7.36b Gameplay Patch

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Patch 7.36b is out now. You can check out the patchnotes here.

Additionally, a few bugs were fixed over the last several days:

  • Fixed Broodmother's Spin Web having less cast range than intended if it touches another Web
  • Fixed Death Prophet's Silence having some unintended interactions
  • Fixed Invoker's Mastermind not granting experience
  • Fixed Muerta's Ofrenda being stealable
  • Fixed various Hotkey issues
  • Roshan's attacks no longer instantly kill Shadow Shaman's Mass Serpent Wards and Massive Serpent Ward. Instead, Roshan's attacks are treated as Hero attacks.
  • Fixed Arc Warden Tempest Double taking more damage than intended.
  • Fixed Beastmaster's Level 20 HP Talent applying to couriers in certain circumstances
  • Fixed DK's Frost Dragon Wyrm's Wrath unintentionally applying its effect to buildings
  • Fixed Faceless Void Time Zone crediting assists incorrectly
  • Fixed Huskar's Life Break in combination with Parting Shot occasionally causing players to be unable to issue commands
  • Fixed Invoker Elitist passively granting spell amp without applying the debuff first
  • Fixed Leshrac's Nihilism not getting affected by Defilement & other AoE increases
  • Fixed Lina Flame Cloak not refreshing Fiery Soul's duration if cast while at max Fiery Soul stacks
  • Fixed Lina's Laguna Blade with Level 25 Talent Laguna Blade Damage into Barrier not granting barrier from Slow Burn damage
  • Fixed Lycan's Spirit Wolves sometimes being controllable
  • Fixed Morphling's Attribute Shift bar being misaligned
  • Fixed Shadow Demon being able to create infinite duration illusions if Reins of Chaos procced upon casting Disruption on a Chaos Knight Shadow Servant
  • Fixed Techies' Spleen's Secret Sauce not dealing the correct amount of damage.
  • Fixed Undying Ceaseless Dirge sometimes causing Undying to be unable to issue commands
  • Fixed Venomancer's Patient Zero dealing more damage than intended.
  • Fixed Warlock's Black Grimoire not swapping when players swap heroes in game
  • Fixed Witch Doctor's Gris Gris not swapping when players swap heroes in game
  • Fixed Shield Rune buff not having an icon
  • Fixed Drow Ranger multishot being canceled by casting Glacier

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