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This week in Battlefield 2042

Give it all you've got this week in Conquest Hardcore !
Here are the featured experiences in Battlefield 2042 :

  • Conquest Hardcore
  • Conquest of Ages
  • BF2042 Team Gun Master
  • #FNB - King of the Hill


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Hello there,

Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 23rd, we will be deploying a small update to Battlefield 2042. The primary focus of this update is to return Battlefield 2042 to its main theme within the game's menus as we transition away from Season 7 visuals.

Update #8.0.0 will consist of no downtime for this update, though you may need to restart your game to benefit from the changes.

Additionally, last week we shared a brief overview of what to expect as we continue transitioning away from Seasons and continue supporting Battlefield 2042 with regular game, balance, and Quality of Life updates, Portal highlights, Friday Night Battlefield experiences and more. You can find out our plans along with new ways for you to play via the Journey of Battlefield 2042 continues blog.

//The Battlefield Team

Stay Informed
Follow us on Reddit and @Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on @BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates and other live service changes.

Additional Changes:
  • Increased first-person perspective free look sensitivity of XFAD-4 Draugr to be consistent with other comparable aircraft (Jets).

This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

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The Journey of Battlefield 2042 Continues

Hello there,

We recently gave you an update on what to expect for the future of Battlefield™ 2042, and our transition away from regular Seasons. Now that we're nearing the end of Season 7, we’re back with a brief overview on what's next.

Support for Battlefield 2042 will continue with regular game, balance, and Quality of Life updates, Portal highlights, and Friday Night Battlefield experiences. But today, we’re also here to tell you about new ways for you to play, through Vault Drops and events.

Events - New and Returning


Through our seven Seasons, we’ve seen you enjoy our events, such as the Arkangel Directive and fan-favorite mode Control. So we’ll be bringing them back as we rotate through past events, alongside returning rewards for those who missed them.

This will start with the return of Leviathan Rising, later in July.

We’re also going to be bringing new events to Battlefield 2042, over 4 weeks, with new ways to play, progression via an event pass*, with free and premium tiers, new cosmetics, and more. This first new event will be playable this coming Halloween period - stay tuned for more details.

Vault Drops

Vault Drops will be multi-week moments for you to unlock content in All-Out Warfare.

You’ve seen us bring Battlefield Portal weapons across for use in All-Out Warfare. But we’ve heard you also want us to start doing that with vehicles…

Vault Drops will start later in the year with a vehicle from Portal that we know you’ll be excited to get your hands on.

These events will allow you to both try, and unlock the new hardware. Depending on the piece of hardware, it will come with Mastery, Attachments and Universal skins, and with additional balance changes to ensure their gameplay matches the existing All-Out Warfare roster.

Community Calendar

Our Community Calendar will continue to receive updates showcasing all of the weekly playlists and featured experiences that you can expect to play throughout the months ahead.

We’ll be evolving it to include details on upcoming game updates, weekly missions, and new cosmetic bundles. And of course, we look forward to seeing you for more awesome Friday Night Battlefield sessions, where you can expect prime and chaotic Battlefield gameplay every week.

We hope that this gives you a better understanding of what's next for Battlefield 2042. Thank you for playing, and we'll see you on the Battlefield!

//The Battlefield 2042 team

This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

*Free Event Pass content requires gameplay to unlock. Premium content requires Premium Event Pass (sold separately) and gameplay to unlock.

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Learn more about Outbreak

Contain. Survive. Extract. This is Outbreak!

Progress through the Boreas facility sector by sector while facing a new generation of Geists. Exemplary combat skill will be awarded with Ascension Points, which can be spent to unlock weapons and gear.

Sabotage corrupt intel signals from Boreas’ artificial intelligence by capturing nodes to unlock new sectors. Keep your kit upgraded using the armory stations – each enemy will be tougher than the last.

Make your final stand at the facility exit. An endless horde will pursue active soldiers until the elevator is called. Stay to prove your mettle, or exfiltrate to fight another day.


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Battlefield 2042 | Dead Space

Show you were born to survive as Dead Space comes to Battlefield 2042.

Hold the horde in the new Outbreak mode, where you'll fight off wave after wave of AI Geists and push through every sector to get to the extraction point. Your only goal: survive.

Look the part of a survivor and fully immerse yourself in the Dead Space Bundle, then tear through the battlefield with the legendary Marked Man skin.

This is all or nothing, you are humanity's last defense.

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Hello there,

Update 7.4 arrives this Tuesday, July 9th, and marks the final major update of Season 7: Turning Point.

