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Battlefield Briefing – Future Strike

Future Strike* continues to outline the global battle for scarce resources in Battlefield™ 2042. With the Mandate of Nations, this new time-limited event introduces a new alliance tied to the world of 2142. Under the global assault of the Thousand Petals Coalition, this faction symbolizes a beacon of hope for the shattered EU forces as Joint Task Force 7 homages the initial seven nations who make up the fledgling union. Most recently, this strike team was tasked with the capture and securing of Arkangel weather stations, ensuring it would not fall into Coalition hands.


Future Strike is part of the ongoing Season 7: Turning Point, and will be available for free to all players from May 28, to June 10, 2024.


Squad vs Squad, every soldier counts

In Future Strike you will experience close quarters, 4v4 or 8v8 action, that focuses on the intense squad play, where teamwork and individual skill are required to secure victory for your team.
When a soldier is downed, they enter a “down but not out” state where they can still crawl and be revived. But, if they die in this downed state redeploy as an OV-P Recon Drone and spectate their squad, providing crucial information to their teammates to secure victory. Once the next round starts, all squad members are active again until they are downed or the round ends.

Each round has a low time limit of 90 seconds. Each decision you and your squad make will impact your success. Every third round is a Shock Round where all players use the same locked loadout, selected from a list our developers have curated to put your adaptation skills to the test.

Additionally, squads are restricted to only one Specialist in the squad and teams can see the opponent’s composition. This will allow you to strategically pick your characters to try and counter the opposition.

The objective for each round of Strike Team is to capture the objective or completely eliminate the enemy team, which will win you a round. The first squad to win 6 rounds earns the victory!

Strike Team is available on:
  • Stadium
  • Breakaway
  • Flashpoint
  • Noshahr Canals
  • Reclaimed
  • Redacted
  • Haven
  • Arica Harbor
  • Spearhead
  • Exposure
  • Valparaiso

Your Tactics and Skills Determine the Outcome in Strike Team

Read the Room: To win, you'll need to analyze and anticipate the patterns of your enemies. With 6 rounds to win, you'll have plenty of time to learn your opponent as well as your teammates. If your squad’s tactic is to reach the objective quickly, set up a flank to blindside the enemy when they try to fight your teammates head-on. If your teammates are more aggressive flankers, fortify the objective with a well-placed Dozer or Irish pick. Every decision matters.


A new Objective: Watch the objective and watch the progress made, as both teams must perform a surgical strike to capture our tightest objective points to date. Capturing will also give away your position, so watch your back.


Counterpick: Surprise the enemy with gadgets and character picks that counter their own. The element of surprise can work in your favor if your strategy stagnates, even with a single player's influence. Certain specialists can also exploit or be emboldened by the different levels available in Strike Team, find your strengths and play to them.


Swarm them with Drones: The information economy is crucial to Strike Team. Redeploy as the OV-P Recon Drone on death and share vital information with your team. Empower your teammates with tactical pings and harass enemies with your drone to give your surviving teammates the upper hand.

New Gear Arriving with Future Strike
Playing during the Future Strike event will net you new items that are also available for purchase. Earn ribbons by playing Strike Team and unlock rewards for your stash! Remember, items that are part of the event and can be earned via ribbons can also be purchased separately in our bundles.

Earnable items (reduces bundle price when earned, marked with ^ in the purchasable bundles below):
Strength in Unity - Rare Tag
L5 Winzig - Epic Weapon Charm
Talon Type-1 - Epic RAH-68 Huron Skin
United Stand - Epic Rao Skin




Store bundles

Joint Task Force 7 - 3500 Battlefield Coins
Future Paladin - Angel Legendary Skin
Resurgent State - Legendary Rorsch Mk-4 Skin
Equalizer - Epic DFR Strife Skin
Where There is Unity - Epic Weapon Charm
Path to Reformation - Epic Player Card
United Stand - Rao Epic Skin *
Course Charter - PF51 Epic Skin
The Advocater - PKP-BP Epic Skin
Nations Mandate - Epic Weapon Charm
A New Union - Rare Tag
United Strike - Epic Mackay Skin
Talon Type-1 - Epic RAH-68 Huron Skin ^
Renewed Purpose - Epic ACWR Skin
L5 Winzig - Epic Weapon Charm ^
Strength in Unity - Rare Tag *

