will appreciate these. In the coming months, we also have plans to expand on this initiative by publishing premium items, including animated avatars, animated backgrounds, and frames for purchase in the Steam point shop. So, stay tuned for more goodies.

On behalf of the DayZ team,

Check out our latest Update 1.24 and DayZ in 2024:

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DayZ | 1.24 Stable Update - Out Now & DayZ in 2024


Hello, Survivors!

We’re releasing update 1.24 today - our first stable update of 2024!
Similar to other updates we’ve released early in the year, this one features a thorough tidying up. Basically, we went through a bunch of pending tasks for quality-of-life improvements and addressed an array of outstanding issues. While it may be rather humble in nature, update 1.24 will serve as a solid foundation to build upon and lead us to our major update which will be featured in the autumn.


Those who were involved in the update’s experimental phase will already be familiar with our brand new Vikhr rifle, which features a new 30 round 9x39mm magazine that’s compatible with all 9x39mm rifles.


In addition to the new rifle and magazine, update 1.24 also offers new camouflage variants of the ballistic helmet. These will help enrich the variety of your player character, and protect your head during the exciting journey DayZ will embark on this year.

Here are some more notable improvements we're particularly fond of:
  • Smoother weapon handling when you make contact with obstacles
  • Increased damage output of blunt melee weapons against infected and animals
  • Optimized gun particle effects for better client performance
  • Refined collision geometry of foliage that improves performance and overall fluidity of movement (both player and vehicle)
  • Rebalanced recoil patterns for automatic rifles
  • Official release of the Linux version for the DayZ server slated for the stable branch
To get the complete scope of everything available in update 1.24—including an array of new sounds and animations—we encourage you to drop by our official forums and peruse the comprehensive update notes available here.


DayZ in 2024

While we're thrilled to start the year with update 1.24, we're equally eager to offer you a glimpse into what we have planned for the remainder of 2024.

This year represents a significant departure from our typical update delivery model. Nevertheless, we want to be clear that DayZ will continue to receive robust support throughout 2024 and beyond.
As we indicated last year (DayZ in 2023 & DayZ 10 Year Anniversary Q&A), our focus has been on expanding the scope of the DayZ brand. Significant resources have been allocated to this endeavor, and we’re poised to showcase the initial outcomes later on this year – it's a colossal milestone and an exhilarating moment you won't want to miss! We’re still working out all the details, but I am pleased to share our strategic areas of focus for 2024.

One of the things we’ll be continuing is our dedication to new character cosmetics which are a core aspect of the DayZ experience. We’re also planning to unveil a rather exotic long-range rifle.
Our recently reinforced audio team has already begun the major task of reworking the sounds of firearms. Other parts of the game’s audio are also being concentrated on, including the addition of new action sounds, coupled with a substantial balancing of the audio that’s tied to player actions. Another audio angle we’re committed to is the introduction of nuanced ambient music, which will increase the game environment’s depth and tension.


Other areas of focus include introducing a richer variety of wildlife, improving our terrain tools (Terrain Builder primarily) to make the lives of our modding community easier, and elevating survival mechanics—from extreme conditions to medical challenges—that will test your mettle and encourage players to adapt their survival strategies and manage their nutrition through an extended variety of sustenance options.
As you can see, we are fully committed to delivering a fresh and challenging survival experience to DayZ.
Stay tuned for more info!


As of this writing, we bid a fond farewell to our Valentine’s event, which introduced Cupid’s bolts to the Experimental release and was available via community servers. Don’t worry if you missed out, though, because this year will include our usual special occasions like the Walpurgis Event, the Halloween event, and Christmas celebrations—all of which will be carefully designed to enhance your gaming experience. We’re also looking into the possibility of hosting new events in collaboration with other games. Legacy DayZ players may have an idea of what we’re talking about.


That concludes DayZ in 2024. We’re enthusiastically anticipating a year filled with remarkable journeys, and we sincerely hope that you will join us in experiencing the continued evolution of DayZ.
On behalf of the DayZ team,

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DayZ Indie Sale

Greetings, Survivors,

As spring departs, we too herald the arrival of our thrilling Stream Indie Sale!