Take a look at the summary for Update #7.4.0
  • New time-limited event: Battlefield 2042 | Dead Space™. Featuring Dead Space themed earnable cosmetics, a new 4-player PvE experience called Outbreak, and more.
  • SRAW improvements bring it in line with other rocket launchers.
  • Persistent Reloading on SRAW and Lis’ G-84 TGM.
  • MD540 Nightbird Balance Pass.
  • XFAD-4 Draugr Equipment Update and more.

Check below to learn the full set of balance changes and improvements taking place with this update and keep your eyes peeled for further news on Battlefield 2042.

// The Battlefield Team

Stay Informed
Follow us on Reddit and @Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on @BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates and other live service changes.


Time-limited event: Battlefield 2042 | Dead Space
With 7.4 we’re also introducing a new time-limited event: Battlefield 2042 | Dead Space

During this event, players will experience Outbreak. A new 4-player squad PvE experience where you will fight waves of Augmented Targets. Starting on the western end of Redacted, players fight through eight sectors while completing objectives until they call an elevator to exfiltrate out on the far-eastern end of the map.

Keep your wits
Outbreak is a high-intensity survival mode that will test your skills with enemies getting tougher and tougher the farther you progress through the sectors. Your squad will need to find ways to overcome the Augmented Target’s onslaught and counteract overwhelming waves of enemies.

Adapt and overcome
Players will be tasked with navigating through Redacted and adapt through successive waves, as you progress you’ll find armory stations to purchase weapons, be warned; ensure you use your resources wisely, as they are limited.

Remember: Your final objective is to reach extraction, Augmented Targets will respawn endlessly, so don’t rush into the unknown.

How do I play Outbreak?
Outbreak is a time-limited mode that runs from July 9 to 16, 2024. It's a 4-player PvE where you can pick your class and specialist freely or you can select a Specialist that would complement the other choices that your squad has selected.

Players receive a single life per wave, and if one individual out of your squad survives you will be able to respawn on the next wave. All Specialist Gadgets, Traits, and Class Abilities are active in this mode. Killing Augmented Targets rewards you with Ascension Points which you can spend on upgrades for your weapons at armory stations.


Outbreak Rewards

Unlockable Items

Epic Weapon Charm - Future Imperfect
Epic Player Card - Genesis / Necrosis
Rare Player Tag - Unifier
Epic MP28 Skin - Made Anew**
** Content earned will reduce the Scenario FIve bundle price

Store Bundle:
Scenario Five - 2400 Battlefield Coins

Legendary Casper Skin - Marked Man
Legendary Rorsch MK-4 Skin - Pierced Orbit
Epic PP-29 Skin - Bad Signal
Epic MP28 Skin - Made Anew**
Epic Weapon Charm - Brother Moon

Areas of Improvements

Improving the SRAW in line with other Rocket Launchers
We have heard your feedback about the SRAW, we agree that this newly added rocket launcher is not up to par with the rest of its weapon class. With Update 7.4 we are enacting the following changes which we believe will help to bring the SRAW into a more viable and attractive option.

Lowered the zoom and increased the field of view when players are aiming down the sight with the SRAW for better visibility of targets, both for close and further ranges.

Additionally, we have removed the in-world icon of the missile and also reduced the audio cue for the missile quite significantly, this should result in the SRAW being much more difficult to hear as an incoming missile before it is too close.

Persistent Reloading on SRAW and G-84 TGM Rockets.
Update 7.4 will bring in a persistent reload timer on the SRAW and G-84 TGM, this move is to prevent an exploitative loop that would allow a large number of rockets to take place and fresh supplies waiting upon redeployment.

We believe this does not bring anything healthy to the game when used at this level and as a preventative measure, the reload timer will now persist through death. If a player dies from normal circumstances, this effect will be nullified and players will spawn with a normal ammo count, however methods such as manually redeploying will result in the persistent reload taking effect.

MD540 Nightbird Balance Pass
Following the recent changes to Attack Helicopters a few seasons ago, we are bringing in similar changes to the MD540 Nightbird to achieve further consistency with other helicopters and balancing.

In the past, we have made some changes to the MD540 Nightbird in order to bring it in line with other vehicles, however, this aircraft had traditionally been more powerful and stayed higher than we were comfortable with.

The flying characteristics will change with the MD540 Nightbird resulting in it being more in line with our other Attack Helicopters.

This aircraft will now feel heavier, and hinge upon more momentum-based control following the changes to Attack Helicopters in the past. We want pilots to feel like they are flying an actual physical entity over a lightweight vehicle that is overly responsive and twitchy.

