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Happy Holidays, Squaddies



For the last transmission of the year, we at Offworld wanted to thank you for being the best community we could ask for. This year has truly been incredible and we are excited to show what we have planned for next year!

But for now, eat well, spend time with loved ones, and we will see back in the studio, January 6th!



Pick up Squad for 60% off during the Steam Winter Sale until January 2, 2025:


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Save a FROSTY 60% off Squad this holiday season!

“We've intercepted new transmissions. Ready to receive!”

Listen up Squaddies. We're taking part in the Steam Winter Sale from December 19th - January 2nd, and you can get your friends and soon-to-be fellow squaddies in for 60% off. You heard right. The game's on sale from now until the Steam Winter Sale ends.


You can also check out our most recent DevBlog here, where we show a sneak peek at our upcoming work in UE5 for Squad!

Offworld Out.


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ATTN Squaddies!

Hotfix 8.2.1 contains multiple fixes for some issues that appeared after the 8.2 release. Thank you to everyone who reported these issues!


  • Fixed MGS vehicles costing 30 tickets when they should only cost 10.
  • Fixed CAF Leopard MBT engine component sticking through the armor mesh on the rear of the vehicle.
  • Kohat Toi RAAS v1 - Fixed an issue with the south main base with certain helicopters blowing up on spawn on the center helipad.
  • Fixed issue where all non-automatic rifleman roles using M27 IAR had 12 magazines instead of 7
  • Fixed USMC M39 EMR Marksman Rifle reticle being too pixelated at higher magnification levels.


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Squad - v8.2 Release Notes

Welcome, Squaddies, to the 8.2 Patch notes! Today we are going to show off a lot of balancing changes to multiple Factions, some new weapons coming in the patch, as well as the long-awaited feature, the Friends List!


New Weapons
Replaces the M38 rifle for USMC marksman:


WPMC AUG rifle
Replaces M4 Simon Offense + M150 on WPMC rifleman 08. It used to appear on a single layer as the F88 for the Australian faction but has been absent since voting was introduced.

USA M110 Suppressed
Replaces the non-suppressed M110 on the USA marksman role for Light Infantry & Air Assault Battlegroups.

INS Mosin Carbine
Appears on a new raider role variant for Insurgents. It was previously in the game and removed.



Balance Updates
We have made some changes to improve the balance and viability of key factions and maps:
  • Reduced the number of PMV RWS from 2 to 1 on ADF Combined Arms Battlegroup.
  • Increased number of ASLAV IFVs from 3 to 4 on ADF Mechanized Battlegroup.
  • Replaced 2x PMV with 2x PMV RWS on ADF Mechanized Battlegroup.
  • Reduced number of Coyote recon vehicles from 2 to 1 on CAF Armored Battlegroup.
  • Reduced number of BMP1AM from 3 to 2 on RGF Armored Battlegroup.
  • Removed 2x ZBD04A and added 1x ZSL10 on PLA Armored Battlegroup.
  • Increased number of ACV-15 M2 from 1 to 2 on TLF Armored Battlegroup.
  • Increased number of ACV-15 MG3 from 1 to 2 on TLF Armored Battlegroup.
  • Replaced 2x PARS III M2 with 2x PARS III IFV on TLF Combined Arms Battlegroup.
  • Reduced number of M7A3 from 2 to 1 on USA Armored Battlegroup.
  • Removed 1x LAV-25, and added 2x AAVP to USMC Armored Battlegroup.
  • Increased number of LAV-25 IFVs from 3 to 4 on USMC Motorized Battlegroup.
  • Reduced number of ZBD05 IFVs from 2 to 1 on PLANMC Combined Arms Battlegroup.
  • Increased number of ZTD05 MGS from 3 to 4 on PLANMC Combined Arms Battlegroup.
  • Added 2x CSK HJ8 to PLANMC Armored Battlegroup.
  • Increased the number of wheeled IFVs that spawn in for ADF, CAF, and USMC Combined Arms Battlegroups from 2 to 3.
  • Updated MEA Combined Arms Battlegroup to spawn with 2 BRDM scout cars instead of 1.
  • Replaced the 2x Ural ZU23 with Technical ZU23 on Insurgent Motorized Battlegroup.
  • Added 2x Technical BMP to Insurgent Motorized Battlegroup.
  • Increased respawn delay for main battle tanks from 15 minutes to 20 minutes on all mechanized battlegroups, except for TLF (remaining at a 15-minute delay), IMF, and INS (remaining at a 10-minute delay).
  • Reduced spawn time for transport helicopter from 10 minutes to 6 minutes on all Air Assault Battlegroups.
  • Adjusted CAF Leopard 2A6M MBT ammo rack location, now located in the rear of the vehicle and the size has been reduced to make it less vulnerable.
  • Updated the USA M113A3 M2 and M113A3 Mk19 desert variants to randomly spawn in with cage armor 50% of the time.
  • Reduced total supply capacity from 3000 to 2000 on the TLF BMC logistics truck.
  • Removed FOB mortars from WPMC battlegroups and added 2 mortar technicals to each battlegroup.
  • Updated PLA & PLAAGF woodland camouflage with the newer “Starry Sky” camouflage pattern. The previous woodland camouflage will still appear as a winter camouflage on the Goose Bay map. The PLANMC will continue to use its blue camouflage.
  • Updated CAF AR 01 role to use a C9A2 with CQB-length barrel and foregrip.
  • Updated USMC marksman 01 role to use an M39 EMR instead of an M38 on all USMC battlegroups except for light infantry.
  • Updated USMC roles to no longer use the M27 IAR. SL 02 now uses M4 + foregrip, AR 01 now uses an M249 PIP with iron sights.
  • Updated USMC Light Infantry Battlegroup to represent a more modern USMC setup.
    • Crewmen roles unchanged.
    • Pilot roles unchanged.
    • Only 1 SL role variant making use of M27 IAR without bipod, and M17 pistol.
    • Only 1 rifleman role variant making use of M27 IAR without bipod.
    • Medic 01 role unchanged.
    • Medic 02 role makes use of M27 IAR without bipod, and M17 pistol.
    • AR 01 makes use of M27 IAR ironsights + bipod, and M17 pistol.
    • AR 02 makes use of M27 IAR + bipod, and M17 pistol.
    • Grenadier 01 makes use of M27 IAR without bipod, and M320 grenade launcher.
    • Only 1 LAT role variant making use of M27 IAR without bipod, and AT4 launcher.
    • Marksman role makes use of M38 DMR, and M17 pistol.
    • Heavy Grenadier role appears in the ‘specialist’ role category making use of M27 IAR without bipod, and the MGL grenade launcher. Only 2 are available per team. The MGL is still using the TLF texture, and will be updated in the future.
    • Machinegunner role unchanged.
    • Only 1 HAT role variant making use of M27 IAR without bipod, and the M3 MAAWS launcher.
    • Engineer role unchanged.
    • M1151 vehicles replaced with MATV variants using the same weapons systems.
    • Increased the number of TOW vehicles from 2 to 3.
    • Removed tank spawn.
    • These light infantry battlegroup roles will appear on Jensen's Range along with the standard roles from other USMC battlegroups.
  • Updated RGF Light Infantry and Support Battlegroups to have access to build up to two ZU23 AA gun emplacements on FOBs.
  • Updated the USA Grenadier role to use the standalone M320 grenade launcher instead of an underslung grenade launcher.
  • Updated WPMC Rifleman 08 role to use an AUG rifle instead of M4 Simon Offense with M150.
  • Updated WPMC LAT 02 role to use M16 Wormpool with M150 instead of M4 Simon Offense with M150.
  • Updated the following MEA roles to use a KLT (Iranian copy of the AKMS rifle) instead of a G3A3: Squad Leader 01, Rifleman 01, Medic 01, LAT 01.
  • Added an additional rifleman role to MEA making use of a G3A3 + foregrip.
  • Added a second marksman role to MEA which uses the SVD. This role is available in the direct combat category, similar to BAF's second marksman role.
  • Updated MEA Automatic Rifleman 01 role to use the RPK instead of a G3A3 with drum magazine. Their Automatic Rifleman 02 role continues to use the G3A3 with drum magazine and ZF1 scope.
  • Added a marksman role to the USA faction making use of a suppressed M110 rifle. This role replaces the standard marksman role in the Light Infantry and Air Assault Battlegroups. Both roles will appear on Jensens Range.
  • Added a HAT role to all TLF battlegroups making use of the RPG-7 with tandem rounds. The TLF Air Assault battlegroup continues using their Carl Gustav HAT role with extra availability. Both HAT roles will appear on Jensens Range.
  • Updated TLF Machinegunner 01 to use PKM instead of MG3.
  • Added a Marksman role to VDV Air Assault and Amphibious Assault Battlegroups using an AS VAL + PSO-1 scope. This role will also appear on Jensen’s Range.
  • Added 2x RGO grenades to VDV scout role.
  • Renamed the “Insurgent Forces” faction to “Middle Eastern Insurgents” and updated/added several roles and role variants:
    • 6 SL variants:
      • AMD-65
      • PPSH + stick magazines
      • PM md. 63
      • M16A2
      • FAL
      • AKS-74 + 1P29
    • 3 medic variants:
      • AMD-65
      • FAL
      • M16A2
    • 7 rifleman variants:
      • AKM
      • M16A2
      • FAL
      • Mosin Nagant
      • G3A3
      • AKS-74 + 1P29
      • SKS + PU
    • 3 LAT variants:
      • FAL + HEAT rifle grenades
      • AKMS w/ RPG-7
      • AKS-74 + 1P29 w/ RPG-7
    • 3 raider variants:
      • PPSH + drum magazines w/ 2 frag grenades, 2 AT grenades
      • AKM + drum magazines w/ 2 frag grenades, 2 AT grenades
      • Mosin Carbine, vz61 Skorpion w/ 4 frag grenades, 4 AT grenades
    • 2 grenadier variants:
      • AKM + GP25
      • FAL + fragmentation rifle grenades
    • 2 marksman variants:
      • M16A2 + 3x scope
      • SVD
    • 2 HAT variants:
      • AKMS w/ RPG-7
      • SKS w/ RPG-29
    • 2 sapper variants:
      • PPSH
      • AKMS
    • 2 machine gunner variants:
      • PKM
      • MG3
    • The sniper role is unchanged.
    • Automatic rifleman roles are unchanged but are now in the ‘fire support’ roles category.
    • The crewman roles are unchanged (but the SL crewman now has AKMS instead of vz61).
  • Added REDFOR Alliance (RGF and VDV) battlegroups as voting options for all Sanxian Islands layers.
  • Adjusted Seed Game Mode to limit the following deployables to a max of 5 per FOB: Sandbag Wall + Firing Port, Ammobox, Hesco Wall, Oil Barrel Wall, Dirt Crate Wall + Firing Ports.
  • Adjusted Seed Game Mode to remove the IMF deployables: Camo Nettings, Hull Down, Observation Tower, and Hedge Hog Tank Trap.
  • Adjusted the number of tickets gained when capturing a flag on invasion from 130 to 125.
  • Completed standardization of Invasion layers:
    • All invasion layers will now have 5 flag layouts.
    • The first 2-3 objectives are generally closer together to reduce instances where attackers need to maneuver the entire team and set up new FOBs to attack the next point unless it's across more open terrain. Also attempted to reduce instances where areas of thick concealment or urban areas lie between the first flags, which generally bog down attackers and cost them high amounts of tickets to clear. The 4th and 5th objectives will generally be more challenging to attack.
    • Most invasion layers will no longer have forward vehicle spawns for defenders and will only have infantry spawns closer to the first objective.
    • Some invasion layers will now have multiple potential lanes to increase replayability.
Gunplay Adjustments
We have made some changes to Squad’s gunplay with the following goals in mind:
  • Make weapons feel more responsive overall.
  • Reduce punishment in the form of weapon destabilization that players receive after movement.
  • Create more standardized weapon archetypes, which will lead to distinct playstyles for players to master.
  • Improve the effectiveness of machine guns when not bipoded.
  • Improve the control of sub machineguns at short distances making them more ideal for close quarters and flanking.
Medium Machineguns (M240 family, PK family, MG3, QJY-88)
  • Reworked M240 family recoil & sway to be more controllable, particularly in prone and bipod stances.
  • Standardized hipfire to be more controllable than it was previously.
  • Standardized ADS move speed, equip movement speed, and reload movement speed to be 40% of normal movement speed.
  • Standardized per-stance ADS times to be between 0.3 to 0.75 seconds depending on stance and optic. Bipod ADS time is always 0.3 seconds.
  • Slightly increased the amount of suppression that medium machine guns can output.
  • Standardized the time it takes to stabilize weapons to be faster than it was previously, but will now be very slow compared to other weapon types.
  • Increased the time it takes before the weapon is automatically put into the 'lowered' position from 0.15 to 30 seconds.
Light Machineguns (M249 family, RPD)
  • Improved MOA on M249 family from 12 to 6.
  • Standardized Hipfire to be more controllable.
  • Standardized ADS move speed, equip movement speed, and reload movement speed to be 40% to 50% of normal movement speed depending on optic.
  • Standardized per-stance ADS times to be between 0.3 to 0.55 seconds depending on stance and optic. Bipod ADS time is always 0.3 seconds.
  • Standardized the time it takes to stabilize the weapon to be faster than it was previously, but will be slow compared to other weapon types.
Battle Rifle / Marksman Rifle / Bolt-Action Rifle (C14, FAL, G3, KNT-76, M110, M14, Mosin, MPT-76, QBU-88, SV-98M, SVD)
  • Added new camera shake effects to make these weapons feel more powerful when shooting them.
  • Removed the heavy recoil curve that was present on most battle rifles and replaced it with a standard recoil curve.
  • Reworked recoil configurations for G3, FAL, M110, and MPT-76 rifles to be more controllable.
  • Standardized ADS move speed, equip movement speed, and reload movement speed to be 50% to 60% of normal movement speed depending on optic.
  • Standardized per-stance ADS times to be between 0.3 to 0.55 seconds depending on stance and optic. Bipod ADS time is always 0.3 seconds.
  • The time it takes to stabilize a weapon has been standardized to be faster than it was previously. It will now be faster than machine guns but slower than rifles.
  • Slightly reduced the damage on the G3 damage curve, now that these weapons are easier to control, they will less frequently cause one-hit kills but still cause high damage that will require immediate bandaging to survive.
  • Battle rifles with foregrips now provide a small benefit to control recoil.
Automatic Rifles (M27 IAR, RPK family, G3A3 w/ drum, QJB95-1)
  • Reworked recoil configuration of RPK family of weapons.
  • Standardized ADS move speed, equip movement speed, and reload movement speed to be 60% to 70% of normal movement speed depending on optic.
  • Standardized per-stance ADS times to be between 0.3 to 0.45 seconds depending on stance and optic. Bipod ADS time is always 0.3 seconds.
  • The time it takes to stabilize a weapon has been standardized to be faster than it was previously. It will now be faster than machine guns but slower than rifles.
Rifles (M4 family, AK family, L85 family, EF88 family, SKS family, QBZ95-1 family)
  • Reworked recoil configuration of AKM family of weapons.
  • Standardized ADS move speed, equip movement speed, and reload movement speed to be 60% to 70% of normal movement speed depending on optic.
  • Standardized per-stance ADS times to be between 0.3 to 0.45 seconds depending on rifle length, stance and optic. Bipod ADS time is always 0.3 seconds.
  • The time it takes to stabilize a weapon has been standardized to be faster than it was previously. It will now be the fastest weapon type to stabilize other than sub-machine guns and pistols.
  • Reworked configurations for M4 Simon Offense to perform better in close quarters but weaker at range than other rifles.
  • Rifles with foregrips now provide a small benefit to control recoil.
Sub Machineguns (MP5 family, SAR-109T, PPSH, Vz61)
  • Standardized recoil and sway configurations to make these highly controllable weapons.
  • Standardized ADS move speed, equip movement speed, and reload movement speed to be 90% of normal speed.
  • Standardized per-stance ADS times to be 0.2 seconds.
  • The time it takes to stabilize the weapon has been standardized to be faster than it was previously. It will now be the fastest weapon type to stabilize other than pistols.
  • Reworked sway to be more controllable.
  • Standardized ADS move speed, equip movement speed, and reload movement speed to be 100% of normal movement speed.
  • Standardized per-stance ADS times to be 0.2 seconds.
  • Standardized the time it takes to stabilize the weapon to be faster than it was previously, it will now be the fastest weapon type to stabilize.
Friends List
We have added a friends list to the Squad main menu. This should make joining your friends’ servers easier. This is our first iteration of this feature, and we expect to see it grow into something more in the future!
  • Updated WPMC Loach Helicopters to use new "Scout" and "Light CAS" map icons, which more accurately depict their vehicle roles.
  • Admin's can now cycle between different local voice chat modes:
    • Hear only friendlies. Only heard by friendlies.
    • Hear everyone. Only heard by friendlies. (New Default)
    • Hear everyone. Heard by everyone.
    • Hear everyone. Only heard by enemies.
General Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with the WPMC Loach Helicopter bouncing soldiers away when they attempted to get close to the front, rear, and sides of the vehicle.
  • Fixed WPMC Loach Helicopter emergency recovery "Push" being too strong.
  • Fixed a bug where the M134 minigun on the WPMC Loach CAS Helicopter appeared to be pristine even when wrecked.
  • Fixed an issue with the WPMC CPV M139 minigun impact VFX.
  • Fixed an issue with the WPMC M16 Wormpool rifle family text description listing the weapons using 3-round burst fire mode instead of auto.
  • Fixed the alignment on the WPMC M16 Wormpool with Meupold Scope.
  • Added correct firing sounds for C6 CROW for the CAF TAPV vehicle.
  • Fixed an issue with the USMC/WPMC M27 IAR ABD HK416 Rifles not allowing a +1 round in chamber.
  • Fixed a visual bug with the USMC AAVP-7A1 APC.
  • Fixed an issue with the IMF UB32 Emplacement using the mortar map icon instead of its own unique icon.
  • Fixed WPMC AK-101 PushCo Rifle where players middle finger on the right hand was clipping into the trigger guard.
  • Fixed an issue that WPMC Crewman and Pilot kits had more mags for MP5A3 than they should have.
  • Fixed WPMC AK101 PushCo Rifle to now use a 5.56mm mag (was using a 5.45mm mag previously).
  • Made specific attenuation adjustments to vehicle exterior engine sounds. Volume now decreases quicker further out, but is still just as audible as before.
  • Increased FOB Radio audio attenuation radius to be heard at 50 meters.
  • Fixed potentially inconsistent armor hit damage in rare edge cases.
  • Fixed VDV Armored Battlegroup having access to build ATGM emplacements when defending.
  • Fixed RGF Motorized Battlegroup having access to build ATGM emplacements when defending.
  • Fixed BAF L85A2 Classic + SUSAT to use the correct name in HUD and Kit Role Select Menu.
Map Updates
Fixed some faction vehicle layouts for Seed and Skirmish maps.