United Force - 1750 Battlefield Coins
Future Paladin - Angel Legendary Skin
Resurgent State - Legendary Rorsch Mk-4 Skin
Equalizer - Fightlite MCR Epic Skin
L5 Winzig - Epic Weapon Charm ^
Path to Reformation - Epic Player Card


The Mandate - 1000 Battlefield Coins
United Stand - Rao Epic Skin ^
Course Charter - PF51 Skin
The Advocater - PKP-BP Epic Skin
Nations Mandate - Epic Weapon Charm
A New Union - Rare Tag


Strike Back - 1000 Battlefield Coins
United Strike - Epic Mackay Skin
Talon Type-1 - Epic RAH-68 Huron Skin ^
Renewed Purpose - Epic ACWR Skin
Where there is Unity - Epic Weapon Charm
Strength in Unity - Rare Tag *


You and your squad need to succeed, we’re counting on you!

Don’t forget to check out the community calendar for upcoming events in Battlefield 2042!

PTFO and make every decision count!

// The Battlefield team


*Requires Battlefield 2042 (sold separately) and all game updates to play.


This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

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Hello there,

This Wednesday, May 22nd, we're releasing a small Battlefield™ 2042 update aimed at resolving a few minor issues that have been reported following Update 7.2.

// The Battlefield Team

Stay Informed
Follow us on Reddit and @Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on @BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates and other live service changes.


General Improvements
  • Resolved an issue which allowed Mackay to get out of bounds on Redacted.
  • Adjusted jet spawns on Kaleidoscope to ensure a safer flight path entry.
  • Resolved an issue which allowed the Penguins to use scope attachments on weapons such as the SWS-10 on Battlefield Portal servers whilst this functionality was disabled.
  • Resolved an issue which resulted in some scopes having a low level of detail on previous Xbox One and PlayStation®4 whilst inspecting them in third perspective.
  • Resolved a texturing issue on the Deep Blue King weapon cosmetic for the M5A3.
  • Class Distribution Indicators on the deployment screen when choosing a class should now correctly display the amount of individuals for each class.


This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

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Reed Report


A Light in the Dark
[transcript excerpt from Reed Report broadcast, No-Pat News Network, February 2049]

MANDATE OF NATIONS [recording]: In 2035, as our economies fell and superstorms spread, the unthinkable happened. We watched for years as nations crumbled, until, finally, the dissolution of an organization that held many of us together: the European Union.

Today, thanks to technological advances made over the past several years, everything changes. We begin the road to restoration, and it starts with the formation of the Mandate of Nations. For No-Pats everywhere: this is your moment. Raise our banner and join us as we forge the path back to a united Europe.

MITHALI REED: That was a spokesperson for the Mandate of Nations moments ago, as a day most believed impossible has arrived. After the Baltic Firestorms in 2028, we watched in horror as nations fell like dominos. A new class of citizen was born out of the fallen nations: the Nonpatriated. The No-Pats. All of you.

Now, all of that could change. A flame has been lit in the darkness.

What the future holds now remains uncertain. Over the last 15 years, No-Pats have established new lives in new lands the world over. No-Pat settlements, cities, and of course, the nation of Namaqualand, have welcomed all with open arms. If they embrace the opportunity to return to their homelands, only time will tell.

But now, the Mandate goes to work and we’ve learned that troop deployment has already begun. A member of the Mandate spoke with us anonymously about the movements of one of their units, Joint Task Force 7.

[REDACTED]: The Coalition represents the greatest threat this world has faced in many years. We’ve learned they plan to break Arkangel’s neutrality agreement and seize Shearwater ground stations. We will not let the Coalition take control and use our weather systems against us. JTF-7 will be there to ensure this doesn’t happen and remains in the hands of the people.