These changes to mobility aim to balance the vehicle out as well as make it a consistent experience with other aircraft.

  • Significantly lowered the auto-leveling of the MD540 Nightbird when using forward input.
  • Tweaked the inertia tensors to make sure the vehicle feels heavier and less twitchy, reducing the pendulation effect of the helicopter when swinging left and right on the x-axis.
  • MD540 Nightbird will now gain a slight increase in speed when nosing downwards.
  • Tweaked the third-person camera with a focus on it now being lower and closer to the vehicle in order to feel more connected to it.
  • Removed 1 AGM from the MD540 Nightbird as it is no longer required for this vehicle to be a potent anti-vehicle helicopter.

XFAD-4 Draugr equipment slot change
We have updated the equipment slots on the XFAD-4 Draugr and aligned the DRFM Jammer with other countermeasure options. The DRFM will now stop all incoming lock-on attempts, further making this consistent with other countermeasure options such as the flares for the sake of muscle memory.


  • The radar missile of SU57 no longer locks onto attack helicopters or the XFAD Draugr while the DRFM Jammer is active.
  • EBLC-Ram 40mm cannon blast radius damage distribution improvements, resulting in damage drop from the center of the blast being more evenly distributed.
  • DRFM Jammer no longer stops working when CIX Valravn enters cooldown.
  • C5 now applies correct damage to EBLC-Ram’s back panel, this means 2 C5 will be enough to destroy the vehicle.
  • Improvement to XFAD-4 Draugr anti-vehicle rockets hit registration against other vehicles.
  • Hoverbike now gets destroyed with 1 AA lock-on shot such as stingers or other vehicle anti-air weaponry.
  • Lowered YUV-2 Pondhawk height limit by 100m.
  • Lowered magnetic effect of the YUV-2 Pondhawk when near the ground
  • Fixed various tooltip issues and added a hint for a first-person free look for Fighter Planes.
  • Fixed an issue with SU57 third-person zoom being different than F35, they should now be a lot closer to one another.
  • Fixed an issue with XFAD-4 Draugr Crosshair getting stuck at times when switching from first person to third person.
  • Jets 25mm cannon damage vs infantry has been lowered from 40 to 25.
  • Fixed an issue with Jets 35mm cannon dealing too little damage to soldiers, it will now correctly deal 40 body damage.
  • Fixed issues with Attack Helicopters 30mm cannon and XFAD-4 Draugr cannons damage sound feedback was missing.
  • Fixed an issue with keybinding not displaying correctly on XFAD-4 Draugr weapons.
  • Made the primary countermeasure of the Draugr DRFM jammer using the same input as other vehicles to help with muscle memory and consistency

MD540 Nightbird
  • Third person camera has been lowered and is now closer to the vehicle. Reducing the pilot's perspective of a pendulation effect and making the flying experience more grounded.
  • Significantly reduced auto-leveling of the Nightbird.
  • Increased gained speed by nosing down.
  • AGM on Nightbird has been lowered from 2 to 1.

  • Fixed an issue with laser sight and flashlight icons in soldier inventory not staying lit up after switching weapons
  • Fixed an issue with the order of the attachments on the attachment screen
  • Fixed an issue with reloading sound effects on RPT 31
  • Fixed an issue with an incorrect sound effect being present on DFR Strife 40mm

Characters and Gadgets
  • By popular request, we have reduced the zoom of the SRAW.
  • Increased field of view on the SRAW.
  • Significantly lowered audio cue from the missile, especially in the distance.
  • Removed in-world UI elements of the missile except for the user.
  • Added a timer for SRAW and Lis’ G-84 TGM missile in events of redeploying to stop exploiting these gadgets


This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

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Battlefield™ 2042 EA Play* MCS-880 Skin: Thermal Coal

"Join EA Play to make your games more rewarding with access to great player benefits and a library of top titles. Members get more from your game including monthly member-only rewards. And when it’s time to find your next favorite game, we’ve got you covered with an ever-expanding library of our fan-favorite series and premium games. You can even try out select new-release games for up to 10 hours of playtime with no commitment. If you decide to buy, your saved progress will carry over, so you can continue where you left off. Our members also save on purchases of EA digital content, with a 10% member discount. Letting you save on full games, points packs, and DLC. Find out more about upcoming EA Play benefits at or
follow us on X (Twitter) and Instagram @eaplay!"


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Hello there,

This Tuesday, June 11th, Update 7.3 will be arriving for Battlefield™ 2042. This update includes a few balance changes and bug fixes.

