-Age: 20, turning 21 this year
-Gender: Male
-Languages you speak: English/German
-In which country / state you live: Germany
-Games you like to play: Uh csgo, a bunch of others, look at my steam libary.
-What you like to do in free time: Uh private stuff
-How you got here: I heard godzilla is doing his own server with Blackjack and Hookers, but i'm still looking for the Blackjack.
-Age: 20, turning 21 this year
-Gender: Male
-Languages you speak: English/German
-In which country / state you live: Germany
-Games you like to play: Uh csgo, a bunch of others, look at my steam libary.
-What you like to do in free time: Uh private stuff
-How you got here: I heard godzilla is doing his own server with Blackjack and Hookers, but i'm still looking for the Blackjack.