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New gear means new ways to take out the enemy. Hit the battlefield between May 14-28 and bag yourself 40 Ribbons to get the XFAD-4 Draugr, a cutting-edge, remote-controlled aerial bomber. Plus, at 80 Ribbons, unlock the versatile and accurate DFR Strife LMG and deliver death from every angle.

Control Unlocked mode
In Control Unlocked mode, take and hold rotating objectives to upload tactical telemetry, while earning Ascension Points to purchase vehicles. Collect the most telemetry for victory with all Specialists, weapons, gadgets, and vehicles unlocked – including the XFAD-4 Draugr and the DFR Strife.

Missed the Death from Above event? No problem, No-Pat. You can still unlock the XFAD-4 Draugr and DFR Strife by completing Battlefield 2042 quests.

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Hello there,

It’s time for another Update Notes blog as we are launching Update #7.2.0 on May 14, 2024!

The team has been working on several areas, including Vehicles, Weapons, and additional Visual Recoil improvements for this patch. Below you can find a full list of changes and we are of course looking forward to your feedback once you get your hands on Update #7.2.0 next Tuesday.

// The Battlefield Team

Stay Informed
Follow us on Reddit and @Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on @BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates and other live service changes.

Deliver Death from Above!
New gear means new ways to tackle the enemy, this May 14th you’ll be able to work towards unlocking the highly versatile DFR Strife LMG and the all-new cutting edge, remote-controlled aerial bomber the XFAD-4 Draugr.

Ingame progression and natural play of Control Unlocked contributes towards the unlocking of the XFAD-4 Draugr (40 Ribbons) and the DFR Strife LMG (80 Ribbons) allowing you to use these cutting edge pieces of hardware across the Battlefield.

Don’t worry if you miss out on this limited time event, as you will still be able to earn them through ingame assignments at a later date.

We look forward to seeing you capture and hold objectives in the limited timed mode Control Unlocked, as you begin to work your way towards delivering death from above with the XFAD-4 Draugr on May 14.


A New Strike Team is formed…
Under the global assault of the Thousand Petals Coalition a new strike team has been tasked to capture and secure Arkangel assets before they fall into the hands of the Coalition.

We'll share full details with you as we get closer to the launch of this all-new event in the coming weeks. Expect new earnable cosmetics to acquire and we look forward to seeing you outsmart the opposition.


Areas of Improvements

Vehicle Improvements
We’re happy to see that Attack Helicopters since our latest changes have become a force to be reckoned with, with players engaging with them more and more, as well as finding out new ways to use them to their advantage on the Battlefield. We think that they are, for most part, in a good spot. However, due to the combined firepower of both pilot and gunner they have been over performing in one aspect: Destroying Armored Ground Vehicles.

We believe at its current state the Attack Helicopter can easily destroy any vehicle in too short of a timeframe and we are toning that down a little by reducing the firepower of some of the more potent weapons vs armored vehicles, to address this:

  • We have lowered the damage of the TOW missile against heavy and medium armored vehicles (Tanks, Wildcat, Ram)
  • We have also lowered the damage of Anti Vehicle Rocket Pods to the same category of vehicles by 20%. We believe Attack Helicopters should still be potent and a direct counter to ground armor, however these changes are aiming to give a bigger window for ground vehicles to react and to also push pilots to make more tactical decisions when attacking vehicles.

APS Shootdown Sentinel
We are aware of the long lasting issue of vehicles camping hills and it has become a bit more exaggerated when Irish’ APS Shootdown Sentinel is included into this equation.

With Update #7.2.0 we are removing the capabilities for this Specialist Gadget to shootdown any Anti Vehicle Weapon or Gadgets. This should allow Air Vehicles and Infantry to once again attack such ground vehicles, as well as pushing the gadget itself into a more infantry-focused mentality.