// The Battlefield Team

Stay Informed
Follow us on Reddit and @Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on @BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates and other live service changes.


  • Fixed an issue with damage over time of Kerosene Bombs when being too close to its death zone radius.
  • Increased the XFAD-4 Draugr’s AP cannon damage vs other air vehicles by 20%.
  • DRFM jammer will now protect against all locks for 5 seconds.
    • The weapon description has been updated to reflect this change.
    Developer comment: We’ve seen your feedback around weapon lock-ons against the XFAD-4 Draugr and how little counterplay exists around it. We are therefore adding a lock-on protection to the DRFM jammer that will protect the Draugr against all lock-ons for 5 seconds. This will not protect the vehicle against projectiles already fired but should offer options to avoid getting locked on.
  • Added missing tooltips for various vehicles.
  • EBLC Ram weapon changes:
    • Increased rate of fire of the 40mm cannon from 140 to 155 and increased blast from 35 to 37.
    • Increased Howitzer impact damage from 40 to 65 to make it more desirable in vehicle combat.
    Developer comment: The Missile launcher has been dominating the loadout for the EBLC Ram. These changes are aiming to make the 40mm and Howitzer cannon more competitive options when choosing your loadout.
  • Fixed an issue with the LAV-AD (BF3) getting stuck on certain objects.
  • Fixed an issue with Jets systemic parts getting disabled too quickly.
    • Similar fixes for other vehicles are planned for the next update.
  • PP-2000 will now use the correct ammo count in Battlefield Portal experiences (42 ammo)
  • Fixed various visual and sound effects on weapons using different attachments.
  • Lowered AP amp damage from 23 to 21 in 0 to 100 meter range for DFR Strife.
  • Masterkey underbarrel:
    • Maximum pellet dispersion increased from 2 to 2.5 degrees.
    • RPM reduced from 99 to 80.
    • Damage per pellet reduced as follows:
      • From 5 to 10 meters: Reduced damage from 20 to 18.
      • From 10 to 15 meters: Reduced damage from 18 to 16.
    Developer comment: These changes aim to balance this attachment and reduce its power against short-range primary weapons, while remaining a viable option to add strong CQC capabilities to weapons that otherwise wouldn’t have them.
  • PBX-45
    • Close Combat ammo damage changed:
      • Before 7.3.0: From 0 to 20 meters: 28 damage
      • With 7.3.0: From 0 to 10 meters: 28 damage, from 10 to 20 meters: 24 damage
    • Close Combat ammo dispersion: Dispersion will increase slightly (~8%) faster after the first few shots but maximum dispersion levels remain the same. Bursting and tap firing should yield similar performance as before.
    • High Power ammo damage:
      • Before 7.3.0: 0 to 10 meters: 28 damage
      • With 7.3.0: 0 to 20 meters: 28 damage
    • High Power ammo reload speed penalty reduced
    Developer comment: These changes aim to address the overuse and overperformance of the PBX-45 Close Combat ammo setup, which had a notably superior TTK within 20 meters with no equivalent downsides.
    TTK with Close Combat will still be the overall fastest of all ammo types within 40 meters, but will require more control at longer distances to stay as accurate as before.
    High Power ammo will now have more competitive TTK within 20 meters and reload speed to make it a more viable mid-range ammo type option.
Characters and Gadgets
  • Mackay now uses a reload animation everytime the Grappling Hook is equipped.


This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

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Play the New Future Strike Event* Now


Tomorrow’s war begins with Future Strike. A new time-limited event where every choice is life-or-death.

Engage in Strike Team, a new, squad vs squad, round-based, infantry-only experience where every decision matters.

This mode has been designed for tight, close quarters engagements that will put any squad through its paces. From here, it’s up to your squad to win every round by eliminating the enemy or capturing the objective.

Keep an eye out during shock rounds 3, 6 and 9, where every player loadout is randomized and locked - making this an even battlefield. If you do find yourself downed and out, respawn as a recon drone to spot your enemies and give your squad the edge it needs for the win.

Now’s the time to prepare for the unexpected and make every move count, No-Pats. Good luck out there. *Requires Battlefield 2042 (sold separately) and all game updates.


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Battlefield Briefing – Future Strike

Future Strike* continues to outline the global battle for scarce resources in Battlefield™ 2042. With the Mandate of Nations, this new time-limited event introduces a new alliance tied to the world of 2142. Under the global assault of the Thousand Petals Coalition, this faction symbolizes a beacon of hope for the shattered EU forces as Joint Task Force 7 homages the initial seven nations who make up the fledgling union. Most recently, this strike team was tasked with the capture and securing of Arkangel weather stations, ensuring it would not fall into Coalition hands.