Skirmish v1 - Fixed a bug where WPMC was not an option during voting.

RAAS v2 - Fixed an issue with Team Two’s middle helipad destroying Helicopters directly after spawning.
Invasion v1 - Fixed Quad bikes not spawning in attackers base.

Pacific Proving Grounds
AAS v1 - Fixed mercy bleed instantly ending the round after last capture point taken.

Sanxian Islands
Invasion v1 - Fixed an issue with USMC helicopter spawning in sideways.
  • Reverted localization for capture point names back to English to ensure consistency for players from different regions playing on the same server.
  • In order to better facilitate player communication we reverted layer names to English.
  • In order to better facilitate player communication we reverted game mode names to English in all languages (except Chinese).
Known Issues
We are currently not aware of any new known issues created with this update. If you happen to come across something that you would like to report, please use the Community Discord and we will update this thread accordingly.

This concludes our debrief for the 8.2 Squad Release Notes! Stay tuned to our Steam forums for all our upcoming comms!

Offworld Out!

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Nominate Squad for the Steam Awards

Listen up Squaddies. With the Steam Autumn Sale kicking off today, the 2024 Steam Awards nominations are underway. We hope you'll consider nominating Squad for the Labor of Love Award.

Squad is the epitome of a labor of love, evolving from its humble beginnings as the mod Project Reality.

Over the years, countless passionate developers have poured their heart and soul into Squad, guiding it from its initial Early Access release in 2015 to its official launch in 2020.


In 2024, we released 5 major updates, including the following:

We’ve also recently announced that Squad is making the leap to Unreal Engine 5! This migration will empower us to leverage cutting-edge tools and features, ensuring that Squad continues to look and feel as exceptional as ever in the years to come.

Our community reflects the same unwavering dedication to Squad that drives our development team. Nominating us for the Steam Award for Labor of Love would be an incredible honor, not just for us, but for the entire community that has supported and lifted Squad to where it is today.


If you haven't picked up Squad yet, you can join your soon-to-be fellow squaddies for 50% off during the Steam Autumn Sale.

Offworld out.


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Save 50% off Squad

“We've intercepted new transmissions. Ready to receive!”

Listen up Squaddies. We're taking part in the Steam Autumn Sale from November 27 - December 4, and you can get your friends and soon-to-be fellow squaddies in for 50% off. You heard right. The game's on sale from now until the Steam Autumn Sale ends.


You can also check out our most recent DevBlog here, where we show a sneak peek at our upcoming work in UE5 for Squad!

Offworld Out.


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Devblog - The Journey to UE5 #1

Hello Squaddies, and welcome to the first installment of our Devblog “The Journey to Unreal Engine 5”.

As you might guess from the title, this is our official announcement that Unreal Engine 5 is coming to Squad! We have been cooking this for a little while now, and it will need to stay in the oven until we are happy with it! But today, we would like to show off some of what we have been doing and talk to some of our Dev team about what they are working on with their teams!

Let’s look at today's topics:

  • Worlds Team - Al Basrah
  • Factions
  • Vehicles
  • AA & CAS
  • Quality Assurance Testing
  • Optimization and Performance
  • New Tools and Features
  • Risks and Challenges
But before we get into the topics, here’s a word from our Project Lead, Howitzer!

: "Hi all. I wanted to put a short foreword in this Devblog to talk about what we are hoping to accomplish with the Unreal Engine 5 migration. We want this transition to help secure the game's sustainability far into the future. As Epic updates its engine, new advanced features become available that we want to be capable of using. The closer we are to the latest engine version, the easier it will be for us to use new tech, should we need it."

"One of the biggest challenges so far with our UE5 migration has been the new physics engine. It's a huge programming effort, with Design needing to set up all our vehicles again, mostly individually! We are also implementing new sound tech, so all our weapon audio is being set up and retested currently. It’s all very exciting, but time-consuming work."

"This is going to set us up for the future, giving us a new foundation, if you will, for the future of Squad to take off from. A foundation that has been years in the making."

Worlds Team

Ceeg: "So what made the team decide that Al Basrah was the map to introduce with UE5?"

Zeno: "It was one of our oldest maps with extremely outdated visual quality, yet also one of the most played maps, a pretty consistent favourite in Invasion. This is why we chose to revitalize it with the latest production pipelines and current quality standards. We also wanted a “Classic” Squad map to showcase the strengths of the new UE5 workflow and features, which acts as a proof of concept for how we want to make Squad maps moving forward."


Ceeg: "I know the players want to know… Were all the previews of Al Basrah in UE5? Did you do that deliberately to see if anyone would notice?"

Zeno: "Ha! Yes they were. All of the preview images and videos that have been released since we showcased the Al Basrah remake a couple of months ago have been from inside the UE5 engine. We were conscious that we still had not announced UE5 at the time, so we tried showcasing the current state of the map that we could have achieved in UE4. But in the future you will be able to see how far we have been able to progress the map in UE5. And it is looking amazing!"


Ceeg: "So, Factions have been working on some updates to the INS faction; tell me a little about that!"

Fuzzhead "Right! So, the Factions team has been working on a number of things for UE5, but no major independent content will be included from us. However, we are working on redesigning the INS Factions models and textures! This will be mainly to facilitate the creation of purchasable weapon skins for their kits. These weapons are very old assets and currently don't meet the minimum standard to use the model with our weapon skin system, hence why they are getting the rework."

"Our designers are also hard at work on the UE5 Vehicle Handling, which I think you got to see in the Live Stream on Remembrance Day."

Ceeg: "So are the vehicles using a different system than before in UE4?"