This Season in general we are aiming to slightly slow down the pace of the game and the biggest offenders that can oftentimes feel like they are pushing the limits too much. We are starting with MacKay by making his gadget more defensive and strategic rather than having it as an aggressive enabler offensively.

To do that we are increasing the cooldown of the grapple from 11 seconds to 25 and we are also lowering the boost of his trait “Nimble” which grants a boost to movement speed while aiming down sights from 40% to 25%.

Additionally, in a future patch, we will be implementing a force reload animation when equipping the weapon to further emphasize the strategic use of the gadget.

Systemic repair
Continuing with the effort to slow down the pace of the game, we are increasing the time it takes for the systemic repair system to repair the health of a vehicle. The rate at which this repairs is defined by the role and class type of the vehicle in consideration with their gameplay expectations.

All vehicles beside Bolte, EBLC-Ram, the upcoming Draugr and all ground transport vehicles will repair 25HP in 8.6 seconds, up from 5 seconds. This change is meant to emphasize the role of engineers and help slow down the pace in these combat moments, where before it was possible to nullify taken damage nearly instantaneously by pressing a single button.

AI, Soldiers & General Improvements
  • Anti-Tank Mine damage has received a rebalance following recent updates, it will now take 3 Anti-Tank Mines to fully destroy a Heavy Vehicle such as a Tank or MAV. It will still remain possible to destroy Medium Armored Vehicles such as the Wildcat and EBLC-Ram with 2 Anti-Tank Mines.
  • Fixed an issue with the SOFLAM being unable to deploy on select Battlefield Portal experiences.
  • Irish’s APS-36 Shootdown Sentinel should no longer stop Underbarrel Smoke Grenades.
  • Additionally, the APS-36 Shootdown Sentinel will no longer stop Anti Vehicle Projectiles.
  • MacKay’s Nimble Trait which improves the speed of movement during ADS has been reduced from 40% to 25%.
  • Grappling Hook reload speed has now been increased from 11 seconds to 25 seconds. In a future update, we will be introducing a reload animation every time this Specialist Gadget is equipped.

Weapon Balancing
  • Despite the penguins' continued efforts to keep them shiny, the Scope Glint on the Raven and ACOG Sights on the SVD is no more.
  • Fixed an issue with some magazines on the AK 5C that could cause their models to turn invisible.
  • Fixed the alignment of the iron sights on the AK-24 skins "Dead-Center" and "Access Memory".
  • Fixed 12M Auto shell ejection when using the Type 4 Heavy Suppressor.
  • Fixed pellet spread on SPAS-12 (BC2/BF3) being too low.
  • The Penguins forgot to reflect the AKS-74u rate of fire change from Update 7.1 in the Collection screen, it is now accurately shown. We’ll get them notepads in the future.
  • Slightly slowed down hip fire dispersion reset on P90, PP-2000 and AKS-74u.
  • AM40 Standard Issue damage under 10 meters changed from 26 to 24.
  • AM40 dispersion and horizontal recoil increased by 5%.
  • VHX-D3 High Power ammo damage under 20 meters changed from 25 to 24.
  • LCMG dispersion when using the Shortened barrel attachment increased by 10%. This change should help balance both the attachment against other barrel options while also balancing the LCMG compared to other LMGs.

Visual Weapon Recoil Improvements
Further tweaks and improvements for the following Weapon and Scope combinations:
  • PBX-45: XDR Holo, TV, UH-1, Shan, Bravo, Ghost Hybrid, 8R Holo, Maul Hybrid, M22, K8 Holo, Raven, TR-1 Thermal.
  • PP-29: K8 Holo, Fusion Holo, Ghost Hybrid, Shan, 8R Holo, TV, XO Smart, Maul Hybrid, M22, XDR Holo, Bravo, UH-1 Smart, TR-1 Thermal.
  • P90: Reflex, Holographic, XDR Holo, ACOG, Bravo, TV, 8R Holo, Maul Hybrid, XO Smart, TR-1 Thermal, UH-1.
  • AKS-74u: ACOG, Maul Hybrid, Bravo.
  • PP-2000: Maul Hybrid, Bravo, XO Smart, Ghost Hybrid.