Future Strike is part of the ongoing Season 7: Turning Point, and will be available for free to all players from May 28, to June 10, 2024.


Squad vs Squad, every soldier counts

In Future Strike you will experience close quarters, 4v4 or 8v8 action, that focuses on the intense squad play, where teamwork and individual skill are required to secure victory for your team.
When a soldier is downed, they enter a “down but not out” state where they can still crawl and be revived. But, if they die in this downed state redeploy as an OV-P Recon Drone and spectate their squad, providing crucial information to their teammates to secure victory. Once the next round starts, all squad members are active again until they are downed or the round ends.

Each round has a low time limit of 90 seconds. Each decision you and your squad make will impact your success. Every third round is a Shock Round where all players use the same locked loadout, selected from a list our developers have curated to put your adaptation skills to the test.

Additionally, squads are restricted to only one Specialist in the squad and teams can see the opponent’s composition. This will allow you to strategically pick your characters to try and counter the opposition.

The objective for each round of Strike Team is to capture the objective or completely eliminate the enemy team, which will win you a round. The first squad to win 6 rounds earns the victory!

Strike Team is available on:
  • Stadium
  • Breakaway
  • Flashpoint
  • Noshahr Canals
  • Reclaimed
  • Redacted
  • Haven
  • Arica Harbor
  • Spearhead
  • Exposure
  • Valparaiso

Your Tactics and Skills Determine the Outcome in Strike Team

Read the Room: To win, you'll need to analyze and anticipate the patterns of your enemies. With 6 rounds to win, you'll have plenty of time to learn your opponent as well as your teammates. If your squad’s tactic is to reach the objective quickly, set up a flank to blindside the enemy when they try to fight your teammates head-on. If your teammates are more aggressive flankers, fortify the objective with a well-placed Dozer or Irish pick. Every decision matters.


A new Objective: Watch the objective and watch the progress made, as both teams must perform a surgical strike to capture our tightest objective points to date. Capturing will also give away your position, so watch your back.


Counterpick: Surprise the enemy with gadgets and character picks that counter their own. The element of surprise can work in your favor if your strategy stagnates, even with a single player's influence. Certain specialists can also exploit or be emboldened by the different levels available in Strike Team, find your strengths and play to them.


Swarm them with Drones: The information economy is crucial to Strike Team. Redeploy as the OV-P Recon Drone on death and share vital information with your team. Empower your teammates with tactical pings and harass enemies with your drone to give your surviving teammates the upper hand.

New Gear Arriving with Future Strike
Playing during the Future Strike event will net you new items that are also available for purchase. Earn ribbons by playing Strike Team and unlock rewards for your stash! Remember, items that are part of the event and can be earned via ribbons can also be purchased separately in our bundles.

Earnable items (reduces bundle price when earned, marked with ^ in the purchasable bundles below):
Strength in Unity - Rare Tag
L5 Winzig - Epic Weapon Charm
Talon Type-1 - Epic RAH-68 Huron Skin
United Stand - Epic Rao Skin




Store bundles

Joint Task Force 7 - 3500 Battlefield Coins
Future Paladin - Angel Legendary Skin
Resurgent State - Legendary Rorsch Mk-4 Skin
Equalizer - Epic DFR Strife Skin
Where There is Unity - Epic Weapon Charm
Path to Reformation - Epic Player Card
United Stand - Rao Epic Skin *
Course Charter - PF51 Epic Skin
The Advocater - PKP-BP Epic Skin
Nations Mandate - Epic Weapon Charm
A New Union - Rare Tag
United Strike - Epic Mackay Skin
Talon Type-1 - Epic RAH-68 Huron Skin ^
Renewed Purpose - Epic ACWR Skin
L5 Winzig - Epic Weapon Charm ^
Strength in Unity - Rare Tag *

United Force - 1750 Battlefield Coins
Future Paladin - Angel Legendary Skin
Resurgent State - Legendary Rorsch Mk-4 Skin
Equalizer - Fightlite MCR Epic Skin
L5 Winzig - Epic Weapon Charm ^
Path to Reformation - Epic Player Card


The Mandate - 1000 Battlefield Coins
United Stand - Rao Epic Skin ^
Course Charter - PF51 Skin
The Advocater - PKP-BP Epic Skin
Nations Mandate - Epic Weapon Charm
A New Union - Rare Tag


Strike Back - 1000 Battlefield Coins
United Strike - Epic Mackay Skin
Talon Type-1 - Epic RAH-68 Huron Skin ^
Renewed Purpose - Epic ACWR Skin
Where there is Unity - Epic Weapon Charm
Strength in Unity - Rare Tag *


You and your squad need to succeed, we’re counting on you!