Fuzzhead: "Vehicles in current live Squad use UE4 PhysX as a middleware for physics simulation. This is an aging physics engine and Epic chose to no longer support this for UE5. We are now using the native “Chaos” physics which is new in UE5 and developed by Epic. We are evaluating other middleware options as well, to ensure we have a robust system in place to meet the demanding needs of Squad. The main differences between PhysX and Chaos is that our engineering team has more control over the simulation, which allows us to take advantage of more granular details, which is particularly helpful when it comes to designing tracked vehicles."


Ceeg: "Has it been difficult to update all the vehicles? Maybe you could walk us through some of the processes behind changing one class of vehicles or one vehicle?"

Fuzzhead: "Our engineering team has been working for a long time to ensure Chaos physics meets the needs of Squad, and carries all the necessary features of PhysX, while purging the quirks that can sometimes make Squad vehicles behave in strange ways. The road has been long but we are starting to see some good results now. In the first UE5 builds, our vehicles sat on the ground, sad, lonely and unable to move (no physics). Our engineers have been bringing as many parameters as possible into Chaos, and adding new parameters to help designers create more robust vehicles. They have moved many of the variables that used to live on the blueprint before, onto a vehicle config data asset. These variables include values for the Engine, Transmission, Wheel setup, etc. Designers start with some baseline values, loosely based on the UE4/PhysX values, then tune accordingly. Lots of testing in PIE (Play In Editor) occurs in this process to ensure each vehicle behaves as intended. Common issues arise during this process, and improvements and fixes are implemented. Here’s an example of a vehicle config, specifically the M1A2, and some of its variables."


Ceeg: "Before we get to the questions, I know I wanted to ask you both about the timeline for AA & CAS extras that are coming to UE5. What are we able to share with everyone today?"

Crush Depth: "Well, first, the goal with AA & CAS is to have it come in an update some time AFTER the initial migration to UE5. So MANPADS and additional CAS helicopters will be added at some point after the launch. That's our current plan, at least."

Ceeg: "What is AA going to look like in UE5? Will there be a Class available to each faction that gets Anti Air kits?"

Crush Depth: "Shoulder-fired MANPADS will be available to most factions as part of a new soldier role. Other factions will forgo the mobility of MANPADS and instead build fixed FOB emplacements which any player can fire powerful missiles from, similar to how emplaced ATGMs work now."


Ceeg: "Will the factions that get MANPADS all have their own unique launchers?"

Crush Depth: "Some factions will share launchers, but we will do our best to ensure there is a wide variety of launchers and variants so that every faction is using an authentic system. We also aim to include some unique pieces of hardware which don't play like the others, to introduce some interesting gameplay twists and faction asymmetry where it makes sense to."

Ceeg: "Was it easier to create the feature in UE5 instead of UE4? Why or why not?"

Censer: "To be honest, it has been mostly the same. UE5 has some nice quality of life things like code hot reloading that makes iteration faster, but that has been about it. We just felt it was time to making the skies of Squad not as safe as they are currently!"

Ceeg: "So right now, what are the AA & CAS team working on?"

Censer: "We are currently working on playtesting our prototypes with the CPT members, making sure we are hitting our design goals for the feature."

Crush Depth: "The testing is mainly focused on refining the featureset, and analyzing how the new gameplay affects the flow of 100-player matches. With each playtesting cycle we test our assumptions, look for dominant strategies and exploits, and iterate quickly. Our CPT group have been integral in helping us with this, and continue to be!"


Quality Assurance Testing

Ceeg: "We all know that QA takes time on any project, but what have been some of the most time-consuming things that the team has been working on for UE5?"

Karm: "One thing that has been taking a lot of time is the swap to a new (vehicle) physics system. There is a lot of work left to be done on the development side, and each iteration needs to be tested. Another thing is that an engine upgrade means that the entire game needs to be tested, because things can break anywhere. Obviously, after 10+ years of development, that’s a very large amount of stuff! Like Crush said, the Closed Player Test group has been great at helping us in our Bi-Weekly (sometimes weekly) tests. The larger groups of people playing frequently allows us to find the issues and document what needs to be done much faster than us relying on finding them on our own!"

Ceeg: "Are there any tools in UE5 that make your job any easier?"

Karm: "Nothing NEW, but the tools are significantly improved for us to be able to provide more in-depth investigations into performance. I think Patrick will be able to tell you more about that though!"

Optimization and Performance

Ceeg: "You’re going to get technical with me, aren’t you?"

Patrick: "Yep! Buckle in."

Ceeg: "So you and your team came back to Squad to help with Optimization. Tell me a bit about what that has looked like for you and the team."

Patrick: "Well, we’ve known that Squad has had some performance issues, and in the past we’ve just had to patch things in place due to time constraints and different feature priorities. This has led, over time, to things being done in non-optimal ways. This is commonly known as Tech Debt. The first thing my team did was to have an Unreal Insights profile taken on our minimum spec machine and my team went over that for about 2 weeks, documenting all the issues we found, and what was costly. Once we had that list of problem items, we dug into each one briefly to get an understanding of the scope of fixing them. Once everything was said and done, we had around 43 pages of notes documenting the various performance issues with Squad. However, having a list of issues is just the start, we also needed to come up with a technical plan on how to deal with these issues, some of them are quite heavily involved. While we’re a small team of 6 people (including me), we’ve split up the work accordingly and have already made some decent headway into the performance issues that Squad has had with various systems for years."

Ceeg: "So with this 43-page document, how do you intend on prioritizing different aspects of the optimization process?"

Patrick: "Generally, we’re targeting the more costly items first, for example animations, which are quite costly for a lot of reasons. Part of our solution is taking advantage of the Thread Safe animation update that was introduced in UE5, and ensuring we don’t have any wacky bugs. As a further step, we only toss things on another thread, in general, if the work would be done faster on another thread. We’ve found a few cases where it was spending more time considering putting work on other threads, than it would be to just do the work in the first place.Performance issues that are more involved, for example UI issues, are not quite as easy to address, even if they are costly. To circumvent these kinds of issues, we’ve dialed more into the Significance Manager in order to help adjust client side performance."

Ceeg: "Is Squad likely to receive optimization to issues that have persisted from UE4, or will this all be fixing issues with UE5?"

Patrick: "Our goal is to optimize Squad itself. Certain engine features UE5 introduced helps us in that, but the engine itself isn’t necessarily the problem, it’s our code. We are being careful to not fully lean into some of the heavier systems that UE5 brings, at least without a solid plan in place. That said, we are experimenting with some UE5 features, such as utilizing Iris, Epic’s new replication system, which uses Delta change based replication rather than iterating over all actors to determine what needs to be replicated. We’re still in the early stages of testing that, as quite a bit of Squad code has to change in order to make sure we don’t colossally break things!"

"I have a whole list of things we have already worked on to share:"

  • Audio Optimizations
    • Animation Notify Play Sound improvements
      We have found that the engine will create an audio component each time a notify wants to be played, or any sound is played from a non-audio component. This is costly, and our solution is to have a lightweight audio system that can play sounds without having to worry about updating the location of the component each frame.
  • Physics Optimizations
    • Physics Syncing
      We have noticed that the engine needs to sync Physics quite often, but it doesn’t appear to have any gameplay impacts from our disabling of it on Starship Troopers: Extermination. We’re still in the investigation stage of this and are waiting for the final bits of the new Vehicle system to be finalized.
    • Vehicles
      The Squad team have written an entirely new system for how vehicles interact with physics, directly off of Chaos itself, bypassing Unreal’s default vehicle classes entirely. This has caused our vehicles to be far more performant, but has exposed several performance issues related to Chaos itself that we’re still investigating.
  • Tick Audit
    • Ticks happen every frame of the game. Since we’re targeting 60 FPS, this gives us a frame budget of 16.6667ms of frame time per second in order to hit that. This is mainly on the Game and Render threads that we need to worry about.
    • This audit is mainly targeting going through all of our game code and blueprints and checking to see if something is ticking. If it is ticking, then we look into why, and if it doesn’t need to tick, then we rewrite that code and dependent code to not rely on a tick. This usually means migrating it to an event based update approach rather than checking something on tick.
    • A specific example of this is the “SoldierHasShovel” check, which was firing on tick. Now that boolean is set when a player equips or unequips a shovel. There are hundreds of these kind of examples throughout the entire code base and fixing them all is not a small task. This is also known as “Death by a thousand cuts”.
  • UI Optimizations
    • Unreal uses a system called Unreal Motion Graphics, or UMG for short. As with any kind of system, it’s easy to do non-performant things and not realize it until some time later. One big culprit of this is Canvas panels, which cause loads of performance overhead, and at most a game should only have 1 per level if possible.
    • Additionally, there’s other optimizations that can be done with UI, similar to the tick audit above, where we have stuff in the UI getting updated very frequently, despite not needing to.
    • A fix we’ve already done seems silly, but our main menu button was ticking every frame, even when not visible. While it’s not costly and is easy to fix, there’s also quite a few of these kinds of things littered throughout the UI in Squad.
    • Underneath UMG is Unreal's actual UI system, Slate. Slate itself has performance issues. Thankfully, we solved some of these issues on Starship Troopers: Extermination and will be bringing over as many of these fixes as possible for Squad.
  • Performance Pass
    • This is a catch-all for systems that are costly for various reasons and need to be optimized as a whole.
    • As mentioned above, Animation fits into this category.
    • Here’s a brief list of what we’ve worked on so far:
      • VOIP Optimizations - Fixed various issues with VOIP, such as array iteration, registry calls on Windows, etc
      • Animation Optimizations - Move animation updates to separate threads
      • Replication Optimizations - Investigating Iris and improvements
      • Character Movement Component - Move to multi-threaded solution, we did this on Troopers and it worked fairly well.
      • Object Pooling - Spawning actors is expensive, having a “pool” of already spawned actors that we can swap in and out to bypass this performance hit will save quite a bit of performance each frame.
Ceeg: "Thanks Patrick! I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say we are all excited to see what you and the team will continue to find and work on!"

New Tools and Features

Dynamic time of day and randomized weather

: "We are working towards a full rework of how lighting works in UE5. This includes the addition of a new progressive time of day and weather system, that allows us to accurately simulate the real passage of time. One of the most striking features of this system is the addition of dynamic and ever changing weather conditions, so just because you are starting with a nice sunny day, does not mean it will stay like that throughout a whole round of gameplay. We are still working on the details of how this will be fully integrated, but our vision is a dynamic world, where players will need to adapt to what nature throws at them and use it to their advantage."


Nanite and Virtual Shadow Maps (VSM)

: "These 2 features are one of the most striking features of UE5, and will allow us to have much more flexibility in how we create our levels. For players, the visual changes will be noticeable as much higher quality of assets at distance, by both improving Levels of Detail (LODs) as well as letting us drastically increase drawdistance. VSM will also do the same, but for shadows. Where you before might have noticed a drastic decline in shadow quality at distance, as well as shadows disappearing for certain objects, VSM allows us to render very high quality shadows out to extreme distances, as well as sharper, more detailed shadows up close."


[Nanite Foliage Conversion example]

Our Risks and Challenges

As a team, we have been assessing and managing the challenges of Unreal Engine 5 from before many of them even arose. We knew this upgrade would be time-consuming, taking away time and content from our current live game. And we knew that if we really wanted it to succeed, we would be taking a hit on the previous release timeline we had planned for Squad in 2025. So, it’s an investment that we are excited to share more of in the coming weeks and months. It won’t be rushed, and we will be inviting you all to come test Unreal Engine 5 Squad with us when the time comes.

This is the end of our first Devblog on the migration to Unreal Engine 5. We plan on releasing more of these as the months go by to let you all know of our current progress, but it will likely be into 2025 before you hear more from us regarding Unreal Engine 5.

Special thanks to Oat Bread and Katt from the CPT, whose screenshots were used in today's Devblog!

Until next time.

Offworld out!

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The Wrench - Fall 2024

Welcome to another installment of The Wrench, a look at some of the great work from Squad’s modding community.

What follows are updates sent to us by the people behind the mods themselves: their words, images, and amazing work!

Vehicles Seed Layers by Niaxa

No more boring Seed sessions lasting several hours!

Do you want to practice flying a helicopter? It's possible, and this while seeding your favorite server!

Do you want to do tank battles? This is also possible! You have the choice among many vehicles such as MBT, MGS and IFV.