  • Improvements to Visual Weapon Recoil on heavy sidearms (M44, etc.) and scopes Raven 4X, TV 2X, XDR

Bolt & Lever Action
  • Improvements to Visual Weapon Recoil on GVT 45-70 and the following sights for bolt-action weapons: UH Smart 1.5x, SHAN 2.5X, Raven 4X, M22 3.5X, Maul Hybrid 1.5-3X, PSO-1M3 5x

Assault Rifles
  • Improvements to Visual Weapon Recoil on AEK-971, VHX-D3, GEW-46, MTAR-21 and ACOG sight

  • Improvements to Visual Weapon Recoil on LMGs, particularly when using thermal sights, Raven, ACOG and Bravo sights, and further improvements to keep reticle point close to screen center

  • Adjustment to the damage vehicles take when colliding with other objects.
  • Reduced range of attack helicopter thermal gunner from 600 to 450.
  • Fixed an issue where EMP would permanently disable the Polaris Sportsman.
  • Improvements made towards lock on missiles missing certain air vehicles that are locked onto.
  • Improvement to frogfoot rocket pods zero-point.
  • Removed the Gunner HUD from side passengers of Condor and HIND, going forward only the nose gunner will benefit from this.
  • Fixed lock-on weapons killing the pilot of Nightbird and not dealing damage to the vehicle.
  • Lowered main heavy tanks steering sensitivity when the sprint button is held.
  • Increased rudder responsiveness on 2042-era Jets which will lead to a more responsive yaw input.

Systemic Repair Changes:
  • Combat vehicles aside from Bolte, EBLC Ram and the upcoming Draugr will take 25HP in 8.6 seconds. Other vehicles will remain at 25HP in 5 seconds.
  • Increased HMG Weapon Station Velocity from 600 to 690
  • Lowered Attack Helicopter TOW Launcher damage to Main Heavy Tanks from 30 to 25 and to Medium Armor such as the Wildcat from 35 to 30. This is not a blanket change and will not impact other vehicles such as Transport or Air Vehicles
  • Helicopter Anti Vehicle Pods will deal 20% less impact damage and further blast damage reduction to Ground Armor.

TOW Balancing Changes:
Air Attack Vehicles
  • Time to live increased from 5 to 10 seconds
  • Max speed lowered from 120 to 80
  • Turn angles and engine time to live have been adjusted for better control

Ground Vehicles
  • Time to live increased from 10 to 15 seconds
  • Speed lowered from 120 to 50
  • Turn angles and engine time to live have been adjusted for better control

This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

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Battlefield™ 2042 EA Play* Offshore Protector Skin


Join EA Play to make your games more rewarding with access to great player benefits and a library of top titles. Members get more from your game including monthly member-only rewards. And when it’s time to find your next favorite game, we’ve got you covered with an ever-expanding library of our fan-favorite series and premium games. You can even try out select new-release games for up to 10 hours of playtime with no commitment. If you decide to buy, your saved progress will carry over, so you can continue where you left off. Our members also save on purchases of EA digital content, with a 10% member discount. Letting you save on full games, points packs, and DLC. Find out more about upcoming EA Play benefits at or
follow us on X (Twitter) and Instagram @eaplay!


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Play the Stadium Map Now


Revisit Stadium and its revamped, battle-torn new look as you and your squad give it all or nothing.

Now live in Battlefield 2042, the Stadium map is an intense, infantry-only experience, brought back by popular demand. With a revamped, battle-torn look, Stadium is now optimized for existing mode layouts.

Stadium is launching alongside a update to Season 7: Turning Point. Do whatever it takes in this intense season, where you battle for Earth’s most valuable resource in a Chilean desert. There’s no holding back for your squad as you deploy on a new map focused on suburban combat and revisit the aforementioned fan-favorite front: Stadium. Gear up with new hardware like the SCZ-3 SMG or the Predator SRAW*, use destruction as your ally, and jump into a battle for ultimate power.