Don’t forget to check out the community calendar for upcoming events in Battlefield 2042!

PTFO and make every decision count!

// The Battlefield team


*Requires Battlefield 2042 (sold separately) and all game updates to play.


This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

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Hello there,

This Wednesday, May 22nd, we're releasing a small Battlefield™ 2042 update aimed at resolving a few minor issues that have been reported following Update 7.2.

// The Battlefield Team

Stay Informed
Follow us on Reddit and @Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on @BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates and other live service changes.


General Improvements
  • Resolved an issue which allowed Mackay to get out of bounds on Redacted.
  • Adjusted jet spawns on Kaleidoscope to ensure a safer flight path entry.
  • Resolved an issue which allowed the Penguins to use scope attachments on weapons such as the SWS-10 on Battlefield Portal servers whilst this functionality was disabled.
  • Resolved an issue which resulted in some scopes having a low level of detail on previous Xbox One and PlayStation®4 whilst inspecting them in third perspective.
  • Resolved a texturing issue on the Deep Blue King weapon cosmetic for the M5A3.
  • Class Distribution Indicators on the deployment screen when choosing a class should now correctly display the amount of individuals for each class.


This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

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Reed Report


A Light in the Dark
[transcript excerpt from Reed Report broadcast, No-Pat News Network, February 2049]

MANDATE OF NATIONS [recording]: In 2035, as our economies fell and superstorms spread, the unthinkable happened. We watched for years as nations crumbled, until, finally, the dissolution of an organization that held many of us together: the European Union.

Today, thanks to technological advances made over the past several years, everything changes. We begin the road to restoration, and it starts with the formation of the Mandate of Nations. For No-Pats everywhere: this is your moment. Raise our banner and join us as we forge the path back to a united Europe.

MITHALI REED: That was a spokesperson for the Mandate of Nations moments ago, as a day most believed impossible has arrived. After the Baltic Firestorms in 2028, we watched in horror as nations fell like dominos. A new class of citizen was born out of the fallen nations: the Nonpatriated. The No-Pats. All of you.

Now, all of that could change. A flame has been lit in the darkness.

What the future holds now remains uncertain. Over the last 15 years, No-Pats have established new lives in new lands the world over. No-Pat settlements, cities, and of course, the nation of Namaqualand, have welcomed all with open arms. If they embrace the opportunity to return to their homelands, only time will tell.

But now, the Mandate goes to work and we’ve learned that troop deployment has already begun. A member of the Mandate spoke with us anonymously about the movements of one of their units, Joint Task Force 7.

[REDACTED]: The Coalition represents the greatest threat this world has faced in many years. We’ve learned they plan to break Arkangel’s neutrality agreement and seize Shearwater ground stations. We will not let the Coalition take control and use our weather systems against us. JTF-7 will be there to ensure this doesn’t happen and remains in the hands of the people.

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New gear means new ways to take out the enemy. Hit the battlefield between May 14-28 and bag yourself 40 Ribbons to get the XFAD-4 Draugr, a cutting-edge, remote-controlled aerial bomber. Plus, at 80 Ribbons, unlock the versatile and accurate DFR Strife LMG and deliver death from every angle.

Control Unlocked mode
In Control Unlocked mode, take and hold rotating objectives to upload tactical telemetry, while earning Ascension Points to purchase vehicles. Collect the most telemetry for victory with all Specialists, weapons, gadgets, and vehicles unlocked – including the XFAD-4 Draugr and the DFR Strife.

Missed the Death from Above event? No problem, No-Pat. You can still unlock the XFAD-4 Draugr and DFR Strife by completing Battlefield 2042 quests.

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Hello there,

It’s time for another Update Notes blog as we are launching Update #7.2.0 on May 14, 2024!

The team has been working on several areas, including Vehicles, Weapons, and additional Visual Recoil improvements for this patch. Below you can find a full list of changes and we are of course looking forward to your feedback once you get your hands on Update #7.2.0 next Tuesday.

// The Battlefield Team

Stay Informed
Follow us on Reddit and @Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on @BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates and other live service changes.

Deliver Death from Above!
New gear means new ways to tackle the enemy, this May 14th you’ll be able to work towards unlocking the highly versatile DFR Strife LMG and the all-new cutting edge, remote-controlled aerial bomber the XFAD-4 Draugr.