A quad or motorcycle race...? Obviously, it’s possible!

Do you want to play chill in infantry? New areas are available! Prepare for fast and intense battles: no respawn time, buddy rally, and 2 HABs per FOB.


All 14 layers currently available work with the votemap. And all factions are available on all layers!

To summarize: 3 zones, 3 times more fun. The zones cannot join together (invisible wall). It’s up to you to discover them!

Steam workshop:

Helicopter Landing Training by Youshisu

An offline mod that allows people to train piloting on real maps.

5 maps are filled with landing zones of different difficulty. Each landing is scored and information is returned to player to help them improve and compare.

Three types of landing zones: ground, rooftops and challenge landing spots.

5 maps are currently playable, 3 more maps will be added. Mod is in playable state without bugs, future updates will add more modes and other heli tasks done during combat.


Steam Workshop:

SquadV by FireArrowInteractive

SquadV is a hardcore module dedicated to fully embodying the various mechanisms of modern warfare.

Through the development and introduction of a series of new mechanisms and the expression of more modern warfare elements, you can have a completely different and exhilarating combat experience in this mod, with more efficient collaboration and communication with teammates, and the use of more advanced weapons and equipment to achieve ultimate victory in battles.

  • 26 unique sub factions(Including new factions such as JGSDF ZSU ROCA PAP)playable in all vanilla map layers and mod maps
  • The latest vehicles and light weapons equipped by military forces of various countries in the 2020s
  • More detailed modular vehicle protection(Further improvements will be made in the near future)
  • Realistic armor plate system equipped with entity models of plates and helmets
  • Automatic metering fire control system for tanks
  • Thermal sights and Fire Control System for most vehicles
  • Infantry’s NVG
  • Realistic alternation of day and night
  • Dynamic weathers
  • Each squad leader and combat engineer has a deployable drone
  • FPV kamikaze drone
  • Parachuting mechanism for VDV faction
  • MANPADS and helicopters’ MAWS
  • Mortars and AGS-30 with realistic range
  • Artillery units for some factions(work in progress)
  • More stable missiles
  • Infantry Fighting Vehicles are capable of carrying construction material and deploying radios
  • Brand new game mode SFIL: seize or defend multiple objectives simultaneously
  • Search SquadV or SQV in the server list for available servers.


More factions, vehicles, weapons and mechanisms will be added to SquadV in the future.

We welcome players and server owners from all over the world to join SquadV. If you have any needs, our team is honoured to serve you. If you need to contact us, you can leave a message in steam workshop or join our Discord to communicate.

Steam Workshop:
Discord: https://discord.gg/gDtaPbs5mq

Squad VoiceConnect by Stepan Sidorovich

This mod can work with any layer and mod, meaning it can be run on any map.

  • Includes smart cross-team voice chat (with 4 config variables).
  • Has a panel with information about mods and mod issues.
  • Includes a control panel where you can contact the administration (like Discord, but in Squad).
  • Ability to spectate players from 1st and 3rd person perspectives, enabling players’ vision trace.
  • Teleportation by double-clicking on the map or on a player in the Scoreboard (TAB).
  • Extensive customizable config (17 lines for editing): SquadGame/Saved/SquadAdminTools/SquadAdminTools.cfg.
  • Player prefixes (can be configured in SquadGame/Saved/SquadAdminTools/PlayersPrefixes.cfg).
  • Fatality Mode - a tool for enhancing realism.
  • Multilingual support. Translations available in English, Russian, Chinese, and Portuguese.


To start, you need to launch the VoiceConnect_Init layer, after which the VoiceConnect functions will work throughout the entire game.
The config will be created after launching VoiceConnect_Init.

Steam Workshop:

SuperMod by Tactical Collective

The SuperMod aims to combine all Tactical Collective projects into one.
(Middle East Escalation, French Faction, VDV, Squad Vietnam, Douentza ma, African Factions, JGSDF, Black Hawk Down and others...)


The mod includes dozens of factions with their own exclusive weapons and vehicles, new game dynamics like Landing craft air-cushioned transports, Sniper and recon squads, and more.

Ultra-mobile, realistic special forces sub-factions. Refined weapon handling, the addition of lights and night vision, while maintaining balanced gameplay.

What more is there to say? SPM is MEE on steroids.


Steam Workshop:

Insurgence by Riplomacy

Introducing Insurgence, a fresh take on the vanilla "Insurgency" mode designed to feel more like its Project Reality counterpart with a unique twist.

Attackers start with a numerical advantage controlling 80% of the players, while Insurgents are stuck with weaker weapons like Mosins and SKS rifles. However, attackers only have one life—once killed, they switch to the defending side, strengthening the Insurgents over time. Attackers must also exercise caution, as civilians are mixed in with the Insurgents. Killing too many civilians results in a court-martial, forcing the attacker to join the defenders.

The attacking team must search the map for hidden Insurgent caches. These are initially marked roughly, but become more accurate as attackers gather intelligence—either by killing Insurgents or arresting civilians. The more intel gained, the easier it becomes for attackers to locate and destroy the caches.

A unique mechanic disables VOIP for wounded players waiting for a revive, creating a tense atmosphere where attackers must stay vigilant and ensure their teammates are still alive to avoid surprise ambushes. This encourages tight teamwork and constant communication to effectively clear the area of Insurgents.

Steam Workshop:

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Hello Squaddies!

Short, but important update today!


General Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an exploit that could cause a player to have more ammo than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where the WPMC M134 Minigun’s muzzle flash persisted after being fired when viewed from a distance.
  • Fixed an issue where the flags on the Map Preview screen were not connecting properly for some players if their Squad client was localized to a different language.

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Hello Squaddies,

Thank you for your patience while we cooked these fixes a little longer, it allowed us the time to add as many bug fixes as possible that came along with the 8.1 Hired Guns update.


General Bug Fixes
  • Reduced frame drops when firing the M134 Minigun (featured on the WPMC CPV, Loach, and 2 and 4-seater technical trucks).
  • Fixed an issue with the BAF FV107 where the vehicle's main body would disappear when one or both tracks were destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue where vehicle weapons could jam and become unusable when the player switched to another weapon during a reload.
  • Fixed an issue with grenades not spawning when thrown.
  • Fixed a bug where the WPMC Grenadier 1 & 2 kit inventories did not include binoculars.
  • Adjusted the armor penetration of the M134 Minigun on the WPMC CPV and Technical M134 so its armor penetration curves downwards at farther ranges.
  • Adjusted the MOA of the M134 Minigun on the WPMC CPV and Technical M134.
  • Fixed a bug where voting layers were not properly switching to night/day variants.
  • Fixed the M4 Simon Offense barrel collision being too long, forcing down the rifle against a wall at too far of a range.
  • Adjusted many WPMC Woodland/Desert Soldiers to wear T-shirts now that their “noodle arms” have been fixed (they’re al dente now!).
  • Fixed a bug where bots would spawn forever after a seed match went live.
  • Fixed the TLF Jandarma kit role not having any kit limits.
  • Adjusted the WPMC MP5A3 + T800 Optic to be ranged to 50m instead of 100m.
  • Fixed the WPMC Mk19 AGL Bunker not having the correct emplacement limit of 2 on the WPMC Light Infantry Unit.
  • Fixed an issue with the WPMC M60T MBT being able to keep reloading and firing its main gun after being ammo racked.
  • Fixed a bug where the WPMC M1151 TOW’s input sensitivity was too high for an ATGM-equipped vehicle.
  • Fixed a bug where squads would quickly swap positions on the scoreboard screen.
  • Fixed gameplay bugs when aiming down sights while getting on emplacements.
  • Fixed gameplay bugs when aiming down sights while getting on emplacements.
  • Adjusted the WPMC Combined Arms (Defense) Unit so it now has 2x M1151 TOW with 15min initial delay.
  • The admin broadcast message will now be visible on the voting and scoreboard screens.
  • Fixed the icon for the TLF / USA M113A3 Mk19 Open Top APC showing as a closed-top APC on the vehicle list when it should show as an open-top APC.
  • Harju AAS v2 - Fixed an issue with WPMC using Large Faction Setup instead of Medium.
  • Fixed an issue with the RGF T-90A MBT Commander's NSVT MG being invisible.

Map Updates & Bug Fixes

Al Basrah
  • Fixed an issue with the WPMC Loach Helicopter sometimes spawning on its side.
  • AAS v2 - Fixed an issue with the WPMC using a Large Faction Setup instead of a Medium one.
Mod SDK Update
  • Fixed a bug where SquidBots were not clearing their high-priority orders.

Known Issue
We are aware of a bug that may cause objective connections and order to be displayed incorrectly on the map preview image in the voting screen when playing Squad localized. We are working on a fix that should be released in our next update.

  • Reverted vehicle names to English to make communication and claiming easier.
  • Reverted localization for capture point names back to English to ensure consistency for players from different regions playing on the same server.
  • Added missing Simplified Chinese localization to the Summary, Scoreboard, and Voting screens.
  • Corrected errors with the Ukrainian and Russian localization for ammunition and vehicle names.
  • Fixed a bug where the description for the M16 Forest Viper skin was displaying in English for players using German and Brazilian Portuguese.



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Starship Troopers: Extermination Is Out Now!

“We've intercepted new transmissions. Ready to receive!”

Listen up, Squaddies! We’ve got some great news coming from another sector of Offworld! Our friends on the Starship Troopers: Extermination team are excited to announce that their 16-player co-op FPS has now left Early Access! In addition to launching 1.0 today, it’s also available on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

While we’ve focused on releasing numerous updates for Squad over the last year and a half, the Starship Troopers: Extermination team has been hard at work at delivering a brand-new type of experience from Offworld. Starship Troopers: Extermination is a co-op shooter where you’ll enlist as a Deep Space Vanguard Trooper and fight on the frontlines of an all-out war against the Bug Threat. Starship Troopers: Extermination features multiple classes, an arsenal of weapons and abilities, and the Carnage system — a tech advancement developed right here at Offworld. As you take out bug after bug, their corpses will pile up, so much so that living enemies can use them as bridges into your base!

The 1.0 launch adds a bunch of new content, including a new ice planet map and the iconic Tanker Bug. If you’re a fan of the films, want to take the fight to the Bugs, or enjoy base-building and teamwork, check out Starship Troopers: Extermination!

Offworld Out.


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Get Squad now during the Steam Weekend Deal

“We've intercepted new transmissions. Ready to receive!”

Listen up Squaddies. Get Squad now for 60% off until October 3. You heard right, the game's on sale now as part of the Steam Weekend Deal!

Check out our latest update 8.1 – Hired Guns – which brings the Western Private Military Contractors (WPMC) faction to Squad along with new weapon skins and emotes. We’ve also overhauled several significant menus and included many bug fixes to make playing and understanding Squad easier than ever. Read more about the Hired Guns update HERE.


Offworld Out.


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Free Weekend from September 26 - 30

Attention Squadies!

We have a fresh wave of recruits joining us from September 26 - September 30 for Squad's Free Weekend! Play for free our latest update 8.1 - Hired Guns, which brings the Western Private Military Contractors (WPMC) faction to Squad along with new weapon skins and emotes. We’ve also overhauled several significant menus and included many bug fixes to make playing and understanding Squad easier than ever. Read more about the Hired Guns update HERE.

Welcome to Squad, recruits!


Plus, you can pick up Squad now for 60% off for a limited time until October 3:


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Squad - v8.1 Release Notes - Hired Guns


The Hired Guns update brings the Western Private Military Contractors (WPMC) faction to Squad along with new weapon skins and emotes. We’ve also overhauled several significant menus and included many bug fixes to make playing and understanding Squad easier than ever. Finally, we’ve added bots to the Seed mode games to allow for a better seeding experience.

The expected release date and time of this update is - September 25, 2024 11:00 AM PST


Western Private Military Contractors (WPMC) Faction
The Western Private Military Contractors (WPMC) faction… The Western PMC is an irregular Independent faction that focuses on non-standardized, modern infantry. While they may lack some of the tools that other conventional forces have such as heavy vehicles and heavy weapons, they make up for it with speed, agility, and infantry firepower.
Distinguishing Features
  • Primary colors/patterns are black and aftermarket camouflage.
  • Independent faction, which can match up against any other faction in the game.
  • This faction can be deployed to any biome or map.
  • This faction has a noticeable lack of heavy vehicles, lacking infantry-fighting vehicles.
  • This faction has a wide variety of modern and effective small-arms.
WPMC Units
Murk Water Air Wing (Air Assault)

This unit prioritizes attacking from the air and is equipped with the new close-air support Loach helicopter. Due to its focus on aerial operations, the unit lacks the M60T battle tank and M1151 anti-tank guided missile variants that the other WPMC units have access to.