*Free Battle Pass content requires gameplay to unlock.

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Save up to 85%* with the EA Publisher Sale

Whether you're ready for a little friendly competition or embark on an amazing adventure, the EA Publisher Sale gives you a chance to grab some of your favorite titles at huge savings. Get great deals on EA SPORTS FC™ 24, STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor™, Need for Speed™, Battlefield™, The Sims™, and more!


Go to Sale >>

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Rogue Agents

Time to return to where it all started. Where a crashed satellite ignited a conflict that would consume the world. Doha: the city lost to sand.

Sundance. Crawford. Angel. Blasco. Tombstone and Gambit Squad each took it as far as they could, now it’s your turn to pick up the lantern. Nomad Squad.

Your target. The Capitol International Stadium. A military presence has turned it into a fortress guarding a secret. But in the desert, you can only bury the truth so deep.


The final grains of sand are trickling through the hourglass. See past the mirage. Unearth what’s been hidden.

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Dev Notes - Stadium

The Stadium was once a secondary point of interest with sporadic combat within Hourglass. On April 30, it becomes the point of interest as Stadium returns as a standalone infantry-only map!

Let’s venture back to last year, and how the team worked to bring it back.


Released alongside Update 5.2, Hourglass represented the final rework of our launch map offering. It brought with it improvements to flow and cover, and included new locations and capture points.


As part of this rework process, and to meet our goal of increased pathing, cover, and flow throughout the map, we removed Stadium as a flag location within Hourglass. As a result, this allowed us to create new areas across the entirety of Hourglass to create a better overall gameplay experience.

Once the reworked version of Hourglass launched, it was clear through feedback from many of you that we weren’t done with Stadium just yet.

We soon decided to bring it back not only to say thank you for your patience as we underwent the rework process of some of our base locations on Battlefield 2042, but also to meet your request for more infantry-only maps.



With Stadium also releasing during Season 7: Turning Point, we wanted to ensure it contrasted Haven, this Season’s brand new map, which focused on urban warfare and combined arms. That means we decided to make Stadium an infantry-only experience, which also fits well with its overall layout and already existing gameplay opportunities.

Within the map itself there is also a contrast between open outdoor spaces, and further linear close-quarters combat scenarios. For you as a player this opens up the opportunity to use different weapon ranges, and utilize new routes and access points to your encounters with enemies.

As a final contrast, this will also make Stadium stand out from Redacted, our other infantry-only focused map within our roster.


Alongside its gameplay flow, we also improved lighting across the Stadium, and its flags have received improved visuals.





We’ve also added cover and line-of-sight blockers that fit within the themes of each flag. For example, we expanded the Promenade’s exterior with more structures that match the architecture of the Stadium itself alongside a clear military presence buildup in the location.


The new areas of cover we added across the different floors of the Stadium also offer many new opportunities for gameplay. In place of the elevators you’ll now see ziplines, which provide better pacing and navigation throughout the floors.


But cover is only one side of the coin when it comes to the core tenets of a map, flow is even more vital. Stadium will therefore feature additional entrances to ensure multiple routes to tackle any military buildup that may await you inside.


To turn the Stadium into an infantry-only level and suited for sustained combat, we also needed to increase the amount of objectives that exist on modes such as Conquest, with the ultimate goal to ensure that each area feels distinctive and unique to the next.





Within this new flow of objectives you’ll find that the exterior will result in you fighting through the Promenade and into the Entrance. The interior area now consists of the Weapon Cache, Supply Depot and the Surveillance Network objective locations.


The promenade presents the first challenge in your journey to conquer the Stadium. Its open space will test the skill for those who prefer mid to long-range combat. You’ll find cover by moving around the park structures, and by using the broken truck to protect yourself from enemy fire while fighting those who expose themselves on top of the stairs.