Ingame progression and natural play of Control Unlocked contributes towards the unlocking of the XFAD-4 Draugr (40 Ribbons) and the DFR Strife LMG (80 Ribbons) allowing you to use these cutting edge pieces of hardware across the Battlefield.

Don’t worry if you miss out on this limited time event, as you will still be able to earn them through ingame assignments at a later date.

We look forward to seeing you capture and hold objectives in the limited timed mode Control Unlocked, as you begin to work your way towards delivering death from above with the XFAD-4 Draugr on May 14.


A New Strike Team is formed…
Under the global assault of the Thousand Petals Coalition a new strike team has been tasked to capture and secure Arkangel assets before they fall into the hands of the Coalition.

We'll share full details with you as we get closer to the launch of this all-new event in the coming weeks. Expect new earnable cosmetics to acquire and we look forward to seeing you outsmart the opposition.


Areas of Improvements

Vehicle Improvements
We’re happy to see that Attack Helicopters since our latest changes have become a force to be reckoned with, with players engaging with them more and more, as well as finding out new ways to use them to their advantage on the Battlefield. We think that they are, for most part, in a good spot. However, due to the combined firepower of both pilot and gunner they have been over performing in one aspect: Destroying Armored Ground Vehicles.

We believe at its current state the Attack Helicopter can easily destroy any vehicle in too short of a timeframe and we are toning that down a little by reducing the firepower of some of the more potent weapons vs armored vehicles, to address this:

  • We have lowered the damage of the TOW missile against heavy and medium armored vehicles (Tanks, Wildcat, Ram)
  • We have also lowered the damage of Anti Vehicle Rocket Pods to the same category of vehicles by 20%. We believe Attack Helicopters should still be potent and a direct counter to ground armor, however these changes are aiming to give a bigger window for ground vehicles to react and to also push pilots to make more tactical decisions when attacking vehicles.

APS Shootdown Sentinel
We are aware of the long lasting issue of vehicles camping hills and it has become a bit more exaggerated when Irish’ APS Shootdown Sentinel is included into this equation.

With Update #7.2.0 we are removing the capabilities for this Specialist Gadget to shootdown any Anti Vehicle Weapon or Gadgets. This should allow Air Vehicles and Infantry to once again attack such ground vehicles, as well as pushing the gadget itself into a more infantry-focused mentality.

This Season in general we are aiming to slightly slow down the pace of the game and the biggest offenders that can oftentimes feel like they are pushing the limits too much. We are starting with MacKay by making his gadget more defensive and strategic rather than having it as an aggressive enabler offensively.

To do that we are increasing the cooldown of the grapple from 11 seconds to 25 and we are also lowering the boost of his trait “Nimble” which grants a boost to movement speed while aiming down sights from 40% to 25%.

Additionally, in a future patch, we will be implementing a force reload animation when equipping the weapon to further emphasize the strategic use of the gadget.

Systemic repair
Continuing with the effort to slow down the pace of the game, we are increasing the time it takes for the systemic repair system to repair the health of a vehicle. The rate at which this repairs is defined by the role and class type of the vehicle in consideration with their gameplay expectations.

All vehicles beside Bolte, EBLC-Ram, the upcoming Draugr and all ground transport vehicles will repair 25HP in 8.6 seconds, up from 5 seconds. This change is meant to emphasize the role of engineers and help slow down the pace in these combat moments, where before it was possible to nullify taken damage nearly instantaneously by pressing a single button.

AI, Soldiers & General Improvements
  • Anti-Tank Mine damage has received a rebalance following recent updates, it will now take 3 Anti-Tank Mines to fully destroy a Heavy Vehicle such as a Tank or MAV. It will still remain possible to destroy Medium Armored Vehicles such as the Wildcat and EBLC-Ram with 2 Anti-Tank Mines.
  • Fixed an issue with the SOFLAM being unable to deploy on select Battlefield Portal experiences.
  • Irish’s APS-36 Shootdown Sentinel should no longer stop Underbarrel Smoke Grenades.
  • Additionally, the APS-36 Shootdown Sentinel will no longer stop Anti Vehicle Projectiles.
  • MacKay’s Nimble Trait which improves the speed of movement during ADS has been reduced from 40% to 25%.
  • Grappling Hook reload speed has now been increased from 11 seconds to 25 seconds. In a future update, we will be introducing a reload animation every time this Specialist Gadget is equipped.