Manticore Security Task Force (Combined Arms)
This unit prioritizes controlling the battlefield through a mix of ground infantry and armored vehicles. This unit has access to the M60T tank, the TOW and M2 variants of the M1151 armored car, three helicopters, and more.

Overwatch 6 Patrol Group (Light Infantry)
This unit prioritizes using ground infantry to swiftly capture strategic objectives. This unit has access to nine 4x4 quad bikes, two armored SUVs equipped with miniguns, the TOW variant of the M1151 armored car, and more.

WPMC Vehicles
CPV Armored Car:
A new light & agile vehicle exclusively for WPMC, the Convoy Protection Vehicle looks like a typical civilian SUV but is highly modified to protect occupants while maintaining very fast on-road top speeds. Comes in two variants: An unarmed transport and a fire support variant (equipped with an open-top M134 minigun). Comes in three color variants: Black, Merlot, Midnight Blue.

M1117 Armored Car: A new armored vehicle exclusively for WPMC, it features a closed-top dual turret HMG and GMG and a mine-resistant ambush-protected hull.

Loach Helicopter: A new helicopter exclusively for WPMC. Comes in two variants: the scout variant with room for 1 pilot and 3 passengers and the Close Air Support (CAS) variant equipped with miniguns and dumb-fire hydra rockets.

M1151 Armored Car: Re-texture of an existing vehicle, an agile fast-moving armored car. Comes in three variants: open-top M240 medium machine gun, open-top M2 heavy machine gun, and TOW Launcher (anti-tank missile).

M113A3 Tracked APC: Re-texture of an existing vehicle, a capable armored transport armed with an open-top M2 HMG.

M113A3 Tracked Mobile Spawn Vehicle: An existing tracked vehicle with a new special capability: the ability to rapidly deploy a mobile spawn point.

M939 Truck: Re-texture of an existing vehicle. Standard unarmed transport and supply carriers. Comes in two variants: Logistic truck and Transport truck.

M60T Main Battle Tank: Re-texture of an existing vehicle, bringing more heavy firepower to the faction with western-friendly gunner reticles.

Modern Technical 2-Seater Truck: Re-texture of an existing vehicle. A fire support light vehicle with three variants: One with an M2 machine gun, one with a mortar, and one with a minigun. Comes in three color variants: Black, Tan, and Gray.

Modern Technical 4-Seater Truck: Re-texture of an existing vehicle. Comes in three variants: Logistics truck, transport truck, and fire support truck (equipped with minigun). Comes in three color variants: Black, Tan, and Gray.

Raven CH146 Utility Helicopter: Re-texture and slight modification of the existing CH146 utility helicopter.

WPMC Weapons
M14 Battle Rifle:
A traditional M14 battle rifle chambered in 7.62mm, this is a tried and true weapon of war that hits hard. 3 Optic Variants: Iron Sights, M68 Optic, Meupold Scope + Bipod.

MP5A3 Submachine Gun: An iconic automatic submachine gun, ideal for CQC. 2 Optic Variants: Iron Sights, T800 Optic

M320 Grenade Launcher: A compact handheld 40mm grenade launcher, capable of firing accurate rounds of HEDP and Smoke grenades up to a range of 350m.

M4 Simon Offense Carbine Rifle: A custom M4 5.56mm carbine rifle chambered in standard 5.56mm. This weapon uses the existing M4 upper receiver but has custom handguards and grips, with an extra compact front receiver. 4 Optic Variants: Iron sights, EXPS Optic, T800 Optic, ACOG Scope

M4 Wormpool Carbine Rifle: A custom M4 carbine rifle chambered in standard 5.56mm. This weapon uses the existing upper and lower receiver but has custom handguards and grips. 4 Optic Variants: Iron Sights, EXPS Optic, T800 Optic, ACOG Scope.

M16 Wormpool Assault Rifle: A custom M16 full-length assault rifle chambered in standard 5.56mm. This weapon uses the existing upper and lower receiver but has custom handguards and grips. 5 Optic Variants: Iron Sights, EXPS Optic, T800 Optic, ACOG Scope, Meupold Scope + Bipod.

M16 Wormpool C-Mag: This M16 is equipped with a bipod and a 100-round “C-Mag”, which turns it into a fully automatic squad support weapon.

AK101 PushCo Assault Rifle: A custom AK101 rifle chambered in 5.56mm. This rifle uses a fully unique lower and upper receiver as well as unique handguards and grips to give the rifle a completely unique look compared to typical AK’s. 4 Optic Variants: Iron Sights, EXPS Optic, T800 Optic, ACOG Scope.

TW 338 SWS Sniper RIfle: This bolt action sniper rifle is from the same manufacturer as the CAF C14 Sniper Rifle, except this is the off-the-shelf variant with an OD paint job and no front rail. This allows the WPMC to conduct long-range reconnaissance and harassment opportunities.

WPMC Commander
Commander Abilities:
The WPMC Commander has access to the handheld drone and heavy mortar barrage (similar to IMF / INS) as well as the F16 rocke strike (similar to TLF). WPMC Commander can also access these Commander abilities next to vehicles as well as HABS (similar to IMF / INS).

After-Action Report
We are revamping the current end-of-round scoreboard into a more holistic After Action Report that will give players more information on how well they performed as a squad, as a team, and where their shortcomings were.

We have added bots to all of Squad’s seeding map layers. This is an official integration of the popular “Squidbots” mod.

Server admins can enable and configure these bots to provide a better seeding experience for players. When enabled, bots will take the place of players not yet connected to the server. As more players fill up the server, bots will gradually stop spawning.

We have also replaced the Jensen’s Range killhouse bots with these newer and smarter bots.


  • Invasion game mode balance changes for attackers/defenders win chances:
    • Increased attackers starting tickets to 250 (up from 200)
    • Increased objective capture ticket gain to 130 (up from 100)
    • Updated all Invasion map layers to have a standard max 5 flag layout. Exceptions are: Harju Invasion v1 & v2, Sumari Invasion v1.
    • RAAS, AAS, Invasion flag capture speed increase now scales up to 27 players (previously, the maximum capture speed scale maxed out at 8 players). The new capture speed at 9 players is the same as the previous maximum capture speed: 77 seconds for an initial flag capture (or "backcap"). With more players, it will capture even faster: 46 seconds for 18 players, and 35 seconds for 27 players. This will allow new strategies for backcapping to unlock/reveal the next flags faster.
    Note: The number of 'capture speed chevrons' shown has been slightly changed due to the new maximum. You will see 4 chevrons at 9 players and 5 chevrons at 15+ players.

  • Increased the effectiveness of vehicle-deployed IR smoke grenades against ATGMs, especially beam-riding (Kornet, Refleks, Bastion).
  • TLF Faction - Added the HAR-66 Rocket Launcher to two LAT roles.
  • MEA Faction - Added the MPT9 SMG to the Crewman and Pilot kit roles.
  • Removed the TLF Grenadier kit with MGL 6-shot grenade launchers from all seeding map layers.
  • Reduced the total mag size of the RGF BMP-2M IFV AGS30 from 300 to 120.
  • Reduced Mk19 ammo to have 32 rounds per belt for the following vehicles:
    • USA / USMC M1151 Mk19
    • USA / USMC MATV Mk19
    • USA / TLF M113A3 Mk19
    • USMC RHIB Mk19
    • USMC AAVP7A1
    • CAF TAPV Mk19
    • Mk19 Tripod Emplacement
  • Made the following changes to the RGF faction:
  • Removed 1x BMP-1AM IFV from the RGF Mechanized Battlegroup
  • Added 1x BMP-1AM IFV to the RGF Armored Battlegroup
  • Updated the infantry and helicopter tutorials to have unique loading screen images.
  • Added scrolling text to the unit info screen to make for a more consistent and readable UI.
  • Updated several weapon cards in the Weapon Skins menu for consistency.
  • Added Discord Rich Presence support for the PLAAGF and TLF factions as well as the Sanxian Islands map.

General Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a long-standing bug where players could get indefinitely stuck in the ragdoll state after being run over by a vehicle.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when booting up the game or changing maps.
  • Fixed a bug where ammo icons on vehicles a player has been in would still be visible even after they changed teams.
  • Fixed a few bugs with VFX for the wire-guided ATGMs.
  • Fixed a bug that caused camera clipping when reloading in the IMF/INS Technical Kornet Car’s gunner position.
  • Aligned the iron sights on the USA/USMC M4 / M16A4 rifle.
  • Fixed the zeroing on the IMF M4 Rifle’s 3x scope.
  • Fixed a bug with the IMF M16A2 rifle on the Squad Leader Kit, where players could not adjust the ranging.
  • Fixed inaccurate dimensions on the BAF G17 Pistol.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed PLAAGF Mechanized and Combined Arms Units to use HJ8 ATGMs when defending.
  • Emplacements with an entry timer have been changed to allow instant entry.
  • Fixed a bug where the PLANMC ZTD05 vehicle wreck looked like the ZBD05.
  • Fixed a visual bug with the TLF Cobra II MRAP.
  • The CAF LUV-A1 and USMC Quad Bike now have the correct SFX for driving on desert roads and in shallow water.
  • Fixed a visual bug with the VDV Squad Leader and Grenadier soldiers.
  • Fixed a bug that caused helicopter wrecks to make an explosive sound for players who joined the server nearby.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent a grenade from exploding correctly if the player was killed while cooking it.
  • Fixed ATGM tutorial UI failure state prompts not flashing when guidance is lost due to Line Of Sight or Countermeasure interference.
  • Fixed Beam-Rider "Can Reacquire Guidance prompt" flashing when it should not be.
  • Fixed several elements of UI ATGM failure state prompts not animating.
  • Fixed multiple bugs with ATGM tutorial button prompts, which should now be more consistent and easier to see.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented turret laser rangefinders from measuring distances beyond 1.5 km.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a turret laser rangefinder to incorrectly display a value of “000” when looking in certain directions on certain vehicles.
  • The rotor SFX on the USA UH-60M Helicopter no longer continues playing after the rotors have been destroyed.
  • Fixed MPT-76 being visible through smoke on far distance
  • Fixed a bug where the rally point item would appear to be invisible in the hands of BAF soldiers.
  • Adjusted the item slot layout for the following vehicles to be more consistent with the rest of the vehicles:
    • INS BRDM-2
    • RGF T-90A
  • The turret on the RGF BMP-1AM IFV no longer appears to be floating above the vehicle.
  • Fixed BMP-2M IFV gunner experiencing the wrong screenshake when firing Kornet ATGMs.
  • Fixed a bug that caused vehicle tracks to clip into the vehicle or road once destroyed.
  • Fixed a bug with the CAF LUVW C6 Car, driving through shallow water no longer ejects the player on the gunner seat.
  • Fixed a bug where the backblasts of anti-tank rocket launchers were not dealing damage.
  • Made several improvements to the alignment sway calculation.
  • Fixed a crash related to projectiles.
  • Fixed a bug where the necks of IMF soldiers could clip through their tracksuits.
  • Fixed a bug where the USMC Rifleman 1's left forearm was twisting awkwardly when they ran.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some parts of the PLANMC uniform from getting muddy
  • Killing a player while they are priming an anti-tank mine or C4/TNT will now successfully prevent the placement of the item as long as the animation hasn’t finished.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Special Characteristics” section of the team select screen to be inaccurate at times.
  • Clicking on the info button of a unit or a layer during the voting phase no longer plays the click SFX twice.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the vertical grip of the USMC M4 to clip into the soldier’s left arm when the weapon inspection emote was used.
  • Fixed a bug where the TLF KNT-76’s scope was not appearing in previews of weapon skins
  • Corrected a material on the Thicket weapon skin.
  • Fixed a bug that caused players who died while holding a primed grenade to drop two grenades instead of one.
  • Fixed a bug where the first load/equip animation would sometimes not play when a player entered an open turret vehicle weapon.
  • Fixed a bug where the belt of grenades on the MK19 AGL appeared to clip into the ammo box when reloading the weapon.
  • Fixed a bug where the character model of the USA LAT 01 soldier could change appearance when using certain emotes .
  • Fixed a bug where the VOIP indicator for sending audio was not being displayed during the end of match and final vote results.
  • Fixed a bug where the ammo and build supply counter could incorrectly display a zero or empty value even when the vehicle was being loaded or full of ammo and/or build supplies.
  • Fixed several spelling errors in loading screen tips.
  • Fixed a localization error with the pop-up that appears when downed
Map Updates & Bug Fixes