Unveil the dawn of rejuvenation with DayZ, which is poised to bestow upon you a generous discount on both the quintessential game and its enthralling DLC, Livonia. Capitalize on this extraordinary opportunity to immerse yourself within the pulse-quickening realm that DayZ offers!

Embark upon an unparalleled journey of survival and suspense! DayZ, the premier sandbox of survival experiences, ignites a fervor with a promotional offer that will stir your sense of adventure. Prepare to navigate the harrowing landscapes of a post-apocalyptic reality where every choice can tip the scales between life and death.

Strategize against the relentless forces of nature, lace up your boots for the trek ahead, and above all, persevere to remain among the living.

The perfect juncture has arrived to procure DayZ for yourself at an invigorating 40% discount, and join the ranks of the intrepid.
Rise to the occasion and let the spirit of survival take hold!

DayZ base game - 40% off
The post-soviet country of Chernarus is struck by an unknown virus, turning the majority population into frenzied infected. Fighting over resources has bred a hostile mentality among survivors, driving what’s left of humanity to collapse. You are one of the few immune to the virus - how far will you go to survive?

DayZ Livonia DLC - 30% off
Livonia is a DLC map for DayZ, allowing players to experience the hardcore survival hit in a whole new environment ranging from dangerous plains to bear infested forests. Up to 60 players on a server will be tasked with a single goal: survive this new unfamiliar land for as long as possible, by any means necessary.

Latest update information:

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Experimental update 1.24. - New Rifle - New Cosmetics and more

Greetings, Survivors!
We’re excited to announce that Experimental game update 1.24 is now available on experimental branches on Steam!
As with most updates early in the year, this one includes a clean sweep. Basically, we went through our backlog and tackled a variety of lingering issues. Let’s go through some of the major ones, so you know what to focus on while you’re enjoying the experimental branch.


It’s pretty much tradition at this point that our awesome community breaks DayZ’s record for highest player count every new year! It was definitely a confidence boost this time around, as we face a number of challenges in this year’s plan—by far the most ambitious we’ve had since the engine switch in 2018. But it’s far too soon to talk about such things here. Instead, this post is dedicated to the year’s first experimental release: game update 1.24!

As with most updates early in the year, this one includes a clean sweep. Basically, we went through our backlog and tackled a variety of lingering issues. Let’s go through some of the major ones, so you know what to focus on while you’re enjoying the experimental branch.

The collision geometries of vegetation (particularly trees and bushes) received a substantial polishing pass. Our aim was to simplify and fix issues which were causing odd collisions with vehicles. There were also performance problems with too many particles, which occurred whenever a bullet pierced through branches.


Speaking of particles, we took a look at firearm particles and optimized them for smoother gunplay. We also increased the recoil slightly in several automatic firearms. Furthermore, we unified our approach to randomly loaded firearms that spawn in the world. This change now makes it impossible to recognize whether a firearm was dropped by a player or spawned in recently.

We dramatically improved the way weapon lifting behaves, making it smoother and more precise now. We also improved the way weapon lengths are calculated. We hope these changes will make close-quarter combat with firearms less frustrating overall.


Unfortunately, we had to postpone making more complex changes to the infected AI, though we still found time to investigate some of the issues. As a result, we significantly reduced the noise from the impact of bullets. This means the infected won’t be so easily drawn to the impact from fired bullets (particularly helpful when suppressed firearms are used). We also increased the damage output of blunt melee weapons and tools against the infected and animal AI. This was done by adding a portion of their shock damage into the total damage dealt.

Moving on, a noteworthy improvement was also made to bandaging. If your character has multiple bleed sources, and your bandage stack has enough uses, you can now continuously bandage without any interruptions.

If you’d like to dive deeper into experimental update 1.24, you can find the change notes on our forums. Fair warning—the change notes also mention a few fun things that are included in this update. So, if you’d rather not spoil the surprise, join us on the experimental servers before you do any more reading!

As usual, please report any issues you may encounter to our feedback tracker. Thank you!

Read more from our Article here: https://dayz.com/article/game-update/1-24-Experimental-Release
Read patch notes here: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/258752-experimental-update-124-change-log/

On behalf of the DayZ team,
Enjoy and we look forward to your feedback.
Thank you

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