Weapon Balancing
  • Despite the penguins' continued efforts to keep them shiny, the Scope Glint on the Raven and ACOG Sights on the SVD is no more.
  • Fixed an issue with some magazines on the AK 5C that could cause their models to turn invisible.
  • Fixed the alignment of the iron sights on the AK-24 skins "Dead-Center" and "Access Memory".
  • Fixed 12M Auto shell ejection when using the Type 4 Heavy Suppressor.
  • Fixed pellet spread on SPAS-12 (BC2/BF3) being too low.
  • The Penguins forgot to reflect the AKS-74u rate of fire change from Update 7.1 in the Collection screen, it is now accurately shown. We’ll get them notepads in the future.
  • Slightly slowed down hip fire dispersion reset on P90, PP-2000 and AKS-74u.
  • AM40 Standard Issue damage under 10 meters changed from 26 to 24.
  • AM40 dispersion and horizontal recoil increased by 5%.
  • VHX-D3 High Power ammo damage under 20 meters changed from 25 to 24.
  • LCMG dispersion when using the Shortened barrel attachment increased by 10%. This change should help balance both the attachment against other barrel options while also balancing the LCMG compared to other LMGs.

Visual Weapon Recoil Improvements
Further tweaks and improvements for the following Weapon and Scope combinations:
  • PBX-45: XDR Holo, TV, UH-1, Shan, Bravo, Ghost Hybrid, 8R Holo, Maul Hybrid, M22, K8 Holo, Raven, TR-1 Thermal.
  • PP-29: K8 Holo, Fusion Holo, Ghost Hybrid, Shan, 8R Holo, TV, XO Smart, Maul Hybrid, M22, XDR Holo, Bravo, UH-1 Smart, TR-1 Thermal.
  • P90: Reflex, Holographic, XDR Holo, ACOG, Bravo, TV, 8R Holo, Maul Hybrid, XO Smart, TR-1 Thermal, UH-1.
  • AKS-74u: ACOG, Maul Hybrid, Bravo.
  • PP-2000: Maul Hybrid, Bravo, XO Smart, Ghost Hybrid.

  • Improvements to Visual Weapon Recoil on heavy sidearms (M44, etc.) and scopes Raven 4X, TV 2X, XDR

Bolt & Lever Action
  • Improvements to Visual Weapon Recoil on GVT 45-70 and the following sights for bolt-action weapons: UH Smart 1.5x, SHAN 2.5X, Raven 4X, M22 3.5X, Maul Hybrid 1.5-3X, PSO-1M3 5x

Assault Rifles
  • Improvements to Visual Weapon Recoil on AEK-971, VHX-D3, GEW-46, MTAR-21 and ACOG sight

  • Improvements to Visual Weapon Recoil on LMGs, particularly when using thermal sights, Raven, ACOG and Bravo sights, and further improvements to keep reticle point close to screen center

  • Adjustment to the damage vehicles take when colliding with other objects.
  • Reduced range of attack helicopter thermal gunner from 600 to 450.
  • Fixed an issue where EMP would permanently disable the Polaris Sportsman.
  • Improvements made towards lock on missiles missing certain air vehicles that are locked onto.
  • Improvement to frogfoot rocket pods zero-point.
  • Removed the Gunner HUD from side passengers of Condor and HIND, going forward only the nose gunner will benefit from this.
  • Fixed lock-on weapons killing the pilot of Nightbird and not dealing damage to the vehicle.
  • Lowered main heavy tanks steering sensitivity when the sprint button is held.
  • Increased rudder responsiveness on 2042-era Jets which will lead to a more responsive yaw input.

Systemic Repair Changes:
  • Combat vehicles aside from Bolte, EBLC Ram and the upcoming Draugr will take 25HP in 8.6 seconds. Other vehicles will remain at 25HP in 5 seconds.
  • Increased HMG Weapon Station Velocity from 600 to 690
  • Lowered Attack Helicopter TOW Launcher damage to Main Heavy Tanks from 30 to 25 and to Medium Armor such as the Wildcat from 35 to 30. This is not a blanket change and will not impact other vehicles such as Transport or Air Vehicles
  • Helicopter Anti Vehicle Pods will deal 20% less impact damage and further blast damage reduction to Ground Armor.

TOW Balancing Changes:
Air Attack Vehicles
  • Time to live increased from 5 to 10 seconds
  • Max speed lowered from 120 to 80
  • Turn angles and engine time to live have been adjusted for better control

Ground Vehicles
  • Time to live increased from 10 to 15 seconds
  • Speed lowered from 120 to 50
  • Turn angles and engine time to live have been adjusted for better control

This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

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