As you make your way into the fortified entrance you’ll find danger lurking behind the barricades, the overlooking balconies and the stairs. It’s up to you to decide how you’ll navigate through the several entry points and make your way to the core of the building, towards the Weapon Cache and Supply Depot.


Weapon Cache
The heat of an infantry-only map builds up as you progress towards the Weapon Cache, expect intense close-quarters combat as soon as you’ve made it into the interior of the Stadium. Cover throughout the corridors will protect you as you try to claim control over the top floors.


Supply Depot
An additional path along the stands can be used for long range shots, or to flank your enemies. You’ll also find the Weapon Cache and Supply Depot placed close to each other, and combat will be intense as you and the enemy fight for dominance of these locations. Don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled on the ziplines!


Surveillance Network
The floor is filled with servers that once helped with gathering intel data for a variety of Arkangel’s projects. Now these servers are used as cover from the enemy. Move around using the multiple stairs and elevator shafts, or drop from the floor above to initiate a surprise attack. Just be sure to keep your shotgun ready.


With the standalone version of Stadium on its way we want to say: Thank you. Your continued support throughout the Seasons of Battlefield 2042 means a lot to the team. When you step foot on the familiar sands of the Stadium and play through its battle-torn halls, we hope that you’ll enjoy playing it.

//The Battlefield Team

This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

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Play Now: Hold The Line in Crimson Front


Push forward. Destroy the objectives. Hold the line. This is Crimson Front.

It’s time to jump in and experience intense frontline combat and keep the enemy back.

Your goals are to gain hostile territory and secure each sector. Once you reach the final defensive line, arm and destroy the objectives to achieve victory.
Both sides have the same mission, making this a tug-of-war battle like no other - but luckily, your squad was forged for this.

Be advised, your reinforcements are limited on the final push.

It’s all or nothing, No-Pats. Good luck.


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Hello there,

Today we’re sharing the Update Notes for Update #7.1.0 that will arrive in conjunction with the launch of the Crimson Front event* on April 16th, and features improvements for the Visual Weapon Recoil, a balancing pass to Shotguns, increases to Rocket Launcher Ammo for Engineers and more.

// The Battlefield Team

Stay Informed
Follow us on Reddit and @Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on @BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates and other live service changes.

Join us for the Crimson Front Event
The Crimson Front event is our latest Battlefield 2042™ time-limited event and runs from this coming Tuesday, April 16th until April 30th. Frontlines, a fan-favorite mode from previous Battlefield titles will be making its return as part of the Crimson Front Event

If you’d like to learn more about what that entails, take a look at our Battlefield Briefing that was published yesterday, which contains all you need to know about the return of the mode, Frontlines as well as all new earnable cosmetic rewards and store bundles that will be arriving.


Stadium is making its return as a standalone map
We also wanted to remind you that Stadium is coming back to Battlefield 2042, on April 30th! More info on the reworked layout and what else to expect on this map will come to you via live stream on April 29th!

What’s upcoming next during Season 7
And in case you missed it, have a look at our spring roadmap for Season 7!



Visual Weapon Recoil
Visual Weapon Recoil improvements were introduced in Season 7, and through your feedback it was clear there must be further refinement of this feature. Update 7.0.1 was a hotfix aimed at resolving some of the core issues, such as the interactions with the Avancys, and as previously communicated Update 7.1.0 will include a wide pass that will correct most of the player reported issues surrounding Visual Weapon Recoil.

  • Visual recoil on multiple weapons, sights and specific weapon/sight combinations have been adjusted, including deviation of reticle to screen center, on the following weapons: G428, BSV-M, SVK, VCAR, M39 EMR, P90, DM7, DXR-1, RPT-31, PKP-BP, AK 5C, M240B, BFP.50.
  • Weapon Sights: Raven 4X, TV 2X, Ghost Hybrid 1.25-2.5x, M11 6X, PSO-1M3, BKS 8X, XCE Scope, K8 Holo, Kobra, Reflex, ACOG, SHAN 2.5X, 8R Holo, Fusion Holo.
  • Sidearms: TV 2X, SHAN, K8 Holo.