  • Invasion - Standardized the capture zone layout for the following maps: Al Basrah, Anvil, Belaya, Chora, Fallujah, Fools Road, Gorodok, Kamdesh Highlands, Kohat Toi, Kokan
  • RAAS v1 - Fixed a bug that caused ticket bleed for the losing team when the winning team captured the 5th flag.
  • AAS v1 - Fixed a bug that prevented light infantry bikes from spawning at the USA main base.
  • RAAS v1 - Fixed an incorrectly named capture zone.
Goose Bay
  • Fixed a bug where players could fall through an invisible hole in the roof of a warehouse at B1-2-3.
  • Invasion v1 - Fixed a bug where some vehicles flipped over when spawned.
Kohat Toi
  • Invasion v2 - Fixed a bug that caused factions to be displayed twice on the list of available factions.
  • AAS v1 - Team 1’s ammo crate no longer spawns inside the repair station.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some amphibious vehicles from crossing the river near the bridge north of Mutaha.
Sanxian Islands
  • RAAS v2 - Fixed a bug where the “Wushiwan” capture point name was duplicated in the wrong location.
  • RAAS v1 - Updated main base spawns for better flow.
  • RAAS v1 - Fixed a few bugs related to boats not spawning as intended.
  • RAAS v1 - Fixed a bug where the minimap could be incorrect in certain locations.
New Weapon Skins
Contractors Pack ($7.99 USD)

This new pack contains 8 new cosmetic items for the new WPMC faction. Each weapon skin has a version for desert maps and a version for woodland maps. Here is a closer look at each item in the pack:


For AK101 PushCo Assault Rifles.



For Simon Offense M4 Carbines.



For all M4 Wormpool Carbine and M16 Wormpool Assault Rifle variants.





For G17 Pistols.



New Emotes
Barracks Pack ($5.99 USD)

The props pack brings an exciting new twist on Squad’s emote system: Now, players can spawn props with their emotes.

Here is a closer look at each emote in the pack:


Deadlift (Emote)

Hold Flag (Emote)
The flag will change based on your current faction!


Sweeping (Emote)

Smoking Emote (Free)
All players will receive our new Smoking emote for free. Check it out and give it a try in the Customize menu.


Mod SDK Update
  • Updated the mod SDK to v8.1.
  • Updated mod versioning to v8.1. This means that all mods will need to be re-cooked with the v8.0 SDK to be compatible with the updated version of the game.
  • Added config options on every vehicle seat to allow forcefully ejecting passengers when the vehicle's angle is above given thresholds or the vehicle experiences a sudden change of acceleration.
We have added translations to the following languages:
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Ukrainian
This is an ongoing effort and they may have some inconsistencies, please report these as you see them in the Squad Discord!
Known Issues

  • We are aware that the bots can currently see through smoke
This concludes our debrief for the 8.1 Squad Release Notes! Stay tuned to our Steam forums for all our upcoming comms!
Offworld Out!

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Hello Squadies

We have just released a Hotfix for Update 8.0.2!


  • Fixed a bug where framerate was having an impact on weapon sway.
  • Fixed a bug where armor values for vehicles changed depending on the orientation of the vehicle.
  • Fixed a rare client crash that could occur when an anti-tank guided missile is destroyed on impact.

Short and sweet for today! Thanks for all your patience while we hammered out the bugs with the weapon handling/FPS issues. All the community collected data, videos, and bug reports truly helped with this process!


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Save 25% off Squad

“We've intercepted new transmissions. Ready to receive!”

Listen up Squaddies. We're taking part in the Steam Summer Sale from June 27th to July 11th, and you can get your friends and soon-to-be fellow squaddies in for 25% off. You heard right, the game's on sale from now until the Steam Summer Sale ends.

You can also check out our most recent update here, where we have new units for the RGF, USA, and TLF factions and an overhaul of our anti-tank guided missile system, in addition to improvements to our loading screens and a new pack of weapon skins!

Offworld Out.


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Hello Squadies

We have just released a Hotfix for Update 8.0.1!


  • Made balancing adjustments to the USA/TLF M1064A3 M120 Mortar:
    - Scaled back the range of the M120 Air Burst round’s lethal damage, these rounds now have a much smaller lethal radius, but have a larger wounding radius
    - Decreased the maximum firing range from ~3600m to ~2000m. Minimum firing range was also decreased from ~650m to ~370m.
    - Increased the load time of each round from 3 seconds to 5 seconds
    - Increased the minute of angle (MOA) dispersion for all rounds
    - Increased the cost of ammo cost from 30 to 50 ammo points per round
  • Added ATGM Tutorial text to Jensen's Range


  • PLA ZTZ99A MBT - Fixed a bug where the armor values were much stronger than intended.
  • MEA/INS/IMF BMP-1 Tracked IFV - Fixed a bug with the wire VFX.
  • CAF C7A3+C79A2 Rifle variants - Fixed a bug where the C79A2 sight would clip into the camera and be unusable if the weapon was ranged to 800m.
  • RGF BMP-2M Tracked IFV - Replaced the Kornet reticle with a new one that doesn’t look so similar to the ATGM FOV indicator.
  • RGF BMP-2M Tracked IFV - Fixed a bug where the Kornet was not causing screen shake when fired.
  • RGF BMP-2M Tracked IFV - Fixed a bug where the Kornet ATGM was incorrectly referred to in the UI as “Wire-Guided.”
  • RGF BMP-2M Tracked IFV - Fixed a bug where repair rearm stations were rearming five Kornet missiles instead of the intended four.
  • RGF MT-LB VMK APC - Fixed a bug where users were unable to start the engine on desert maps.
  • RGF BRDM-2 Spandrel - Right-clicking while in the Konkurs gunner seat no longer causes the reticle to disappear.
  • USA M113A3 Tracked Logistics - Fixed a bug where the map icon was incorrect.
  • USA/USMC M1151 Mk19 Light Car - Fixed a bug where the woodland version of the M1151 Mk19 left behind a desert camo wreck.
  • USA M7A3 BFIST Tracked ARV - Fixed a bug where the woodland version of the M7A3 left behind a desert camo wreck.
  • AK-74M GP-25 + 1P78 Weapon Skins - Fixed a bug where the weapon’s appearance would change back to default when equipping the Grenadier GP-25 smoke grenade.
  • Fixed a bug where the beam-riding ATGM FOV radius (red circle) was failing to scale when zooming in and out.
  • Fixed a bug where the MEA, PLA, PLANMC, and PLAAGF units only had one HAT Kit available instead of two.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the ADF Mechanized Unit to be missing their ATGM emplacements for offensive. They now have access to place 1 TOW per FOB.
  • Fixed a bug where ADF Units were missing their RHIB Logi on Boat variants.
  • Fixed a broken reticle on the NSV Tripod.
  • Fixed a few visual bugs with the VFX for wire-guided ATGMs.
  • Fixed a bug where the M2 Bradley and BMP-2 were missing their barrels when switching to the ATGM.
  • Fixed a bug where some ATGMs did not have the correct zooming functionality.
  • Fixed a bug where the length and angle of the blast cones for gun-launched ATGMS were incorrect.
  • Fixed several visual bugs with the TLF Grenadier soldiers.

And that's all for today!


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Squad - v8.0 Release Notes

Hello Squaddies!

Today, we are releasing the Squad 8.0 Patch Notes EARLY. The update will be released June 12th, 11AM PT (7PM BST).

We've got a long list to get through today, so stick with us to the end!


This update brings new units for the RGF, USA, and TLF factions and an overhaul of our anti-tank guided missile system. We’re also improving our loading screens and releasing a new pack of weapon skins.

New for USA

  • 37th Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division (Armored)
    Joining the USA faction as their Armored unit, the 37th will use M1A2 main battle tanks, supported by M113A3 APCs, as logistics vehicles and armored personnel carriers for the infantry. They will also receive the new M7A3 BFIST IFV, an M2A3 IFV variant lacking the TOW ATGM.

  • 1st Cavalry Regiment (Mechanized)
    Filling in the Mechanized unit in the USA faction roster, the 1st Cavalry Regiment will use M2A3 IFVs, supported by M113A3 APCs, as logistics vehicles and armored personnel carriers (including a Mk19 variant). They will also receive our new M1064A3 mobile mortar carriers, utilizing a heavy 120mm mortar but at the cost of not having deployable mortars on their FOBs.

  • 497th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (Support)
    The 497th will join the USA faction as their Support unit. They will receive three M939 logistics trucks supported by M1151 MRAPs, M113A3 APCs, and M1064A3 mobile mortar carriers. They can deploy an extra HAB and ATGM similar to other conventional faction support units.

  • Mk19 AGL Emplacement: A Mk19 automatic grenade launcher (AGL) emplacement can be deployed to and built on ADF, BAF, CAF, TLF, USA, and USMC FOBs on Air Assault and/or Light Infantry units. Note: The Mk19 is currently a placeholder for the German GMG automatic grenade launcher that should be used by the BAF and CAF factions. We plan to add more types of AGLs for other factions in the future.


  • M113A3 APC: The M113A3 is an iconic, mass-produced armored personnel carrier. It will appear in-game with an unarmed logistics variant, an M2 heavy machine gun variant, and a Mk19 automatic grenade launcher variant. It will appear on the USA Armored, Mechanized, Support units, the CAF Armored (Logistics variant), and TLF Armored & Mechanized units (Logistics variant).

  • M1064A3 Mortar Carrier: The M1064A3 is a mortar-carrying variant of the M113A3 APC. It uses a powerful 120mm mortar. It will appear on the USA Mechanized and Support units and the TLF Support unit.

  • M7A3 “BFIST” IFV: The M7A3 Fire Support Team is a recon variant of the M2A3 IFV that swaps out the TOW launcher for an advanced optics and sensor pod. This vehicle will replace the standard M2A3 on the USA Armored unit and appear on the Mechanized unit.

  • Mk19 Vehicle Variants: The USA and USMC factions will now gain access to M1151 and MATV Mk19 variants, which will appear on the USA Air Assault unit and the USA & USMC Light Infantry units. The USMC also get a RHIB Mk19 variant on their Amphibious Assault Unit.


New for TLF
  • Land Forces Logistics Command Battle Group (Support)
    Joining the Turkish Land Forces as the support unit, they will use three BMC Logi trucks, supported by Cobra II MRAPs and ACV-15 APCs, and receive the new M113A3 M120 mobile mortar carriers.

  • UH60 Helicopter: We’ve reskinned our UH60 helicopter for use with the TLF. This vehicle will use PKT door guns, available in Air Assault and Support units for the TLF.


We have also updated the uniforms for existing TLF troops to be more authentic. Go check them out!

New for RGF
  • 205th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade (Mechanized)
    The 205th will fill in the mechanized unit for the Russian ground forces faction. It will focus on the new BMP-3 and BMP-2M infantry fighting vehicles, supported by MTLB APCs as logistics vehicles and armored personnel carriers.

  • BMP-2M IFV: A modern modification of the BMP-2 IFV, notably using additional weapon systems - an automatic grenade launcher and a quadruple Kornet ATGM launcher system replacing the Konkurs on the BMP-2. This vehicle will be available for the RGF Mechanized unit.

  • BMP-3M IFV: A modern upgrade to the BMP series using a 100mm cannon, 30mm autocannon, coaxial machine gun, and Bastion anti-tank guided missiles. This vehicle will be available for the RGF Mechanized and Amphibious Assault units.

  • T-90A Tank: A third-generation main battle tank to replace the T-72 series. It will use armaments similar to the T-72B3 already in-game but will have upgraded frontal & side hull armor and frontal turret armor. We have plans to differentiate this vehicle further from the T-72B3 in the future. This vehicle will be available for the RGF Armored, Combined Arms, Motorized, and Light Infantry units.

  • BMP-1AM IFV: This is an upgraded BMP-1 variant that uses the same 30mm autocannon turret found on the BTR-82A. It will replace the BMP-2 on the RGF Armored unit and appear on the Mechanized unit.


New for INS & IMF
  • Added a technical truck with a mounted Kornet ATGM to the IMF and INS factions’ Light Infantry and Motorized units.

New for VDV
  • Added the RGO Impact Frag Grenade as the standard fragmentation grenade to the VDV faction.

New for CAF
  • Updated the CAF TAPV with its authentic armament, a 40mm automatic grenade launcher (C16), and a 7.62 machine gun (C6) combination turret. This will now be the only TAPV variant. Note: The Mk19 is a placeholder for the German GMG automatic grenade launcher that should be used for the C16.

Anti-Tank Guided Missile Overhaul

We’ve reworked our existing anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) to extend their features, introduce various nuances, and update their visual effects.

ATGMs now have various strengths and weaknesses based on their guidance method. For example, wire-guided ATGMs (like the TOW) have an easier time hitting moving targets, but are less accurate at long range compared to beam-riding ATGMs (like the Kornet). At this time, the differences are tuned on the more conservative side, as our main goal is to move these weapons away from being effective anti-aircraft weapons to open the door for more dedicated anti-air weapons in the future. Future iterations to ATGM characteristics may be made to ensure this goal is achieved.

Wire-Guided ATGMs (TOW, Konkurs, HJ-73C, AT-3 Malyutka, HJ-8, F2 MILAN)
Strengths: Easier to hit moving targets without losing guidance.

Weaknesses: Terrain and obstacles can foul the wire, and they have less effective range and accuracy than Beam Riders. They cannot fire on the move.

Beam-Riding ATGMs (Kornet, Bastion, Refleks)
Strengths: Greater accuracy at long range, can be fired on the move, more resilient guidance system.

Weaknesses: It is harder to hit fast-moving targets at medium/long ranges and is vulnerable to IR smoke countermeasures.

IR Smoke Countermeasures
Vehicle-mounted smoke dischargers are now accurately represented with their infrared countermeasure qualities. Their smoke will now confuse the guidance systems of ATGMs, causing a loss of guidance that will likely cause the missile not to hit its target. The distance at which smoke canisters explode has also been increased from 25m to 50m. This change only affects smoke deployed from vehicle-mounted smoke canister launchers. The ‘driver smoke’ that vehicle drivers can deploy or hand-held smoke grenades do not possess IR blocking capabilities.

New Loading Screens

We’ve added new loading screens that include gameplay tips.


  • Added a Seizure Warning screen as part of the start-up process.
  • Made several quality-of-life improvements to vehicle recovery times. The intent is to reduce frustration when resetting vehicles since the current vehicle handling implementation and physics system can result in some wild vehicle behavior.
  • Reduced base time for teleport recovery to 20 seconds, down from 30.
  • Decreased the time added for rotating a vehicle with recovery by 90%, now 180 degrees rotation should add only 4 seconds to base recovery time, down from 40.
  • Increased the time window for consecutive recovery attempts to receive the speed bonus to 30 seconds, up from 15.
  • Increased the speed bonus for consecutive recovery attempts by 44%. With the new base recovery time, the consecutive attempt to recover a vehicle should now take 3 seconds, down from 8 seconds.
  • Removed helicopters from all conventional Armored units, except for the VDV, which will continue to have a helicopter but on a 30-minute delayed spawn. The intent is to provide a more meaningful trade-off when selecting conventional armored units, which will be due to the lack of air-mobile logistics for the entire round duration.
  • Improved bullpup rifle (EF88, L85A2, QBZ95-1) gunplay characteristics. The intent is to make bullpup weapons feel better and more effective in combat.
  • Clear Sights now cancels when Steady Aim is held, even if the sway is too high to see through the sights.
  • Added a new Accessibility setting under "GAME" settings - "DISABLE WEAPON MODEL BLUR". This setting prevents the Depth Of Field effect from blurring your weapon when not aiming down sights, helping prevent eye strain.
  • Set all weapons using the C79A2 magnified optic (CAF C7A2/C8A3/C9A2) to default to 100m zero from 200m. Although 200m is the authentic range on the C79A2 optic since the difference between 100m and 200m zero is more negligible in real life, the presence of additional gravity on our projectiles makes this a usability issue for players who may often shoot too high when aiming at targets at 100m.
  • Reduced the recoil of the TLF SOR-109T SMG. The intent is to make this weapon feel better and more effective at short range.
  • Slightly increased weapon stabilization time after deploying a bipod.
  • Consolidated INS and IMF armored/non-armored technicals and Urals into "Technical HMG", "Technical SPG", "Technical Logi", "Technical Transport", "Ural Logi", and "Ural Transport". Different variants will spawn randomly.
  • Consolidated ADF PMV Mag58 and PMV Mag58 x3 into "PMV". Different variants will spawn randomly.
  • Consolidated USMC M1151 armored and non-armored variants into "M1151 M2", “M1151 M240", and “M1151 Mk19”. Unarmored and armored variants of each will spawn randomly.
  • Toned down the brightness of the blue color on the PLANMC character uniforms.
  • Adjusted the maximum number of certain fortification deployables with either a high limit or no limit for conventional factions. The intent here is to reduce the defensive potential for non-support conventional units.
  • Conventional Support units can have a maximum of six bunkers and four observation towers per FOB.
  • All other conventional units can have a maximum of four bunkers and two observation towers per FOB.
  • Increased teamwide availability of the Heavy Anti-Tank role from 2 to 4 on conventional factions’ Light Infantry and Air Assault units. The limits for how many HAT roles can be in a single squad have not changed. The intent is to make up for the lack of heavy vehicles in these units by providing more availability of anti-vehicle infantry roles. Note: Along with this change, the TLF Air Assault unit can now access a HAT role using the M2 Carl Gustav.
  • Added a voting setting for server owners that allows them to show a unique map only once within voting options (for example, if this option is on Fallujah AAS v1 and Fallujah Invasion v1 will not show at the same time in voting options).
  • Added voting settings for server owners that limit the number of options for each game mode that can be shown within voting options (for example, can only show 1 Invasion layer, 1 AAS layer, but up to 4 RAAS layers).
  • Added a voting setting for server owners to only trigger voting for the map, not the factions or units. Units will be chosen randomly from all available units on that layer and will take into account the faction & unit skip settings and the symmetric matchup setting.
  • Added an admin command to enable and disable voting.
  • Added an indicator to the unit preview screen that informs players when game elements like commander abilities, boats, or helicopters are unavailable on the selected map.
  • Adjusted text on the voting screen for clarity.
  • Added music for faction voting and SFX to the result screen.
  • The default keybinds for rotating deployables in placement mode are now Q and E (formerly Left Arrow and Right Arrow).
  • Intel XeSS upscaling is now supported and appears as an option on the graphics settings menu
  • Updated the DLSS plugin settings.
  • Added the special characteristics of the INS and IMF factions to their descriptions on the unit info screen.
  • Reduced the number of T72B3 for VDV Armored from 2 to 1. The intent here is to reduce the overall firepower of the VDV Armored unit, which previously had two T-72B3 tanks in addition to their two Sprut-SDM1 tank destroyers.
  • Reduced the number of LAV-25 IFVs on USMC Armored from 2 to 1. The intent here is to reduce the overall mobile firepower of the USMC Armored unit, which previously had two LAV-25s in addition to their two M1A1 tanks.


General Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug with the server browser that displayed all servers even when a language, playstyle, experience, or map rotation filter was used.
  • Fixed a bug with the server browser that could cause the game to freeze for 2 seconds when the server list was refreshed.
  • Fixed a client crash that could occur after playing the startup video.
  • Fixed a bug that could allow players to vote twice during voting.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause players to be stuck in voting flow when map layers are set up incorrectly.
  • Fixed a client crash related to using mortars.
  • Reduced the third-person volume of the RGF BMP2 IFV’s cannon.
  • Fixed a bug that caused helicopters to behave strangely after being reset with a teleportation command.
  • Mods should now correctly show details in the server browser.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to shorten the VDV AK-12’s reload animation.
  • Fixed a bug where the VOIP UI could break if a player lost connection to a server while talking.
  • Corrected the zeroing on the PLA DTC041A-30 Autocannon.
  • The CAF HAT role now has the correct munitions.
  • Fixed a bug that interrupted VOIP transmission if a player clicked on the map after dying.
  • Added missing RPG hit effects to the side hull of the USMC AAVP APC.
  • Fixed a bug that could interrupt ADS if the player pressed space during the crouch-stand transition or while prone.
  • Fixed a visual issue with BAF backpacks.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the backblast of emplaced and vehicle-mounted anti-tank weapons to be offset.
  • Fixed a visual issue with the PLA soldier vest.
  • Fixed a bug in the tutorial where characters could get stuck in a “T pose.”
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the TLF faction to have 2 AR MG3 Irons roles in a squad instead of the intended 1.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the IMF M2 HMG (with shield) emplacement from zooming during ADS.
  • Adjusted the way that Invasion POIs are numbered on the Interactive Layer Map Details Screen so that it makes more sense.
  • Fixed a visual bug with how the Quad Bike e-brakes in the water.
  • Fixed a bug with the custom browser that could cause empty lines to appear amongst filter results.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the Team Select Screen to refresh unnecessarily.
  • Fixed inconsistent rotation for the C6A1 FLEX MG on the CAF LAV III Wheeled APC.
  • Added the missing Amphibious Assault unit icon to the voting screen.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent a team from voting, instead presenting them with the results of the other team’s vote.
  • Fixed a bug where using the AdminRestartMatch command during the voting phase could cause issues with the next round’s voting phase.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player’s legs to change location after exiting an emplacement.
  • Fixed a collision issue that allowed the USA/USMC Quad Bike to drive through some other vehicles.
  • Fixed a visual bug with the USMC AAVP7A1 APC.
  • Fixed a visual bug with the USA M4 M203 with Underbarrel Grenade Launcher.
  • Fixed a bug where the M1151 map icon used the image for an open-top jeep instead of an AT jeep.
  • Fixed a minor visual issue with TLF soldier gloves.
  • Fixed an animation bug with the KNT-76 that could cause soldiers using it to look odd to other players.
  • Fixed a bug where the Crewman’s repair kit was causing clipping while playing the Join Me gesture.
  • Fixed a bug where the NLAW caused the Overwatch gesture to look strange.
  • Fixed a bug with the muzzle flash VFX on the VDV BMD-4M and PLA ZBD04A IFV.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the player’s cone of vision from appearing on the minimap while manning the turret on the BAF FV107 Tracked ARV.
  • Fixed a bug with using freelook while using a weapon with a deployed bipod.
  • Fixed a bug that caused players to clip through the wall of the PLA CSK131 Jeep when sitting in the back.
  • Fixed a bug with the idle third-person soldier animation for players using the PLA QJY88 MG.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the turret mount on the PLA ZBL08 IFV to change color based on distance to the vehicle.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the soldier’s arm to clip through the ammo box when firing while aiming down sights with the TLF MG3 MMG.
  • Fixed some bugs relating to the Team Select Screen and Mode Info screens appearing when they shouldn’t.
  • Fixed a bug with the Team Select Screen that caused the map info popup to appear stretched out in wide resolutions.
  • Fixed a visual issue with the rockets on the backs of soldiers using PLA and PLANMC PF98 HAT roles.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the USA/USMC Quad Bike to take damage when the ammo box on the front carrying rack was shot.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Insurgents acronym to be missing from the available units list on the voting screen.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple map layers had "None" as the lighting layer on their info screens
  • Fixed a bug with soldier animations in the tutorial.
  • Fixed a bug with the TLF MPT-76 UGL’s inspect animation.
  • The USMC Combined Arms (large setup) unit now has one M939 Logi and two AAVC logis as was intended.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause clipping during the Flex emote.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the TLF MG3 Machine Gunner to have a pair of Soviet field binoculars.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the wrong kit information to appear when hovering over kits in the role selection screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Fireteam map markers to be removed when a new fireteam lead is assigned.
  • Fixed a bug where vote requirements could be disabled through the Admin Cam Tool but not re-enabled.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the IMF Infiltrator Kit Role from counting towards the 3 available Fire Support Role slots.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Squad map markers to be removed when being promoted to Commander.
  • Fixed a bug that caused grenades thrown above players in the prone stance to bounce off of their character model.
  • Fixed a bug that kept modded factions from working properly in the voting process on modded servers.