  • Scope Glint removed from the XM8 LMG ACOG
  • XM8 Prototype Underbarrel Launcher crosshair will no longer appear while in Aim Down Sights.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the clip ejection sound of the M1 Garand to not play. We’ve got to protect that iconic sound!
  • Added scope glint to Default Scope and Ballistic Scope 12x on M95 Sniper
  • Fixed clipping issues on K30 when using Fusion or DD Holo sights

  • High-Power Ammo: Increased Damage from 25 to 26 under 50 meters
  • Hipfire recoil pattern changed to have less pull to the right

  • SCZ-3 Standard Issue Ammo: Increased Dispersion by an average of 8%

Type 88 LMG
  • Reduced Recoil and Dispersion by an average of 10%

  • Starting accuracy increased by an average of 10%, Horizontal Recoil slightly increased, Rate of Fire has also been adjusted from 650 to 675.

Shotgun Improvements
Update 7.1 introduces a collection of improvements that should now balance shotgun gameplay and provide further emphasis on engaging and tactical gunplay when choosing to use these weapons.

There will now be more of a choice between relying on movement and agility to close up the gap to an enemy and use hipfire, or pre-aiming down sights before turning corners and playing more tactically.

This reduction in effectiveness of hipfire at medium ranges should notably improve balance in CQC-focused areas and maps and require a higher level of skill to get the most out of shotguns.

  • Shotguns have had their pellet spread adjusted in hipfire and aiming down sights.
  • Pellet spread will now be tighter when aiming down sights, in most cases with the same spread as previous updates, and slightly tighter in some cases, but when shooting from the hip pellet spread will now be higher.

Pellet spread will now differ between hipfire and aiming down sights, as follows for each weapon:

#01 Buckshot and #00 Buckshot
Aim Down Sights - Same as Update 7.0
Hipfire: 2x Horizontal Spread, 1.5x Vertical Spread compared to Aim Down Sights

#04 Buckshot
Aim Down Sights: 7.0 pellet spread was 3x compared to #01 Buckshot, it will now be 2.5x which results in the pattern being slightly tighter and usable from a bit further away
Hipfire: 2x Horizontal Spread, 1.5x Vertical Spread compared to Aim Down Sights

12M Auto
Default Barrel
Aim Down Sights - Same as Update 7.0
Hipfire: 1.5x Horizontal Spread, 1.3x Vertical Spread compared to Aim Down Sights

Shortened Barrel
Aim Down Sights: Spread reduced from 1.5x to 1.25x compared to Default Barrel
Hipfire: 1.5x Horizontal Spread, 1.3x Vertical Spread compared to Aim Down Sights

Pellet spread on 12M Auto will now also slightly increase when firing quickly

Aim Down Sights - Same as Update 7.0
Hipfire: 1.7x Horizontal Spread, 1.35x Vertical Spread compared to Aim Down Sights
Reload Speed on NVK-S22 has been slightly increased

Super 500
Aim Down Sights - 0.75x Pellet Spread compared to Hipfire

  • Dumb-fired Rocket Launchers such as the Recoilless M5 and the RPG-7V2 will now benefit from an additional rocket. This change will also apply to Crawford’s Deep Pockets trait.
  • Updated the description of the FGM-148 Javelin to reflect its functionality with further clarity.
  • Increased the size of AT Mines by 5-10% and raised them up to improve visibility.

  • EBLC-Ram and the CAV Brawler should now have an easier time traversing over some obstacles.
  • Fixed missing zoom in and out audio for the Laser Painter on the Z11W (Battlefield Portal)
  • Fixed various scoring issues related to the EMP Grenade upon disabling other vehicles.
  • Fixed an issue with the EBLC-Ram’s Spawn Beacon not functioning at times.
  • Fixed an issue which resulted in several armored vehicles having a misaligned crosshair.


*Requires Battlefield 2042 (sold separately) and all game updates to play.


This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

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