Map Updates & Bug Fixes

  • Standardized all large map RAAS layers to have 7 flag layouts. Smaller maps (Chora, Fool’s Road, Kokan, Mestia, Sumari, and Logar) still have 5 or 6 flag layers. The intent is to standardize the RAAS experience on larger maps and enable us to get more accurate analytics on rounds of RAAS gameplay to inform future iterations. Iterations to existing gameplay layers and new layers will continue in future updates.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the wrong voice lines to play when an objective was captured on an Invasion layer.

Al Basrah
  • Invasion v1 - Fixed a bug that removed the initial 10-minute delay from the BAF Combined Arms FV510s.
  • Invasion v1 - Fixed a bug that caused the BAF Combined Arms unit to have more FV510s than they should. The unit now has one FV510 and one FV510 UA.
  • Invasion v2 - Fixed a bug that partially caused the boat repair station to float.
  • AAS v1 - Fixed a bug where the BAF truck sometimes spawned flipped over.

  • TC v1 - Fixed the MBT spawners for both teams.
  • TC v1 - Fixed a bug with the Team 1 ammo box at the main base.

  • Destruction v1 - Fixed an issue that prevented Team 1’s MBT from spawning.

  • AAS v1 - Fixed a bug that allowed players to hide inside of a certain rock
  • Invasion v2 + RAAS v1 - A Repair Station is now available for boats in the Main Base.
  • Invasion v1 - Fixed a bug where IMF Minsk Motorcycles were not spawning in the Main Base.

  • Added a new Invasion layer, Invasion v2.

Kamdesh Highlands
  • AAS v1, RAAS v1 - Helipads can now be used in the main bases.
  • Insurgency v1 - The helipad in Team 1’s base can now be used.

Kohat Toi
  • Added two new layers, RAAS v2 and Invasion v2.

Sanxian Islands
  • AAS v2 - Fixed a bug that caused the ammo crate to spawn on top of the helipad

Weapon Skins

Clash Pack ($4.99 USD)

This new pack contains three weapon skins for use with the VDV and USMC factions.


Here is a closer look at each weapon in the pack:

Nettle - VDV AK-12 Rifle (For use on woodland biomes):


Mirage - USMC M16A4 Rifle (For use on desert biomes):


Horizon - VDV SV-98M Marksman Rifle (For use on desert biomes):


Mod SDK Update
  • Updated the mod SDK to v8.0.
  • Updated mod versioning to v8.0. This means that all mods will need to be re-cooked with the v7.2 SDK to be compatible with the updated version of the game.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent modders from uploading mods to Steam workshop
  • Added a new ModdedAssetValidator. This validator will run for any assets within a mod folder, checking whether it references any vanilla assets that are included in the ModSDK, but not included in the shipped game. This was validated before, but at cook time. Now modders will find out far sooner when they're referencing an unshipped asset. This validator also introduces coverage for referenced sublevels and plugin assets, which weren't validated before.
  • For a mod to be cooked, all its assets must now pass asset validation (throw zero validation errors).
  • Fixed validation errors being thrown for Factions and Layers assets not being included in chunk settings.
  • Fixed validation errors being thrown by assets referencing plugins such as Black Coast and Harju.
  • Fixed validation errors being thrown for all SQRestriction_Count data assets.
  • Introduced the Factions and Layers Creation Tool, which handles setup for you when making a new mod for Squad!

Known Issues
  • We are aware of an issue where framerate may have an impact on weapon handling. Our team is working hard to find a solution, and we will update the community when we are closer to a fix.
  • Emplacements and certain vehicles may occasionally have camera perspective issues when leaving the vehicle or reloading the vehicle’s weapon.
  • BMP-1 IFV - The 9M14P Malyutka's guiding wire may appear to pop out of the vehicle and move erratically after firing.
  • The new RGO impact grenades may detonate when a player is downed while holding one.

This concludes our debrief for the 8.0 Squad Release Notes! Stay tuned to our Steam forums for all our upcoming comms!

Offworld out!

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Dev Blog - Meet the SQUAD #1 - Virus.exe

Hello Squaddies!

Today’s Dev Blog is a little different than anything we have done before, but we wanted to introduce more of our Dev team to the community!

So, without further ado, meet Virus.exe, a Technical Game Designer on Squad!

But what is a Technical Game Designer? Well, these individuals possess a unique blend of skills: part game designer, part programmer, and entirely immersed in the inner workings of game engines.

Virus’s days are a combination of experimentation and investigation, often stepping in when others encounter a dead end in solving a technical bug. When that issue runs deeper than expected, Virus has been known to create in-editor tools to allow designers to fix the issue! As for the design side of the position, spending time working with other designers on design docs, configuring new features, and liaising between the design and engineering team for everyone to speak the same ‘language’ is how most of his days are spent!

Virus and Ceeg sat down to discuss his role and what drove him to work in the games industry. Here’s how that interview went!

What inspired you to become a game developer, and how did you get started?

I have wanted to become a programmer since I was a kid. When I was about 12 years old, I became interested in programming and started studying it after school. Writing code fascinated me; I could swear that I could see the zeros and ones hovering in the air around me as if I were Neo from The Matrix. But getting into gamedev was not my goal initially, and you might say I got into the industry by chance.

At the end of 2015, I saw a small Russian streamer on Twitch, who was playing Squad, which had just been released in early access. I am a big fan of the Battlefield series, so I liked the look of Squad a lot, bought it, and started playing together with that streamer. Later, we became friends in real life. I was even a witness at his wedding (hi Anton and Lisa)!

A year later or so, the Squad modding kit came out. And that changed everything. Being a techie to the core, I immediately wanted to figure it out and start creating cool stuff for Squad, which by then had become my favorite game. The original mod toolkit turned out to be almost ‘vanilla’ Unreal Engine editor, so while learning how to mod Squad, I was also learning one of the most powerful game engines of our time.


Active Defense System prototype
After a while, I had built up some reputation in the modding community, and a member of the Squad QA team named Emil spotted me and asked for my help. He had an idea for a new game mode that he proposed to game designers, which they liked, but there were no resources available to develop it at the time, so he asked me to help to create a mod with this new game mode, and I gladly agreed. And to this day, I’m grateful to him for providing me this opportunity that ended up turning my life around. Some might say it was just a happy coincidence, but I consider it to be more like the hand of fate.

Some time later, when the mod was ready and we had completed some public playtests, I was invited to join the Squad development team to integrate this mod into the game.
While doing this, I expressed a strong interest in how Squad was made on the inside. I had studied the code base, and my programming skills helped me start assisting with fixing bugs in the game. I also developed a close relationship with the game design team, and my experience as a simple everyday player, who also participated in competitive tournaments, helped them see the game from a different angle. My technical skills on multiple occasions allowed them to find and fix issues with game mechanics without involving engineers, who at the time were busy with higher priority things, like engine upgrades. And thanks to my knowledge of Russian military equipment, I was also able to fulfill the role of a military advisor.

Eventually, when my work on integrating the new Destruction game mode was completed, around 2018, I was offered a permanent position on the game design team, which sadly I couldn't accept due to my occupation at the time (I was an active duty officer in the Russian military, serving in a R&D unit in a rank of Captain, effectively working as a programmer), but I was able to stay on the team as a volunteer.
Fast-forward to 2021, I finally left my military career after 10 long years, and joined Offworld as a full time technical game designer. And I'm happy to be here and work on my favorite game!

Can you describe a challenging technical problem you encountered while working on Squad and how you solved it?

One of the first big technical challenges for me was a bug with the BRDM-2 Spandrel, a notoriously known vehicle equipped with a pod full of anti-tank guided missiles. The bug was allowing the gunner to bypass the limits on the firing rate, and launch all missiles in quick succession, nuking any opposition armored vehicle out of existence without any chance for them to retaliate. At first, I thought it was just a config problem. But after I studied the code flow under the microscope of the debugger, it became apparent that it was a deeper issue with how the weapon worked. So I had to do a big refactoring of its firing code, almost rewriting it from scratch.

What feature or mechanic of Squad are you most proud of developing, and why?

The new suppression effects & reworked suppression logic in the Infantry Combat Overhaul that was shipped with v6.0 update was one that took a lot of work. I had to study a lot on how Depth of Field effects work in real life optics and how it is implemented in Unreal Engine, in order to make it work as intended, at different resolutions and with upscaling features like FSR and DLSS. It was a really deep dive, and I’m proud that I was able to come out on top of it.

What systems or tools do you use to create game mechanics?

Unreal Engine blueprints for prototyping, Google Sheets for various things, from balancing tuning to analyzing results, Miro & Confluence for documentation & brainstorming, and other designers' brains to discuss the ideas . Also, I look at designed mechanics and analyze them using “design lenses” methodology, very well laid out in The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses by Jesse Schell. And last, but not least, I rely on our Offworld Design Pillars that we have written down and linked in a template for our game design documents.

Could you share an example of a feature/mechanic you designed or implemented that significantly changed player experience?

The Seeding game mode! It was a long requested feature, and I was happy to work on it. I’m not sure how much it changed the player experience, but I think server admins were definitely happy to get it! I also implemented the access to game chat via remote console for administration tasks (i.e. chat commands implemented via 3rd party automation tools monitoring the game chat, that allow to report a player directly to server admins, call for admin presence, or implement map voting and other cool things).


NLAW Guidance System Mk I

What programming languages are you proficient in, and which do you prefer for game development?

My everyday language is C++, as that’s what Unreal Engine & Squad is made on.
In the past I knew some Pascal/Delphi, wrote some Java for Android, had a quite successful attempt with GoLang (wrote the backend for a project I was working on in the military), and can read C# (due to its syntax being similar to C++). For game development I prefer C++, but if I had enough free time, I would have liked to try C# with Unity engine.

Is there anything that you are excited about that is coming to Squad in the future, that we can tease for the Squaddies reading?

There are a lot of things planned, and all of them are exciting! I could share one thing that was known to modders for some time now, it is called Generic Resource System, and could be described as a rework of the backend for our logistics mechanics from the ground-up. It changes the way the game stores information about resources like construction and ammo points and how the objects holding these resources interact with each other. Even though by itself It’s not a game mechanic, it provides a modular foundation that game mechanics could be built and expanded upon in a much more convenient fashion, without making our code base look more and more like spaghetti, enabling us (and modders too!) to create things like physical supply crates that could be dropped from vehicles and could be destroyed by the enemy, or a separate team-wide resource for Commander to use as a currency to pay for call-in support actions instead of being restricted by cooldown timers, and many more cool things!


Resource Crates Destruction

What advice would you give aspiring game developers who want to break into the industry?

There are a lot of resources available nowadays, free game engines, free assets, free or really cheap learning courses. All of that really helps to get started.
So, just go and make games! Learn new stuff! Try things! Try your ideas! Yes, you will fail on your way, a lot. But failure is not a bad thing, it is a learning opportunity. The only one who doesn't fail is the one who doesn’t try.
Remember, when Loki said to Thanos “I consider experience experience”, he was right! Learn from your mistakes, and try again. Even if your game won’t be successful, the experience you’ll get in the process of making it will help you to get a job in the industry.
Another thing, game jams! Take part in game jams! I’ve tried it a few times, and it was a really great experience. Not only was it fun, but also allowed me to develop valuable connections with people across the industry.
Also, mod games that you like! I am a living example that modding could get you into the industry, but I'm not the only one. Offworld has hired multiple people who did impressive modding work, Zeno, Jhett and Axton to name a few! Even our current lead game designer, Baron, was a modder at some point, he worked on the Canadian Armed Forces faction mod team.

Many thanks to Virus for joining me for today’s Devblog! For those of you who made it this far, thank you for joining us. And as a special thank you, the Patch Notes for Squad v8.0 will be available Monday June 10th! See you then!



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Hello Squadies

We have just released a Hotfix for Update 7.3.1!

This includes:
  • a fix for an issue that stops clients from connecting to servers during an EOS sanctions outage.
  • a fix for an issue where players could ADS while sprinting under certain conditions.

For this Hotfix both servers and clients will need to update.

And that's all for today!


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